Urban Witcher

Chapter 3482 Chapter 3487 Awakening 2

Not far outside the tent, everyone sat in a circle, each with their heads downcast, and no one spoke for a long time.

After listening to Daofeng's narration, they all felt sorry for Ye Shaoyang and wanted to comfort him, but Xiao Jiu had already left, so they had no choice but to stay here.

Tan Xiaohui kept staring at the tent, she wanted to go in the most, but it was difficult for her to get in even if Xiao Jiu was inside.

"So, the Ghost King Wuji can travel freely between the Yin and Yang realms, which is why she was able to appear in the Shura Realm with her real body last time." Lin Sansheng recalled some past events, and finally found the answer.

"That is to say, the ghost king has passed through the previous puppet...knowing that we are about to release Chi You?" Sibao asked.

Lin Sansheng said: "Of course I know."

"So, she will definitely come to stop it?"

Lin Sansheng didn't answer, but turned to look at Daofeng. Only Daofeng knew in advance that Rui Lengyu was a fake, and still proposed to release Chi You, Lin Sansheng felt that he must be sure.

Daofeng was silent for a long time, before he spit out a sentence: "So you can go, just leave this place to me."

"You?" Lin Sansheng inquired.

"Gong Zi and I can complete the seal. The so-called arrangements before were all used to paralyze the clone of the ghost king. The purpose is to attract the ghost king."

Everyone is even more puzzled. Even Lin Sansheng was at a loss. "Why did you bring her here? What's the benefit?"

At this time, Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Jiu came out of the tent together, and everyone stood up involuntarily, looking at Ye Shaoyang, all of them looked very heavy.

Guagua jumped into his arms, hugged his neck and rubbed against him without saying anything.

"I'm all right."

Ye Shaoyang forced a smile, "Everything is still the same, isn't it, I just pretend... Leng Yu never came back."

But things obviously happened...how do I pretend this?

Everyone thought in their hearts, but no one said it. They also knew how helpless and desolate Ye Shaoyang felt when he could say such words, but they really couldn't think of any words to comfort him - general comfort was useless to Ye Shaoyang.

"However, this is actually good...at least I have no way out."

He didn't give anyone a chance to speak, and asked Sibao: "When is the day when Yuanchen calls everyone's gathering?"

Sibao calculated the date and replied, "There are still fourteen days left, what's the matter?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer, and said to Guagua: "You go to Xiaomu, just say it's me...Wu Jiawei said it, let him go back to Shaohua Mountain before the ceremony is over, and I will look for him then."

When Wu Jiawei heard his name, he wondered, "What's the matter with me?"

Lin Sansheng said: "He wants to take that little girl to take an adventure in the sky first, if he fails..."

"It's impossible to fail," Ye Shaoyang said in an unquestionable tone, "She is the Nine Heavens Xuannv, I believe she will not die just like that."

Lin Sansheng let go of this question, thought about another question, and said, "You want Xiaomu to challenge Yuanchen?"

"I want to help him grow."

Lin Sansheng didn't understand, and said: "He is not Yuan Chen's opponent, not even ten of them."

"what about me?"

Everyone was stunned, Lin Sansheng tentatively asked: "Are you going to do it yourself?"

"Is there any other good way?"

Sibao and Wu Jiawei glanced at each other, eager to try.

"Monk, go back down to Wukou Mountain and talk to their head teacher...you understand what I mean, I'm afraid that if some sects don't accept it at that time, Wukou Mountain is a big sect, and it's time to stand up and speak .”

"Good to say!"

Sibao clenched his fist with his left hand and hit the palm of his right hand hard, looking a little excited.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Wu Jiawei again, "You... are a ghost corpse, do your words have any weight in Laoshan? I heard that many disciples of Laoshan have joined the Bazi camp."

"I haven't been back to the mountain for a long time. Many second-generation disciples don't know me, but there is no problem."

This kind of problem is not for Wu Jiawei to worry about. He is a person who believes in violence.

Ye Shaoyang did some calculations, and said: "In this way, there are three sects, oh, and that Li Yuanyuan, what is her name now... You can go find her, she is also on our side."

Wu Jiawei said: "There is no need to worry about these, anyone who refuses to accept will be beaten."

"That's it." Ye Shaoyang exhaled, turned to look at Daofeng, and said, "When will we act?"

Finally, it returned to the topic before Ye Shaoyang appeared.

Daofeng said that there is no need to act.

"My purpose is to attract the ghost king. Just go and do your own business. If you stay here, it will be very dangerous. At least facing the ghost king, Gong Zi and I can run away."

Lin Sansheng said: "I still don't understand."

"When is a gun most useful?"

Lin Sansheng froze for a moment, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned this. Everyone frowned in puzzlement.

"While pointing at people."

Daofeng spoke concisely, but Ye Shaoyang understood it all at once. Once the gun is fired, there are only two results, hit or miss, let alone the miss, the opponent will definitely counterattack, even if it is hit but not killed, the opponent may not lose its combat effectiveness... But when With a gun pointed at you, you are always under threat, and no one would dare to resist under normal circumstances.

Lin Sansheng thought more, and suddenly said: "So, you want to use Chi You to restrain the ghost king, instead of releasing him?"

"In the process of practicing, if something unexpected happens, it's not an extra helper, but an enemy, the most powerful enemy in the Three Realms. Not to mention that there is a ghost king watching, and she doesn't dare to take risks, so she will definitely come to obstruct it. It is probably on the way now." Daofeng said, "It will take time for her to cross the void crack, you should go."

Ye Shaoyang said: "So you plan to just watch here and not do anything?"

"If you don't do it, you won't succeed, but you won't fail, and I can do it at any time."

This fits with the gun analogy he said earlier.

Yang Gongzi went on to say: "In this way, at least one person, the Ghost King or the Patriarch Minghe, must stay nearby to prevent us from breaking the seal. If they want to fight, we will run away. I will work together with Daofeng, although it is not enough for the Ghost King." You can fight, but you can do it if you want to escape. When they stop chasing, we will still come back, so as to contain it. Letting the ghost king can’t separate himself to do other things can also be regarded as freeing up space for you.”

After hearing her plan, everyone had an indescribable feeling. It would be quite a good thing if the Ghost King could be restrained—even Patriarch Styx, but... this method is really a bit... Obscene?

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