Urban Witcher

Chapter 3573 Chapter 3578 Ending 1

"Hey, is the ghost king really dead? Will you mislead everyone by saying that? What if—"

"If the ghost king is not dead, we are dead. Anyway, from the beginning of the determination to resist, there is no turning back. I say this to stimulate everyone's fighting spirit, and... I believe in Shaoyang."

Orange bit his lip.

"Orange listens!"

Xiao Yiyun winked at her.

"Go away, don't listen to any orders, I have my own business!"

"Do you want to disobey Lord Fujun's will?" Xiao Yiyun cleared his throat, not giving Cheng Zi a chance to refute, and then said: "Master Fujun ordered you to go to Mount Sumeru quickly, Cheng Zi, to help the Ghostbusters Alliance deal with Taiyin Shan Yuxie, if the battle is over, you must tell Ye Shaoyang Yinsi what happened, with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva presiding over the situation, Fengdu City will be restored in an instant... Well, let's go!"

Orange jumped up excitedly. "My lord still understands me!"

"Take this! Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva gave it to me."

Xiao Yiyun handed her a piece of feather, blew on it, the feather trembled, flew up with the oranges, and flew in the direction of the Infinite Realm.

Xiao Yiyun stood at the highest point of the city gate, overlooking the whole city, the beacon was lit, and the battle began, although it still looked like chaos.

But Xiao Yiyun knew that the battle would be over soon. After all, without the Wuji Ghost King and You Jun guarding him, those Taiyin Mountain guards alone would not be enough to resist the Yin Division's counterattack.

What really determines the final outcome is the battle at Mount Sumeru.

Xiao Yiyun raised his gaze, and looked at the position in the sky where the white light appeared before.

Ye Shaoyang, you must win the fight.


The energy dissipated, and so did the scorching white light.

Mount Sumeru collapsed, and the Taixu Transformation Realm and Colorless Heaven disappeared.

All is at peace.

Everyone got up from the ground and looked around, only to realize that everyone was back on the land again. This is... the vast plain of the boundless world?

"Where's the boss?" Guagua was the first to come to his senses, looking left and right, he didn't see Ye Shaoyang's shadow, even Xiao Jiu disappeared, and... Wuji Ghost King.

All three were gone.

Su Yan and Ye Xiaomu lay motionless on the ground. Everyone hurried over to check and found that their pulses were stable. They probably passed out from the shock. After all, they were the closest to the decisive battle.

"Who knows... what happened just now?"

Sibao asked stupidly.

No one answered.

In Ye Shaoyang's final fight with the Wuji Ghost King before, the extremely bright white light burned their eyes, and then they were all sent flying by the shock wave, and then... that's it.

No one saw the course and process of this battle.

A figure flew over from a distance, it was Cheng Zi, seeing everyone was there, she was taken aback, "Why are you staying here, don't you go to Mount Sumeru to fight?"

"It's over." Lin Sansheng said.

It's over... Cheng Zi opened his eyes wide, "Who won?"

"we won."

Xiaoqing asked, "Are you sure?"

"Okay, we are still alive, this is the proof, if the ghost king wins, we are dead now."

"But what about them...people?"

"Maybe, they have already left." Lin Sansheng's eyes became moist, "Shaoyang won, but he is not from this world, and Xiao Jiu and Daofeng are the same, maybe...they didn't want to say goodbye to us, so they just left gone."

"Fuck, why didn't you say goodbye to us!" Sibao yelled.

"Because they will come back, Shaoyang, Daofeng, and Xiaojiu who belong to our world."

Everyone was silent.

Xiaobai lay in his brother's arms and sobbed softly.

"They will come back." Xiaoqing said while touching her sister's head.

"But it's not them anymore, I mean..."

"I understand that they will be the same in the future."

Sibao has been scolding Ye Shaoyang for not being loyal, but his relaxed expression shows that he is not really angry.

"No matter what, this idiot won after all. I knew it. From the first time I knew him, I knew that this idiot would be able to do it. He is not an ordinary person!"

At the end, Sibao became excited.

Everyone was so excited, they couldn't even believe it was really over.

"Really...is it over?" Xiao Bai asked again.

"It's over." It was Su Yan's voice.

When everyone looked back, Su Yan and Ye Xiaomu sat up on the ground.

"Are you all right?" Xiaobai asked.

Both shook their heads.

Su Yan began to talk about the principle of the collapse of Mount Sumeru and the meaning of reincarnation in heaven.

"The Conferred God Platform is the core of Mount Sumeru. Those who can enter the Conferred God Platform are the spiritual thoughts and souls of those strong people in history—the broken souls. This is very important. In order to return to heaven and earth, it was absorbed by Mount Sumeru. The energy of the Conferred God Platform was absorbed by Uncle Ye before, so the Conferred God Platform collapsed, the entire space of the spirit world also collapsed, and the broken souls in the Conferred God Platform also went away Yin Division—go to reincarnation, oh, the souls of Uncle Xiao Ma and Uncle Wu have also gone to reincarnation."

Hearing the results of Xiao Ma and Wu Jiawei, everyone felt completely relieved while sighing. After all, their souls are still there, and they have restarted the cycle of life.

Will they be mages in their next life, and will they have a chance to meet again?

Thinking of this, Sibao and the others shed tears.

"Anyway, the catastrophe is finally over. Twenty years... It's finally over." Lin Sansheng sighed.

It's all over.

Lin Sansheng then asked about the whereabouts of Ye Shaoyang and the Wuji Ghost King. Su Yan couldn't tell, but at the moment she was blown away, because of her proximity, she saw that the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword broke through the energy gathered by the Wuji Ghost King with the original power of yin and yang. Undulating, the last scene is Ye Shaoyang holding a sword on the forehead of the Wuji Ghost King...

Everyone's blood was boiling with excitement, and it took a long time before they gradually calmed down.

"So, the war is over!"

Sibao greeted everyone to go back first, and leave this ghostly place.

The spirit world is gone, and there is nothing to miss.

Everyone finally looked towards the place where the battle took place, searching with the last hope, hoping to see the figures of Ye Shaoyang and others, but there was nothing.

An hour later, the members of the Ghost Hunting Alliance gathered at Ye Shaoyang's house—except Wu Jiawei who couldn't come back.

More than one person told the story of the battle, and the few who didn't go were also sad and happy when they heard the end. Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru held hands and sat together crying.

Lao Guo found a piece of sandalwood from nowhere and carved a tablet for Wu Jiawei.

"What are your plans?"

Sibao stood up and stretched, looking at everyone's faces one by one.

Everyone's heart moved, and soon they understood the reason why he asked: the catastrophe is over, everything is back on track, and everyone's fantasy and thrilling adventure career is also over.

(I originally wanted to finish posting today in one go, so I didn’t post it yesterday. As a result... I still haven’t finished writing today. I missed a postscript. I will definitely finish it tomorrow. It’s all over. There’s no need to hang everyone. Let everyone see the ending in one go. See you tomorrow!)

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