Urban Witcher

Chapter 3517 Chapter 3522 Chi You Rebirth 4

"Forget it, you'll be safer on the mountain."

"Are you saying that this operation is dangerous?"

"Boss, aren't you awake? Of course it's dangerous, and it's very dangerous. You tell them clearly that you're ready to sacrifice when you come, and let them write a suicide note or something."

"Uh... is it so serious?"

"The spirit of the magic world has always been like this." Ye Shaoyang said seriously, "Only sacrifice can bring peace in the world. This is the spirit passed down by the magic world. You have been at ease for too long, so it is best to come here .”

"I see, you can send me a location."

Ye Shaoyang sent her the location, turned to look at Xie Yuqing, and found that her eyes were full of worry, so he smiled and said, "It's okay, I can definitely handle it."

"What if I can't bear it?"

"The world is over."

Xie Yuqing asked blankly: "It's over, what do you mean?"

"It's over, we're all going to die... Oh, without you, it's our group of mages, except for those who are willing to be dogs for the ghost king—of course, even if they are dogs, they don't need them, because they don't lack dogs."

"What about us?"

"You ordinary people are still ordinary people, you will be ruled, you may change dynasties, and there may be no government. The ghost king has been clamoring to re-establish the order of the Three Realms, so... the world will definitely undergo great changes."

"This... this is not a good thing."

"Nonsense! Otherwise, why have we been resisting him? Although there are some problems with the order of the Three Realms today, it has been developed and reformed over thousands of years. I really can't think of any rules that can be better than the current ones."

Xie Yuqing nodded, thought for a moment and said: "So, the ghost king is not the kind of heinous person who likes to kill people?"

"Of course not. The Ghost King is not that low. If so, he wouldn't be able to reach today's strength."

"Then what... where is Patriarch Styx?"

Ye Shaoyang snorted, "I'm so low!"

Although he has not been in contact with him a few times, Ye Shaoyang can guess what kind of mentality he is through the actions of the ancestor of Minghe. With a strong desire, he just wants to unify the Three Realms and so on. He is an out-and-out devil with no pursuit.

Ye Shaoyang stood up, looked at the pool of black water in front of him and the cold air that covered the sky, took a deep breath, and felt a sense of great responsibility from heaven. After all, the next battle is related to the survival and destiny of mankind. If it fails, everything may be over.

The pressure is still great.

Taking advantage of Ye Xiaomu and the others not coming, Ye Shaoyang started to set up the scene first, and needed a lot of magic tools and medicines. The magic tools can be assembled after everyone arrives, and the magic medicine can be obtained first.

This requires the help of investigators.

Ye Shaoyang opened a list and asked Xie Yuqing to forward it to the investigation office, and asked them to find someone to handle it. There were many rare materials on it, and even Lao Guo could not get much, but Ye Shaoyang believed that it could be done with the power of the government.

Towards evening, the materials were finally assembled, and then Ye Shaoyang saw the exaggerated side - the government directly sent a helicopter to bring the things over, and drove directly to the edge of the reservoir.

Then, besides the two official personnel wearing camouflage uniforms, there were three ordinary people who got off the plane. When they got off the plane, they saluted Ye Shaoyang. It took me a long time to realize that they were all local mages, and they had always cooperated with the government as consultants.

The government had asked them to help collect the medicine before, and when they learned that Ye Shaoyang was here, they were so excited that they immediately asked to come over to have a look.

"Idol, I have been hearing your legends since the day I became a teacher. We also heard about what happened in the magic guild the day before yesterday. Only then did I believe that you really came back. It is really nice to see you here, senior." What's more... death is worth it!"

Several people were very excited, and one of them was about to cry, which made Ye Shaoyang very embarrassed.

But it's good for them to come, the magic circle needs people to arrange it, although there are many people in the government here, they can't use it, no matter how weak these people are, they are still mages, and they still understand the basics of laying out the magic circle. Ye Shaoyang arranged for them to work.

After dark, the yin here became heavier. Ye Shaoyang put a magic talisman on everyone to prevent them from inhaling too much yin and cold, and dying before the battle.

The bottom of the reservoir has been very quiet, Ye Shaoyang guessed that the big guy below was injured by himself before, knowing how bad it was, he just didn't come out.

I was busy until almost eleven o'clock, and the foundation of the magic circle was basically established. During this time, many mages came - all my brothers from the same sect who were greeted by the few mages who arrived first, and Su Yan also received After being recruited, people came from all directions. Because they were relatively close to Spring City, they arrived at night.

Until midnight, nearly a hundred mages came, and without exception, they first worshiped Ye Shaoyang, and there were many female disciples in the middle, looking for Ye Shaoyang's various autographs to take photos...

Later, the government transferred dozens of tents and living supplies, and these people camped here that night.

In the morning of the next day, more mages arrived one after another. Many people wanted to see Ye Shaoyang regardless of other things after they arrived.

Ye Xiaomu and his party arrived at noon, there were more than 60 people in total, more than 20 of them were selected from the elite disciples of various factions who practiced in the magic guild every day, and the rest were the most powerful and talented disciples among the serving disciples. A group of people.

Ye Xiaomu took them to meet Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was sitting on the floor of the tent eating a piece of watermelon, with red juice flowing all over his mouth, and he didn't look like a master at all, which shocked many young men who came to see him with an attitude of admiration.

"Everyone is here. Thank you for your hard work. Come and eat some watermelon. It's hard to find watermelon in this winter."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ye Shaoyang glanced over everyone's faces, and said: "It's good that you come, go to rest first, there are tents allocated outside, you can go there, and we will gather after a while.

Everyone retreated, leaving only Ye Xiaomu and Wang Xiaobao behind.

"Hi, uncle."

Wang Xiaobao sat down in front of him with a playful smile, and took a piece of watermelon from the fruit plate on the ground to eat.

Ye Shaoyang started chatting with him, asking him if he came here by plane, if he was tired, etc. After finishing the gossip, he asked if their recruitment in the magic guild had gone well in the past two days.

"Most of them are pretty good. Although there are some objections, they don't want us to take action, and a few big bosses calmed down."

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