Urban Witcher

Chapter 378 Finding 1

The car made a circle in the mountains and came to the main entrance of Qingshan Mental Hospital.

Ye Shaoyang looked up, and it was different from the courtyards of ordinary buildings. The gate of the mental hospital was covered with a row of spikes, and the courtyard walls on both sides were also very high. There was a circular barbed wire fence on it, and it was almost impossible to climb over it. Xie Yuqing explained , which is a necessary device to prevent the patient from escaping.

"Psychiatric hospitals still need to prevent patients from escaping," Ye Shaoyang said in surprise.

Xie Yuqing said: "This is saying, many patients here are violent, and many of them are criminals. They are forced to receive treatment here. What if we let them run away?"

Using her detective card, Xie Yuqing easily took Ye Shaoyang into the mental hospital.

It was the first time for Ye Shaoyang to come to this kind of place. He was very curious about everything and looked around. On both sides of the road leading to the building, there was a playground, and many patients in hospital gowns were exercising.

At first glance, there are all kinds of games, but if you look closely, you will find problems. For example, there are two people who are constantly throwing a basketball, someone is shaking with a single pole, and a guy is facing a basketball. The telegraph pole, filled with righteous indignation, kept saying something.

"Everything here is relatively normal." Xie Yuqing said while speaking, and saw two people playing table tennis, holding the racket and constantly pulling it horizontally, pulling back and forth. .

Xie Yuqing wiped off her sweat and said, "Well, what I'm saying is normal, these people are not violent, so they can let them out. As for those who are dangerous, they all live in Area B, which is the small building where Li Qiu'e used to Just live there."

The two went straight through the building in District A and came to District B. Between the two districts, a high barbed wire fence was blocked, and there was a gate in the middle with security guards.

Xie Yuqing showed her detective card again. Although the security guard didn't want to let them in, he had no choice but to let them in.

After they entered, the intercom immediately notified them of their arrival, so as soon as the two of them arrived at the lobby of the ward building in Block B, a bald man in a white coat came up to Xie Yuqing and forced a wry smile.

"Inspector Xie, why are you here again? I said earlier that Li Qiu'e has been discharged from the hospital. It's a waste of time if you can't find her here."

"Who borrowed her when she was discharged from the hospital. She only has one grandma, and she is a little delirious. I can take her away."

Dean Wang spread his hands: "That's how it's recorded in the file. Maybe it's her other relatives. Anyway, I didn't accept it. The doctor resigned and went to another place, so there's no way to check it."

Xie Yuqing knew that he was going to play tricks to the end, and didn't want to talk to him, so she said coldly, "I have a search warrant. If you want to be prosecuted for obstructing official duties, Dean Wang, just stop me."

Dean Wang stroked his half-bald head and said with a smile, "Don't dare, you can investigate as long as you want, and I will absolutely cooperate."

"Then open the door of the room where Li Qiu'e lived, and I'll go in and have a look."

Dean Wang had no choice but to lead the way, and Ye Shaoyang followed them. He took out the yin and yang disk and began to detect the ghost aura, but he found something. It turned out that the place where the ghost aura was most concentrated was not in the same direction as them.

Without waiting for him to remind, Dean Wang opened the door of a ward with a key, Xie Yuqing told Ye Shaoyang to take a few steps quickly, and got in.

The furnishing of the room is very simple, there are only a few pieces of furniture, but the bed is still quite big, placed in a corner of the room, the room is very dirty and dusty, it seems that it has not been cleaned for a long time.

"Li Qiu'e's things were taken away by her,"

Dean Wang stood at the door with his arms folded, with a mocking smile on his lips, and said to Xie Yuqing, "Inspector Xie, this place is a bit big, you can take your time looking for it."

Xie Yuqing snorted, looked back at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "It's up to you."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the Yin-Yang disk and said, "It's not here. But it's on this floor." After speaking, he went straight to the corridor and followed the pointer of the Yin-Yang disk.

Dean Wang leaned over, looked at the Yin-Yang plate in Ye Shaoyang's hand, and said uncomfortably, "What is this?"

"None of your business." Ye Shaoyang didn't lift his head.

Although this building is not big, the interior is circular. There are four corridors in total, connected end to end. There are wards on both sides. Most of the wards have patients. Some doctors are walking up and down the corridors. When they see Ye Shaoyang, They all cast curious eyes.

Ye Shaoyang didn't look sideways, just stared at the yin-yang plate in his hand, and ended up going around the circular corridor and back to the starting point. Beside him, Dean Wang showed a smug smile and said, "Both, I say no. "

Xie Yuqing ignored him and asked Ye Shaoyang: "What's going on?"

"There is a formation here, rubbing the air into a twist, forming a circular force, I can't find where the source of the ghost energy is." Ye Shaoyang frowned, looked up and looked around, a little surprised in his heart, this formation actually Being able to seal the ghost energy so firmly that even he himself couldn't find the source was definitely not done by ordinary people. A name suddenly popped up in his mind: Hu Wei.

Maybe only he can do it.

"Then what should we do now?" Xie Yuqing asked anxiously.

"Try walking around again." After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he walked around the corridor again. To find the eyes of the formations arranged by others, you need some special things. Ye Shaoyang did not expect to encounter such a situation. Some magic weapons were not brought at all, and he didn't want to go back to get them until it was really impossible.

After walking a few steps, the backpack behind him suddenly moved, and a small head popped out, with both hands on his shoulders, it was Guagua.

Xie Yuqing was startled by his appearance, and said in surprise, "Why do you have a child in your bag?"

Guagua turned her head and smiled cutely at her, "I am his son."

"What?" Xie Yuqing was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang looked back at her and said, "Listen to his nonsense, I can have such a big son"

"Then who is he?" Xie Yuqing was still a little suspicious.

"I'll explain to you later." Ye Shaoyang reached out to the back of his head, patted Guagua's forehead, and reprimanded: "I'm busy with business, what are you doing when you have nothing to do?"

"Help you!" Guagua jumped out of the backpack and stood on the ground. From the outside, he looked no different from a child of a few years old.

But Dean Wang noticed that the backpack behind Ye Shaoyang was not big enough to hold the child, so he felt cold in his heart. He pretended not to care, took out his mobile phone, found a contact person, and sent a message to him.

The outbreak is not over yet, let me sleep and write again. In order to repay everyone, I worked hard today, and there is still today~

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