Urban Witcher

Chapter 3453 Chapter 3458 Chen Xiaoxu's Awakening 6

Chen Xiaoxu had a spring-like smile on his face, folded his hands like the ancients, bowed and bowed to her, and said calmly: "This is the first time I went down the mountain in my life, and I happened to meet you. You taught me a lot, let me I know how to love someone, and I want to say thank you."

Speaking of this, he burst into tears, but still smiled, "I'm sorry, I found you once, and lost you again. I have been taken care of along the way, and the rest of my life is long, so I can't be with you anymore. Take care. "

After the ceremony, he got up, turned and left.

Guagua jumped on his shoulder and sat down, running along his hair.


Yuanxi cried.

Chen Xiaoxu turned his head, with a smile as bright as the sun on his face, waved to her, and shouted loudly: "Yuanxi, I'm leaving!"

Turn around and never look back.

Once the sea was difficult for water,

Except Wushan is not a cloud.

Take a lazy review of Hua Cong,

Half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be king.


Yuan Xi stared at Chen Xiaoxu's figure obsessively, she didn't catch up, she knew it was useless to catch up. Some things are lost and never come back.

She felt empty in her heart, as if something had gone with Chen Xiaoxu.

"Hey, you young people."

Ye Shaoyang fell in love with the scene, remembered his experience and the names of some people, couldn't help but shook his head, turned and left.

Yuan Chen suddenly called his name from behind: "Ye Shaoyang, I want to ask you a question."

Ye Shaoyang stopped and didn't look back.

"How do I compare with those human mages who have targeted you?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it seriously, and said, "The only ones I can think of are Ling Yuxuan and Mu Han. You are better than them."

What Ye Shaoyang said was the truth. Although Ling Yuxuan was talented, his personality was destined to be bad. Mu Han...Since he became the zombie king, he may be much stronger than before in the eyes of others, but in his eyes he is also completely rejected. No more numbers.

Yuan Chen was a little proud of hearing this, and said: "Now I am not your opponent, it is because I was born late."

"Your teacher was born early, I can hang him at the age of eighteen.

Yuan Chen laughed loudly: "Of course, there is an upper limit to talent, you are now at the bottleneck, and I will reach the peak soon, soon, you wait for me.

Ye Shaoyang waved his hands without looking back, and went after Chen Xiaoxu.

He didn't pretend to be cool on purpose, but he didn't take Yuan Chen's words to heart at all.

Chen Xiaoxu went all the way down the mountain, and he didn't know where he was. When he was tired, he sat down to rest. Ye Shaoyang caught up and said with a smile, "Do you want to cry?"

Chen Xiaoxu shook his head, and said slowly: "Did you think she was using me a long time ago?"

"Of course. Not only I know, almost everyone knows, but you are the only one kept in the dark."

"But no one ever told me."

"Do you believe it? At that time, you were full of affection and would not listen to persuasion. You have to see this kind of thing clearly before you wake up. I have seen too many examples of this."

Chen Xiaoxu kept his head down for a long time without making a sound, and suddenly said: "Master, you have been following me, right?"

"You knew the truth in the morning. You didn't say it on the spot. I knew you would bring it up later. You are so stupid that you won't fight back when you are beaten. I was worried and you followed. I didn't know until I heard your conversation. I have wronged you, no wonder Lao Guo calculated for a long time that it is impossible to be followed by people with sorcery, thinking that you leaked the secret, and the lover used high-tech such as bugs, I blamed you by mistake."

Chen Xiaoxu shook his head slowly, "There is nothing wrong with it, it is indeed that I am too stupid."

"I say you are stupid, but you are actually very smart. You can understand everything, but your feelings are too simple."

Chen Xiaoxu stood up and looked into the distance, and sighed: "There are so many tribulations in the good fortune, and the world is always stupid. The last time I heard the master recite these two lines of poetry, I don't know what it means, but now I finally understand."

"Okay, don't be sour here, are you enlightened? Let me help you."

Stretch out your right thumb, press it on his seal, and pour the power of primordial spirit into his body...

Chen Xiaoxu felt as if a film in his body had been pierced with a click, and the primordial spirit suddenly became clear and transparent, and many pictures played non-stop in his mind like a slide show.

"Wow, he's glowing!" Guagua was taken aback, jumped off his shoulder and looked at him from afar.

Chen Xiaoxu's whole body was glowing, and his skin became transparent. This feeling reminded Ye Shaoyang of some kind of jellyfish he saw in the animal world... This was the first time he had seen this miraculous sight, and he said loudly: "Chen Xiaoxu, love The calamity has passed, you should wake up."

After a long time, the brilliance on Chen Xiaoxu's body gradually faded away. He opened his eyes, glanced at Ye Shaoyang, and said with a smile, "It's really like a dream. Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment."

"Do you remember anything?"

"I remembered a lot of things, but I forgot all of them." Chen Xiaoxu let out a breath, and said leisurely, "But my mind is clear."

"So, it's time to do what you have to do."

"what should I do?"

"Why did I keep Yuan Chen and them from moving? Because that is your enemy, not mine, and you will always step over him in the future." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, "It is easy for me to kill him, but the magic world will never be able to kill him." It's a mess, but you are different, you rely on your strength to rise to the top, beat all dissatisfied, and control the entire magic world."

Chen Xiaoxu said: "Are you so sure that I am a human priest?"

"Who is a priest? Does it matter? Wasn't it rumored that there was a reincarnated soul boy back then, am I? If you have the ability, you will defeat all opponents. Destiny and the like are all deceiving the weak."

Chen Xiaoxu nodded and said, "But I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, I plan to travel the world alone."

"Aren't you?"

"I have an epiphany, but there are some things I don't want to understand, and I am not strong enough now, I need to practice hard."

"This is easy, you go."

Chen Xiaoxu didn't say anything, stood up and bowed to him, then turned around and sat down.

Ye Shaoyang thought of something, told him to stop, and asked: "Are you still unwilling to kill?"

Chen Xiaoxu said: "I have an epiphany, but my belief remains."

Ye Shaoyang was completely speechless, watching him go.

"Oh, boss, this kid is so weird." Guagua scratched his head and said, "I've never seen such a weird person, what the hell is he going to do?"

"He will come back. After all, it's the first time I've done this kind of thing. Let's go and do what we should do."

Ye Shaoyang returned to the inn, Rui Lengyu was waiting, and the rest of them had already gone back to Shicheng.

"How is it?" Rui Lengyu asked him quickly, while helping him take off his coat like a virtuous wife, she made another cup of tea and served it to him.

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