Urban Witcher

Chapter 360: Villa Shock

Ma Cheng asked curiously: "What food to put?"

"Anything is fine, rice, steamed stuffed bun, deep-fried dough sticks, milk, one dry and one wet, you will know what it likes to eat."

"This brat still has taste." Ma Cheng felt incredible.

Hu Wei said: "Ghosts are like people, they have different personalities, and of course their tastes are also different."

"Didn't you say that it's not really edible? How do I know its taste?" Ma Cheng was still puzzled.

Hu Wei smiled mysteriously, "After it has a psychic connection, it will naturally tell you."

Ma Cheng shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said: "It turns out that there is so much knowledge about raising little ghosts, and I have gained a lot of knowledge."

Deliberately glanced at Gumantong, and asked: "This little devil can make that person like me"

Hu Wei shook his head: "Frankly speaking, I put a protective spell on this little devil. Once it is psychic, it can be your bodyguard, which is more useful than you bringing ten guards, but it makes others like you. This involves the other party, not just your own business."

Ma Cheng took over the conversation and said, "Just tell me, how much does it cost?"

Hu Wei laughed, "Young Master Ma, let's discuss this matter again. There will be a salon later, and all the guests will participate in it. They will share some experience in raising little ghosts. Would you like to listen to it?"

Ma Cheng glanced at Ye Shaoyang and said, "It's all here, just listen."

Hu Wei nodded, and moved another screen from the next door to block the front of the cubicle, forming a relatively closed place, keeping Ma Cheng and Ye Shaoyang inside. Ferry to Yi, Yan, and brother Guan to see Xin Xin Zhang

"If they know Mr. Ma is here, they won't be able to let go of their conversation. The screen has tulle. I will turn on the light in the hall later. It will be bright outside. You can see it, but you can't see the inside from the outside. You can drink tea together." , while listening to their chat."

Ma Cheng nodded, very satisfied with this arrangement.

At this time, Zhuang Yuning had just finished a small meet-and-greet meeting in Shicheng Book City to warm up for the finals half a month later. The event ended in less than an hour. His own car, driven by his manager and assistant Tang Hai.

"At noon today, the sponsor's son wants to treat you to dinner, do you want to go?" Tang Haibin asked while driving.

"No, I don't want to go." Zhuang Yuning refused straight away.

Tang Hai didn't say anything more.

At the next intersection, Zhuang Yuning said to Tang Hai: "Get out of the car, I will drive back by myself."

Tang Hai glanced at her wonderingly and said, "I'll just take you back."

Zhuang Yuning said: "No, because of that matter, I don't want to get too close to anyone, so as not to hurt the other party."

Tang Hai vaguely knew what was going on, so he stopped the car by the side of the road without asking any further questions, told her a few words when he got out of the car, and then left.

Zhuang Yuning drove by herself for a while, when a call came from her mobile phone, she picked it up and looked at it, she was stunned, the call was from Qiaolina

Zhuang Yuning hadn't contacted her since she learned that she was cheating on her behind her back. She hated her whom she thought was her best friend, and never wanted to talk to her again, so she didn't answer the phone.

The bell rang until it was hung up, and then it rang again. If Zhuang Yuning didn't answer it, it kept ringing.

Is there something urgent to ask her? Zhuang Yuning slowed down the car, answered the phone, and said "Hello" very coldly.

There was silence for a while, and there was a burst of crying.

"Yuyu" is Jolina's voice, "I'm sorry for you."

Zhuang Yuning was startled, instinctively thought of that matter, and was stunned for a while, not knowing how to speak.

"I was bewitched and did something I'm sorry for you. I don't want to go on like this, but I'm afraid it's too late. Come to my house now and I'll tell you everything"

Zhuang Yuning slammed on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and asked into the phone: "You're talking about the kid."

"Yeah, Yuyu, come here, I feel that thing is nearby, I will die at any moment, woohoo, I just want to tell you the truth"

"Understood, I'll go right away." Putting down the phone, Zhuang Yuning started the car and drove quickly, suddenly startled, thinking that Qiaolina mentioned "that thing" on the phone, is it a kid? , hurriedly called Ye Shaoyang, but the phone turned off

Only then did I remember that Ye Shaoyang said before he left that he wanted to change his appearance to see Hu Wei today, and that he could not answer the phone as himself, but if the phone rang and did not answer it would also cause suspicion, so he simply turned off the phone.

Zhuang Yuning hesitated, Qiaolina's tone was so urgent on the phone, afraid that the situation was really urgent, and Ye Shaoyang didn't know when it would be over, so he gritted his teeth, started the car, and drove towards Qiaolina's house.

While waiting for the red light on the way, she sent a text message to Ye Shaoyang, roughly saying that she had something to go to Qiaolina's house, and attached the address.

Qiao Lina is also a foreigner. She has a very rich boyfriend in Shicheng, and bought a small villa in University City, where the two live together. Later, the boy went abroad, and only Jolina lived at home with a nanny.

Zhuang Yuning drove the car downstairs to Qiaolina's house, knocked on the door, but no one answered for a long time, she stretched out her hand and pushed it, but the door was ajar.

"Lina, are you home?" Zhuang Yuning called several times but no one answered, so she dialed her phone, and a series of cell phone rings rang in the depths of the room. Zhuang Yuning hesitated for a moment, and opened the door to enter.

In the living room, the large floor-to-ceiling windows were firmly covered by curtains, and the room was dimly lit. After Zhuang Yuning walked in, she felt cold and gloomy, and an inexplicable sense of tension floated in her heart.

"Lina" Zhuang Yuning called her name while walking inside. Suddenly, a sixth sense of being spied on came from the back of his head, and he suddenly turned around to find a woman with long hair in a shawl standing behind him, almost screaming.

If you look carefully, it is Aunt Mei, the nanny of Jolina's family. She has been here for a long time. Zhuang Yuning is also familiar with her. Aunt Mei is usually very enthusiastic. When she sees her, she will take the initiative to say hello and chat for a while, but today is abnormal , didn't even look at her, just stood there motionless with a mop in his hand.

"Aunt Mei, you scared me to death." Zhuang Yuning patted her chest. Seeing that Aunt Mei still didn't respond, she was a little surprised, so she leaned over to take a look. Aunt Mei's face was pale, her expression was dull, and her eyes were vacantly looking at the ground. Turn a blind eye to her arrival.

"Aunt Mei, what's wrong with you, you're sick"

Only then did Aunt Mei raise her head, looked at her with empty eyes, and said in a weak voice: "I'm a little uncomfortable, and I don't know what's wrong."

"Then I'll talk about it later. I'll take you to the doctor. I'll go to Lina first. Is she upstairs?"

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