Urban Witcher

Chapter 373

The appearance of this ray of original soul did not stop the attack of the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, it continued to sink, and the fat ghost spit out another ray of original soul.

Feeling the pressure on the blade, Ye Shaoyang remembered the cruelty it had treated Lao Guo before, and the fierce energy in his body burst out, and he slashed down hard.

With a "click", the second original soul emitted a blue light, and the pieces were shattered.

Then there is the yellow original soul

"Stupid ghosts, waste" Ye Shaoyang changed a few words and returned the sentence that he despised and ridiculed himself.

Fat Guicha's face was extremely ugly, but the current situation made it impossible for him to refute:

After the three original souls were chopped to pieces, the blade of the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword was less than three inches away from its head. Covered, unable to move at all, had to beg for mercy in a trembling voice, "General, save me"

The black-faced general stretched out a hand very slowly.

it's finally done

Although Ye Shaoyang had a lively fight with the fat ghost, he never ignored this guy. It can be said that he had prepared it long ago. The moment the black-faced general made a move, Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and punched out eight pieces of five emperors' coins.

Sibao also made some preparations, and shot a few bodhi seeds at the black-faced general.

Generally, the last shot is the strongest, and this time is no exception. However, the strength of this black-faced general far exceeded Ye Shaoyang's and his two's expectations: a large handful of bodhi seeds and five emperors' coins flew to a place about three feet in front of it, but stopped moving forward and did not fall, just suspended in the air like this . The chapter of "Jiangge Drunk" has been uploaded

Then, with a shake of his arm, the black-faced general knocked down all the bodhi seeds and five emperors' money, stretched out his arm in front of the fat ghost messenger in a very leisurely manner, lifted it up, and walked out into the yard with square steps.

Of course Ye Shaoyang didn't want to let him go, so he swung his sword to chop off, and suddenly a red shadow appeared in front of him. In just a few seconds, it grew to a height of more than two meters. His whole body was red and his muscles were bearded. The two bloodshot eyeballs shrank and shrank, bared their canine teeth, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang held the Seven Star Longquan sword in his hand, and slashed down without hesitation. From the head of the red monster, a stream of foul-smelling blood shot out. Before the sword was halfway through, his body softened and turned into a blood Beach of blood.

Ye Shaoyang raised his eyes and saw that the black-faced general was jumping onto the roof with the fat ghost messenger.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to step up and catch up, but Sibao suddenly reached out to stop him, and said in a low voice: "Don't chase, just keep the kid from taking it away, don't forget what the Lord told you Task."

Lord is crazy this is

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, and turned to look at him. Before he could speak, Sibao suddenly gave him a wink. Although Ye Shaoyang didn't know what he was paying attention to, he asked very cleverly: "What should I do now?"

"Go back later and tell the boss that someone is coming from Taiyin Mountain." Sibao said, and pointed to the ceiling quietly with his finger.

Ye Shaoyang instantly understood that he meant that the black-faced general hadn't left and was eavesdropping outside, nodded, and continued, "These two guys are so powerful, who the hell are they?"

"I don't know, don't worry about it, it's not something we worry about," Sibao snorted, "Anyway, no matter how powerful it is, it's no match for the Lord, so what are you worrying about?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Well, that's true."

On the roof, the black-faced general eavesdropped on their conversation, carried the fat ghost officer, and flew away by the rain. After a while, he came to a deserted forest, fell down, put the fat ghost officer on the ground, and stood up. Standing on the side, said: "Three original souls have been destroyed, you are very powerful."

The fat ghost was lying on the ground like a pile of mud, and said weakly: "This subordinate is careless, I didn't expect there to be such a powerful mage in the world, and the two went up together, and I couldn't react for a while, and I fell into their way. "

The black-faced general said in a toneless voice: "It's not that I won't save you. If I don't use the ghost sword, I can't kill these two people, so there's no need to entangle them."

The fat ghost almost nodded, "It's not easy to store Yin energy with this sword, General. This is not a ghost land, and there is not such a strong Yin energy. The general should leave this sword at the most critical time."

The black-faced general squatted down with a golden knife, and covered the face of the fat ghost with an armored hand. A puff of black energy lingered in the palm of his hand, helping the fat ghost to gather his soul. After about a quarter of an hour, the black General Face let go of his hand and stood up.

The fat ghost took a deep breath, his face looked much better, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, General."

He gritted his teeth and snorted angrily: "That Taoist priest is extremely hateful, next time he must be killed and swallow his soul alive"

The black-faced general said: "I can feel that he is not that simple. If you really work hard, you may not be an opponent. The world is not as miserable as you think."

"A group of ants" the fat ghost scolded angrily. After a while, he calmed down and said, "By the way, I heard the conversation between the two mages before. What kind of master did they talk about? Wrong, that monk is also very powerful, at least a Zen master, who can make them bow their heads and ears, this must be someone."

The black-faced general said: "Maybe it's not human at all. You remember that we passed through that mountainous area the day before yesterday. I felt a very terrifying power. I didn't investigate carefully, but that power definitely does not belong to the world."

The fat ghost was surprised and said: "Could it be that something from the ghost domain has come?"

"The baby is about to be born recently, and all kinds of ghosts will appear slowly, which is normal."

The fat ghost officer pondered and said, "If there is really a big guy behind these two people, this matter will be a bit tricky. What should we do now?"

"Don't do anything to those two people for the time being, anyway, you can sense the existence of the little ghost and draw out the master behind them."

The fat ghost officer chuckled, "The general's ghost sword must be swung at the strong."

The black-faced general showed a smug look on his face, "Let's go, go to that mountain and look for the source of that power."

At the funeral, Ye Shaoyang was using the "Eighteen Magic Needles" to gather and nourish Lao Guo's soul.

Although the soul is injured, it is easy to recover, but Lao Guo's three souls are unstable due to soul searching and torture. It is said that he has to rest for ten days and a half months before he wakes up. Of course Ye Shaoyang couldn't bear to see him lying on the bed for so long, so he used the inner door of Xuanqing Mountain He was healed with the technique of healing ghosts. After working hard for half an hour, it was finally completed, and his soul was locked in the body.

Then, Ye Shaoyang cleaned up the wounds on his neck and shoulders, but he couldn't find gauze, and he couldn't go out to buy it in this rainy day, so he had to find some yellow paper to paste on it to avoid infection.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, but there is not even a bed in this store, so he can't be allowed to lie on the ground.

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