Urban Witcher

Chapter 3576 Chapter 3581 The Flower in the Mirror

A few days later, Ye Shaoyang had the plaster removed, but he still needed to be hospitalized for observation. Rui Lengyu helped him to take a walk in the small garden of the hospital.

"Don't walk for too long, go and have a rest." Rui Lengyu helped him sit down on a stone bench, "By the way, tell me about that dream you had."

"I... forgot." Ye Shaoyang smiled awkwardly. In the past few days, his memory of the dream has faded, and he can't remember much.

"The only thing I remember is that in the dream, a very powerful opponent seemed to appear. He took you away, and then we separated for many years... Finally, I finally found you back."

He held Rui Lengyu's hand tightly.

Rui Lengyu curled her lips and said, "If it was true, you wouldn't be looking for me."

"of course!"

Rui Lengyu leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Shaoyang, are you afraid of the future? I mean, there may be many dangers in the future, including between you and me... Are you afraid?" After a long while, Rui Lengyu murmured.

"A little bit scared, but fear makes people brave, and only fear makes people brave."

"Who said that, it's so familiar."

"Forgot." Ye Shaoyang searched his stomach, but couldn't remember.

He put his arms around Rui Lengyu's waist, "As long as we are still together, there is nothing to worry about."

"I have a proposal."


"How about growing old together?"

"Sounds... pretty good."

The hands of the two were tightly held together.


Ye Shaoyang's vision blurred, he left the timeline and rubbed his eyes.

Xiao Jiu came forward to hold his hand.

"Is this... the best result?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"It's her choice."

——Drink Mengpo soup, go back to the past, and forget the past life alone, that is the best choice she can think of.

Don't even think about two women serving one husband. And she didn't want to break up Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Jiu.

Ye Shaoyang was forced to accept, and at the same time gave her an additional, that is, to give her his physical body, and to activate his spiritual wisdom, which is equivalent to a clone of himself and another self.

Afterwards, they modified their memories and chose a suitable timeline for them—there is no ghost king, nor Houqing and others here, which means that they will not experience those terrible things again. Jiu Lengyu, Yuqing and others.

Only the two of them who are about to get married are waiting for a sweet and happy life.

In this matter, Ye Shaoyang used the power of time and space to accomplish all this with great effort—mainly to repair the cracks in the logic of the world, such as the memories of other people about the two of them.

The scale and difficulty of the whole thing is equivalent to the creation of the world. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang, who is in the eternal void, has unlimited time and the ability to manipulate time and space.

He finally accomplished all of this, creating a world for another self and Rui Lengyu.

Now, it's all done.

Looking at the happy scene of the two people on the timeline, Ye Shaoyang pulled the timeline hard, took a deep breath, and eliminated the mark of the time node.

This timeline is just like this hidden in the billions of timelines, and even he can't find it.

In other words, I will never see Leng Yu who belongs to my own world again.


Leng Yu, I will use my real body to accompany you, life after life.

He hugged Xiao Jiu, and buried his head on her shoulder weakly, Xiao Jiu also hugged him with both hands, comforting him silently.

"I'm sorry... you know, I can't make a choice."

"Hasn't she already... gone?"

"But that was her choice, or rather, she made it for me."

"I can understand, Shaoyang, but you didn't choose to separate from me, although, if you really ask, I will agree..."

"Stop talking, from now on, there will only be the two of us."

Ye Shaoyang raised his hands, put them on his face, and hugged her tightly.

After a long period of exhalation and breath adjustment, Daofeng finally recovered the three spirit bodies. Although they were still very weak, they were fine.

I was talking to Ye Shaoyang, but when I opened my eyes, I saw him and Xiaojiu hugging each other. This handful of dog food was scattered... Daofeng rolled his eyes, come on, let's continue spitting...

There was a sudden fluctuation in the space, and the three of Ye Shaoyang turned their heads to look in surprise, only to see a space-time crack appear out of thin air, and then, a figure walked out of it.

"Little Celestial Master, long time no see." The visitor smiled and cupped his hands.

"You're not dead yet!" Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a long time, and finally came back to his senses.

It was Xu Fu!

"Which me are you talking about?" Xu Fu smiled at him, "The Xu Fu you knew died a long time ago, and I came from the future."

Ye Shaoyang, who has mastered the rules of time, is not surprised by this kind of thing—there are countless Xu Fu in the thousands of worlds, and many of them have the seal of mountains and seas, and they also come to the eternal void whenever they want. What surprised Ye Shaoyang was that "Xu Fu" once said that he would never violate the rules of time and space and travel to different time and space casually.

So, what is he here for?

"I came here specially to find you," Xu Fu bowed to him, "Congratulations to the three of you, you finally defeated all your opponents."

"You are from the future world, didn't you already know all this?"

"That's just one of the results. For me, it's the result of observation, but for you, it's the creation of the future."

Xu Fu waved the whisk in his hand, "Don't talk about this, I came to you because I have something important... Let me ask first, what are your plans?"

The three looked at each other, and Ye Shaoyang said: "Go back to our world first, and meet everyone, Daofeng is also going to revive Yang Gongzi."

Xu Fu nodded. "And after that?"

"Not ready yet."

"No, you have come all this time to defeat the Wuji Ghost King. Now that the mission is completed, the days ahead will be empty, so...shall I find you something to do?"

"Forget about catching ghosts and subduing demons quickly, let alone go to other worlds to catch ghosts. I'm not arrogant, I'm telling you seriously."

This point, Ye Shaoyang has thought clearly before, every world has its own rules, there are monsters and ghosts, but there are also mages guarding them, just take care of your own world, and meddle in the affairs of other worlds, it will only cause confusion to them .

Xu Fu nodded again, "You're right, but that's why I'm looking for you—you should be able to imagine that throughout the ages, you're not the only person who can travel through time."

Ye Shaoyang thought of this point after comprehending the mysteries of time and space.

"You abide by the rules of time and don't do things that violate other worlds, but it doesn't mean that others don't do it. In fact, this kind of thing has happened throughout the ages, and some people even try to superimpose different worlds... because the power of the individual is not enough, They've also formed an organization, sort of a sect... and they've destroyed quite a few worlds. So, to make a long story short, I hope you can stop them."

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