Urban Witcher

Chapter 3532 Chapter 3537 Chi You Rebirth 19

Ye Shaoyang turned his head with difficulty, glanced at her, and then made an effort to blow his hair upwards.

Xie Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and the picture in memory flashed in her mind.

"Believe me, when have you ever been disappointed?"

Many times, when they were together, Ye Shaoyang always said this line, and then pretended to blow his hair up when he saw that he was in a desperate situation.

Then every time you can turn bad luck into good luck.

This time... is there still a way to go?

Just when she was in a trance and distracted, Patriarch Minghe took another step forward, raised his leg hanging in the air, and said to Ye Shaoyang, "Thank you for playing with me for so long, but you are only a human being after all."

After all, he is a human being, and all human beings are ants.

He dropped his foot forcefully, crushing the energy field of the little magic circle that was left.

After the energy collapsed, the whole world seemed to vibrate, and then everything around it disappeared. After a few seconds, the surrounding scene reappeared, still as it was in reality, but it seemed to be covered with a watermark. The mountains on the ground or the nearby grasslands all look so unreal, like... the so-called myopia of human beings?

If Patriarch Styx could take photos and retouch pictures with a mobile phone in the human world, he would definitely feel that the world in front of him is like adding a layer of grayscale effect to the normal world, which looks almost black and white.

People do not know where to go.

Is this the hidden power of the formation?

A trace of horror emerged from the heart of Patriarch Styx.

As a super boss, there is almost nothing he is afraid of, except... unknown dangers.

No matter in the ghost domain or the human world, or anywhere else, he can run wild (except Mount Sumeru), and any confrontation such as creatures or magic circles he encounters will not pose any threat to him.

But the current situation, he doesn’t know about it and has never encountered it before. It’s real. Although it’s still in that environment, everything is different, and it’s impossible for those people to run away all at once. It’s an illusion... This is true Very possible, but how to get out?

Patriarch Styx flew up into the sky and kept going up, but after flying up to the sky for a long time before landing, he was still in this place, flying forward, the surrounding scenery was indeed changing, but no matter where he went, the surroundings were black and white, and he couldn't see it. A person cannot feel the existence of any living beings.

Other than that, nothing has changed.

He can absorb the mountain wind and earth energy as usual, and possesses almost infinite power, but... how can he get out of this place?

"Are you confused?"

When Ye Shaoyang's voice came suddenly, Patriarch Minghe was startled. Looking back, Ye Shaoyang came step by step from a distance.

Instead of acting rashly, he calmed down and asked, "What kind of method is this?"

"A means to trap you."

Ye Shaoyang's tone was very calm, "Patriarch Minghe, how do you feel now?"

There was a feeling of coldness.

Patriarch Styx was instantly horrified.

It is quite normal for an ordinary person to feel cold or hot, but he is the ancestor of Styx, he has no sense of cold or heat at all, even if he has, nothing in the world can affect his perception.

Not to mention, this cold feeling was brought to him by Ye Shaoyang.

Just as he was stunned, this cold feeling became more and more intense, and it seemed to condense into a stream of viscous air, tightly entangled himself, making him constantly feel the pressure.

He tried to drive away the viscous cold air, but the air was everywhere, or in other words, the air in this magical world was all viscous. He was like a drowning man who couldn't play games. No matter how hard he struggled, it was futile. , When this feeling was extremely strong, he was completely frozen, unable to move, and could only look at Ye Shaoyang with an incredible gaze.

"I know what you're thinking. You think you've underestimated me. That's the truth." Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly, "Didn't the ghost king tell you that you can't leave a chance when you deal with me."

"So, it's not that you underestimated me, but that you were too proud. You thought you were invincible, so you played cat-and-mouse games with me. You thought you would never lose no matter what...It's a pity, there is no one in this world. There are no absolutes."

Patriarch Styx was clearly frozen, but he shot suddenly, a force pierced through the stagnant air and hit Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shattered like a shadow.

But another Ye Shaoyang reappeared nearby, still intact.

Patriarch Minghe wasn't surprised at all, the blow just now was just a temptation, and he didn't expect to kill Ye Shaoyang.

"It's useless, in my time and space, you can't defeat me."

"What time and space?"

"Eternal time and space."

Patriarch Minghe was startled suddenly, "What, you control the power of time?"

"No, otherwise I wouldn't have to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger before."

At this time, the feeling of coldness and stagnation is so strong that it cannot be added. Suddenly another heat wave hit, but it was strange, this hot feeling did not reduce the effect of the cold, and the two perceptions did not alternate, but superimposed... This feeling of cold and hot is simply indescribable, Patriarch Minghe felt that he was about to be frozen, and at the same time felt that he was about to be melted.

Cold represents cold winter, and hot represents midsummer.

This is the power drawn from the eternal space and time.

Ye Shaoyang didn't lie, he really possessed...at least part of the power to control time and space.

Patriarch Minghe quickly understood what had happened to him.

"The power of eternal time, no wonder you claim to be invincible in the world, not only in the world, I am afraid that among the creatures in the three realms, there are no more than ten people who can withstand this kind of attack, no, there are probably five people."

Of course he is one of them.

So he just kept at it.

He couldn't see those people outside.

People outside could see him, through the gray and cold air, they saw that Patriarch Styx hadn't moved for a long time, maintaining the previous movement of stepping on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang sat cross-legged in front of him, eyes closed.

Both of them remained motionless like statues for a long time.

A divine light shrouded the two of them in the middle, and the scene even looked a little divine.

Wang Xiaobao and Ye Xiaomu, who were in the trinity formation of heaven and earth, could feel that the formation was not fluctuating enough, they didn't dare to breathe, and they didn't dare to think wildly, they tried their best to maintain the balance of the formation.

They don't know how the battle is going now, but they have to make one thing, Ye Shaoyang was not trampled to death before, which proves that everything is under his control - at least he has the strength to fight.

They can only do their best, hoping to help him.

"Xiaomu, Xiaobao, hold on and do your best..." Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang with a trembling voice, "Trust him, he has never let you down before, and this time he won't..."

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