Urban Witcher

Chapter 3544 Chapter 3549 Dusk in the sky 1

So Chi You can recognize him, but in his eyes, Xing Tian is just a small character.

"It's hard to say."

"Then don't talk about it." Chi You didn't seem to be interested in this, and he punched down again, smashing a group of ghost soldiers around him into spirits.

"Wait, Lord Jiuli, this is my soldier!"

Chi You stared at him, as if trying to figure out what "his soldiers" were.

"It's a long story..."

Just as he was about to continue, Chi You interrupted him and asked, "Who owns this world now?"

You Jun was taken aback, Chi You was not a brainless reckless man, he grasped the essence of the first question, but...how could he answer it?

You Jun pondered for a moment, and said: "Now the world belongs to the Wuji Ghost King. This Qingming world is not yet, but it will be."

"Wuji Ghost King..." Of course Chi You didn't know him, but instead of asking, he asked instead, "What about you?"

This question was a bit random, but You Jun understood and said, "I'll do things for him."

Chi You laughed out loud.

"I'm not his servant, I just don't want to stand on the side of Emperor Fengdu, I have to choose one of the two sides."

"Emperor Fengdu..." Chi You looked into the distance and said with emotion, "The world has indeed changed."

"It has changed a lot, changes that you can't imagine at all."

Chi You was not interested in listening, he was still concerned about the previous problem, "Go and tell that ghost king that I am back, let him follow me in the future."

"This... I'm afraid it can't be done."

Chi You took a look at him and immediately understood: this Wuji Ghost King is probably going to be the boss.

You Jun continued: "It is impossible for me to persuade you to join him... This is a blasphemy to you, but I think we can talk about it, otherwise I will report it first?"

"Let him come."

After Chi You finished speaking, he punched down again, hitting the army of Taiyin Mountain.

You Jun did not stop him, he knew that Chi You was originally transformed by the turbid qi of heaven and earth (heaven and earth first opened, and turned into clear and turbid qi, the rising of clear qi is for heaven, the sinking of turbid qi is for earth, Xuanyuan God is born of clean qi, Chi Youbian is the essence of turbid qi), and the essence of turbid qi is disorder, madness, and killing.

He has been sealed for thousands of years, and this killing instinct has accumulated for thousands of years. Once he is freed, of course he needs to vent it.

It can't be stopped, You Jun has no choice but to order the army to evacuate.

With the world's biggest evil star here, let's run away first, don't mention about attacking the sky.

"Don't go! Don't lead him to Huangquan!"

It was the voice of the Promise Ghost King! It seemed to come from far away.

You Jun was stunned for a moment, it turned out that the ghost king was also nearby, so why didn't he show up?

"Initiate a general attack, lure Chi You to the opposite camp, and slaughter the air realm, so that the death of soldiers is also valuable!"

After saying this, the Ghost King's voice gradually faded away.

Both sides will suffer... This seems to be the best way at the moment, and the other side also lost their land, which is even more disadvantageous. You Jun didn't hesitate any longer, and ordered the army to attack the city wall opposite the Jiehe River.

Many soldiers were stunned. They were being hunted down on their side, and they wanted to attack?

But the discipline of Taiyin Mountain does not allow them to question, even if the price of executing the order is to pay their lives.

The army rushed up, and sure enough Chi You also chased after him.

You Jun stood watching from a distance with a few capable subordinates, his heart was in a mess.

"what's the situation!"

Sibao cried out.

They also saw the turmoil that happened on the other side of the boundary river before, but because You Jun was afraid of leaking the military situation, he covered the sky above the army with Yin Qi.

They didn't see Chi You coming, they only saw the other party in chaos, all kinds of running away, they couldn't figure out what happened, they were wondering, suddenly the other party launched a general attack, this time even Lin Sansheng couldn't figure out the situation, just Can passively defend.

"There is a problem, everyone be careful!"

Sibao and the others had just gone up to guard for a while, when suddenly there was a wave of breath, and dozens of ghost soldiers flew directly in the air, rushing towards the crenel guarded by Wu Jiawei.

Very fierce!

Wu Jiawei rushed up with his sword, beheading the two of them in an instant, suddenly felt that something was wrong, these ghost soldiers didn't seem to fly over to fight on their own initiative, they didn't stop at all when they passed the crenel, they just passed over, landed in the middle of the large army, and were swarmed up Chopped to pieces...

How can there be such a war, fly in and die?

Wu Jiawei was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that these ghost soldiers did not fly over, but were thrown or bumped over by someone. What happened later confirmed this point:

More ghost soldiers flew over like cannonballs, some were still on their heads and feet, their hands flailing in the air in vain. Later, not only complete people flew, but also various severed limbs and organs, wave after wave.

do not fight.

Lin Sansheng called everyone to stop, and they all stood on the crenel and stared at this strange scene with wide eyes.

"Is it...rescue soldiers came and attacked from behind?" Li Linlin said nervously, holding Lin Sansheng's arm with both hands.

Looking at the situation, the rear of the ghost soldiers must have been attacked, but in this case they should stabilize the rear first, why did they launch a general attack? This is illogical. Besides, Ye Shaoyang and Daofeng are both in the human world, most of them are too busy to take care of themselves, who has the time to help out here, and just by the fact that the opponent's target is in chaos, it can be seen that the attacker is definitely not an ordinary person.

But the truth soon became apparent. As more ghost soldiers were killed, the dark clouds over their heads were also dispelled, and an extremely huge body appeared in the eyes of everyone. Gesture kept chasing and killing the remaining ghost soldiers, but the latter had no power to fight back.

who is he?

Everyone was stunned.

"Chi You! He is Chi You!"

Lin Sansheng cried out, he had never seen Chi You's appearance, but like You Jun, he deduced his identity through some clues, only he could attack the ghost soldiers of Taiyin Mountain, and possessed such terrifying strength .

It was him!

Everyone turned pale with horror.

"Chi You came out, it means Brother Feng failed, I don't know what happened to him..." Xiaobai looked worried.

Xiao Qing glanced at her younger sister and said, "The Dao Feng is much stronger than us, so we should worry about ourselves first!"

After seeing Chi You, everyone was shocked, but one thing is clear, that is: Chi You is not their reinforcement at all, and his attack on the Taiyin Mountain camp should not have any purpose.

indiscriminate attack...

Lin Sansheng instantly understood the reason why the ghost soldiers still launched a general attack on him in the face of Chi You's hunting, took a deep breath, and sighed: "They want to lure Chi You here... I'm afraid the Sky Realm will be finished. "

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