Urban Witcher

Chapter 376 Falling asleep

Although this is Hu Wei's house, he often carves Gumantong in the old house or under the mine in the middle of the night, or helps those little ghosts who are preparing to be nourished by blood to practice, and rarely comes back to sleep.

Sibao took a shower and went to bed, but before he fell asleep, Hu Wei came back.

Sibao got up quickly, came to the living room, saw the dusty Hu Wei, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Everything is as usual," Hu Wei glanced at him and said, "You have something to do."

Sibao nodded, "I followed what you said, and monitored Ye Shaoyang behind the scenes, and got a very important situation."

Hu Wei frowned, looked at him, and waited for him to continue.

Sibao said in a worried tone: "Ye Shaoyang's rescuers are here."

Hu Wei was taken aback, "Qingyunzi"

"No, they are two ghosts from the underworld. I didn't dare to get close, so I can't see clearly. But since it is Ye Shaoyang's rescuer, it should be quite powerful."

Hu Wei stayed for a long time and said, "Where is it?"

"I don't know. I went to the villa for a while and then left."

Hu Wei pondered and didn't speak for a long time.

Sibao observed his expression and tentatively said, "I don't understand, does it matter how Ye Shaoyang is in Huangquan?"

Hu Wei said: "What's the matter? Xuanqing Mountain Celestial Master is a human judge and has a lot to do with people in the Yin Division. He is different from you monks. You only know Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Sibao was startled and said, "Could it be that some important person from the Yin Division has come?"

Hu Wei shook his head, "The important figures in the Yin Division will never interfere with the affairs of the world. Ye Shaoyang, please don't move. Most of them are some things from the ghost domain. With Mr. Bai around, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Sibao said: "I'm still a little worried"

Hu Wei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, once Mr. Bai returns to his original position, no matter what reinforcements he invites, it will be useless."

"Then I'm relieved," Sibao smiled at him, "Very relieved."

Early the next morning, Ye Shaoyang was woken up by Xie Yuqing's phone call from his bed in the hotel, and told him in an excited voice that the investigation of Qingshan Mental Hospital had made significant progress, and asked him to meet immediately.

Ye Shaoyang got up and asked, "Where is it?"

"Big meat bun shop."

Ye Shaoyang didn't react for a while, "It has something to do with Baozipu"

Xie Yuqing chuckled, "What, the staff in the mental hospital haven't gone to work yet, let's eat buns first, and then go."

Hearing about eating big meat buns, Ye Shaoyang almost drools, spent ten minutes getting dressed and washing, took a taxi to the big meat buns shop, found Xie Yuqing in the innermost corner of the shop, saw her mouth With a big meat bun in his mouth, there are two more in the steamer in front of him.

Ye Shaoyang sat down opposite her and reached out to grab one to eat, but Xie Yuqing tapped his hand with chopsticks and said, "I ordered for you, and it will be served in a while."

"Then what's wrong with me eating your steamed stuffed bun first?" Ye Shaoyang felt that his words were a bit awkward as soon as he said those words

Fortunately, Xie Yuqing was quite pure, she didn't hear the ambiguity, and said: "Of course not, I like to eat in one sitting, yours will take a while to serve, I can't wait, I swallowed the food in my mouth, and put it in the steamer again." He took one out and took a big bite, stuffing his mouth full, chewing so much that his mouth was dripping with oil.

"Damn it..." Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded.

When his buns came, Ye Shaoyang also ate four with relish, drank a bowl of camellia oleifera, left with Xie Yuqing very satisfied, got in her detective car, and drove to Qingshan Mental Hospital.

Xie Yuqing handed Ye Shaoyang a printed file and asked him to read it first.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the photo above for a while. Although it was only black and white, it could still be seen that she was a young girl with delicate features. She looked to be in her twenties, with big eyes and a very intelligent feeling.

"This woman has a bad life," Ye Shaoyang said. "Although she is very beautiful, she has no flesh on her cheeks, and the distance between her eyes is a bit wide. She has a weak personality and is easily dominated by others."

Xie Yuqing said in surprise: "You can read faces, help me quickly."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Let's talk about business, what's wrong with this girl?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Look at the file first."

"Don't look at it. There are so many words. It's tiring to read. Anyway, you know everything, so just tell me."

Xie Yuqing shrugged, "Simply put, this woman is mentally ill."

Nonsense, a normal person who will go to a mental hospital Ye Shaoyang thought about it, but he didn't interrupt her.

"As soon as I started the investigation, I listened to you. I started with the children, then screened and found a few suspicious objects, and then"

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help interrupting her, "Are you used to reporting work to the leader? I don't want to listen to the process, you just tell me the result, what does this woman do, and what's going on?"

"I said that things are used to proceed step by step." Xie Yuqing gave him a white look, but still listened to him, and said the result directly: "This woman is called Li Qiu'e, from Shicheng, and there is a grandma in her family. She is 25 years old this year. She graduated from university. was sent to Qingshan Mental Hospital years ago"

Ye Shaoyang asked again: "Why were you sent to a mental hospital?"

Xie Yuqing said unhappily: "Look at you, let me just talk about the result, and now I'm asking about the process."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "I'm not asking about the process, I'm asking about the reason. You can say whatever you want, and I won't interrupt."

Only then did Xie Yuqing start from the beginning:

"Li Qiu'e studied Chinese medicine at university. After graduation, she worked in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital. Later, she became mentally ill and had a tendency to violence. Three years ago, she was investigated by the police for stealing dead babies from the hospital. At that time, she Just delirious, there is evidence that she stole at least three dead babies and dismembered them.

However, among the stumps found, a piece of skin was missing from different parts of the head. The detective suspected that she had stolen more than three dead babies. However, she was identified as mentally ill at the time, and she could not be investigated at all. Later, she was forcibly sent to Qingshan Mental Hospital for treatment.

These are all the information I found from the data. After I found her, I visited and investigated her and got two key clues. First, after she was admitted to a mental hospital, she was isolated because of her tendency to violence. Then I found out that for a while, she sewed things every day. , a white one, it doesn't look like clothes"

Speaking of this, she frowned, and looked at Ye Shaoyang with disgusted eyes.

"You suspect that she is sewing human skin," Ye Shaoyang said for her.

Xie Yuqing nodded, and said, "You once told me that the spirit body of that split-headed devil was stitched together with ten pieces of human skin, and Li Qiu'e even peeled the skin from an abandoned baby, so"

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