Urban Witcher

Chapter 3466 Chapter 3471 Mr. Xu was lucky to meet 2

Mr. Xu, I don't know if you're flattering yourself, but I'll do my best not to let you down.

Ye Shaoyang said silently in his heart.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, then turned his head and looked around, and said, "Where is this place, won't the Ghost King and the others come after you?"

"This is the human world. Even if the ghost king can travel through the yin and yang void, it will take more trouble than us. I erased the breath, and they can't find it." Yang Gongzi said.

"How is she?" Daofeng walked over to check Su Yan who was held in Xiaojiu's arms, only to find that her skin had turned blood red, and Ye Shaoyang also jumped. Holding Su Yan between his arms, he didn't have time to visit her, how could he know that she turned out like this. Going forward to check it on the spot, I realized that it was not the discoloration of the skin, but was covered by a layer of blood-red sticky stuff, like a newborn cub with a layer of afterbirth.

Her body was motionless...

"What is this!" Ye Shaoyang tried to tear off the red "afterbirth" on her body surface, and found that the afterbirth was tightly adhered to her skin and almost became one. Immediately, bright red blood flowed out. Ye Shaoyang thought at first that the dirty blood would be fine after it was drained, but it became more and more wrong. Yang Gongzi stained some blood, tasted it, and exclaimed in surprise, "This is her own blood!"

Ye Shaoyang quickly moved his hand away from the wound, and the wound on the "afterbirth" merged immediately. Looking from a distance, the whole person looked like a blood-red cocoon.

"What's going on here!" Ye Shaoyang patted his forehead hard, "If she dies, how can I explain to Xiaomu!"

"Calm down, she may not be dead."

Yang Gongzi came up to comfort Ye Shaoyang, and then everyone came up to try in turn, and found that the afterbirth was not impossible to remove, but once it was removed, the skin on her body would be peeled off, so she would not be able to live, and her current state is like hibernation Similarly, the afterbirth has the effect of isolating everything, and their mana can't go through this layer of afterbirth to investigate Su Yan's body. Naturally, her soul is locked inside.

Ye Shaoyang thought about it for a while, most likely it was the last time he was caught by the ancestor Minghe, and the blood stains spread towards him at that time, Su Yan probably got the trick at that time, since he is an innate spirit body, the blood stains can't hurt himself, Su Yan was in big trouble.

Several people struggled for a long time, but there was no way to help Su Yan remove the afterbirth, and they were all helpless.

"I can only think of a way slowly. Fortunately, her soul has also been sealed, so she shouldn't die." Yang Gongzi said.

Xiao Jiu said: "At least one way is feasible."

Everyone looked up at her together.

"Kill Patriarch Styx, and the blood-stained seal should be lifted."

Ye Shaoyang exhaled forcefully and said, "What a simple and clear method."

He was not reconciled, and tried a few more times, but the result was still the same, so he had to give up temporarily. Discuss the next step with everyone.

Daofeng asked them to go to the place where Chi You was sealed first. Now that he has obtained the Heart-Piercing Lock, the only thing missing is the Tianhai Technique. He has to go to Chen Xiaoxu immediately—whether he is the reincarnation of the Great Emperor or not, he must try.

"You guys go first, I'll be there later, don't wait for anyone else, just say something to Leng Yu, let her go by herself, we will meet somewhere."

This is the only way things have gone until now. If Chi You can be controlled, it will at least be a deterrent to the Wuji Ghost King. He looked down at Su Yan and said, "What should she do?"

"She's safe. The Ghost King won't hunt her down anymore. Send her back."

Send it back to Xiaomu?

Ye Shaoyang thought of Xiaomu seeing Su Yan like this... he couldn't help but sigh again. Suddenly Daofeng asked: "She listened to the oracle, did she get any information from the human priest?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of this crucial matter and nodded.

"who is it?"

Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, "I didn't have time to say something, something happened."

Daofeng frowned.

"Then how do you know she understood the oracle?"

"I asked her. And she turned on omniscient listening."

"How can I see it?"

"She never knew who I was, but at the end, she suddenly called my name."

Daofeng was very curious about this matter, and urged him to tell the story, suspicious in his heart, but because there was no evidence, he didn't say his guess, got up and said: "I have to go quickly, and you should act quickly Now, remember not to trust Rui Lengyu, because you can't tell the truth from the fake."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Daofeng and Yang Gongzi left together.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Su Yan who was lying on the ground, and heaved a long sigh. Xiao Jiu came over and took his hand.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at her, and said, "You can come back, I'm afraid it's the biggest gain of this operation."

So I asked her how she came back.

Xiao Jiu also told him that she didn't know where he was after she came back, so she went to find Daofeng first, which sounds reasonable, and Ye Shaoyang didn't expect that she would lie to him, so he didn't think about the loopholes in it, and then asked : "Then where did you go before? Why haven't you come to me for a long time? I can't sense you, so you are not in this world, where have you been?"

"I...you set the wrong time at that time, I went back half a year ago..."

"No way!" Ye Shaoyang exclaimed, "How could the mark I made be wrong?" Shanhaiyin is not a high-tech thing, and it needs to manually set the time or something. Even if it is manually set, it is impossible to be absolutely accurate—even if One second is not bad, but there are many milliseconds in one second. In short, as long as there is a slight error, it will really be a thousand miles away, and it will not be the original world.

When Shanhaiyin was available before, Ye Shaoyang marked it on the timeline no matter where he went or when he came back, which time he came when he came, and which one he went back. There is no mistake at all.

So Xiao Jiu said that the time was wrong, which made him very puzzled. But since Xiao Jiu said so, it must be fine, and there is no need to worry about it.

"And then, how did you come back?"

Xiao Jiu bit her lip and said, "I met Ye Shaoyang from that world..."

Oh My God!

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a while, and she didn't say anything more after waiting for a long time, so he asked her what happened next.

"There was a Xiaojiu in that world, so I knew that I had traveled to the wrong time and space. Later, Ye Shaoyang in that world sent me here with the seal of mountains and seas. In short... it must have been a hardship, but luckily I came back. "

Ye Shaoyang let her lean on his shoulder, stroked her hair, comforted her for a while, and asked her curiously why Ye Shaoyang in that world could still use the Shanhai seal. Half a year ago, that was the time when I just came back here, and I still can't use the Shanhaiyin, why can he?

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