Urban Witcher

Chapter 383 Contract

After hearing this, Xie Yuqing was even more shocked.

Ye Shaoyang added: "Ghost flukes are born with a kind of energy, which can make ghosts improve their cultivation. That's why Hu Wei worked tirelessly to arrange all this."

Speaking of this, a mystery in his heart was also solved: Even if the split-head devil is a condensed ten souls, the starting point of cultivation is higher than that of ordinary ghosts, but it has only been produced for a few years. Before that, he was still wondering why it has such It is only now that I know that the powerful cultivation is due to eating a lot of ghost flukes every day.

Killing people, using the water from the **** river to make bones and flesh, feeding them to the ghost flukes, and letting the split-headed devils eat the ghost flukes... Such a perverted biological chain, probably only an evil mage like Hu Wei can think of it .

Xie Yuqing said: "You mean, every time Hu Wei comes here, it is to send water from this **** river? Isn't this river in the underworld? How did he get it?"

"Of course I went to Huangquan to get it. With his magic power, it is very easy for him to get out of the dark."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the three women one by one. The three women were all around 20 years old. Cardamom Nianhua couldn't help but sighed, and said to Xie Yuqing: "Hurry up and take pictures as evidence, and add that bald man's confession, you can put He's a suspect."

Xie Yuqing hurriedly took out her mobile phone, took pictures of the three women, and took pictures of the whole room. After finishing the work, she looked at the three women and asked the most crucial question: "Can these three people... still survive?" ?”

Ye Shaoyang smiled wryly at her, "Do you think a person who has no flesh or internal organs is still alive?"

Xie Yuqing hesitated: "I don't think so, but...their faces look like living people, and they can still move, so...you mean, they are already ghosts?"

"Neither human nor ghost," Ye Shaoyang said, "They are living corpses, their heads are smeared with magic medicine, and ghost flukes dare not bite them. All corpses, their actions are controlled by the brain, and if the brain is damaged, they will die immediately. And their The soul is also sealed in the head."

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he reached out to the center of the hairline above a woman's forehead, touched a bump, and gently pulled it out. It was a copper nail that stabilized the soul.

After the copper nail was pulled out, an illusory figure also flew out, landed on the ground, crawled down, kowtowed to Ye Shaoyang, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Master, for saving me."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, and said to Xie Yuqing: "Let's record it, let her tell her background, and save you guys from investigating."

Xie Yuqing quickly turned on the phone's recording function, nodded to Ye Shaoyang, indicating that she was ready.

"What's your name, where are you from, and how did you die? Tell the truth." Ye Shaoyang looked at the woman's soul and said.

"My name is Liu Chunmei. I'm from Xikou Village, Dongxiang, Liu Town, King of Shicheng. I'm nineteen years old today. I work in a flower shop on Nangu Street."

"I was killed by Hu Wei's little ghost when I was walking at night. Because I was a wooden man, I was arrested by him and put here, woohoo, to be this monster that is neither human nor ghost, for the little ghost to suck Flesh and blood, it's been two years!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, water grows wood, she is the life of wood, and her body is more soluble in sexual desire than ordinary people, so she asked: "So, the other two are the same as you, because the five elements belong to wood, so Captured?"

Liu Chunmei nodded.

"About Hu Wei and the split-head devil, what else do you know?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Liu Chunmei shook her head, "We are trapped here, our souls are pinned down, and we don't even know what's going on outside. Hu Wei comes here once a month, pours blood into the pit, and then leaves, ignoring it at all." us."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said, "Where is the split head, do you come to eat ghost flukes every day?"

"Yes, about half an hour before you came, it came and left. Archmage, it is very powerful. If you want to deal with it, you must be careful."

"Thank you for reminding."

Ye Shaoyang drew a soul-attracting talisman and said: "Okay, I know you have been wronged, and there will be compensation in the next life, go to the Yin Division to report it!"

Liu Chunmei kowtowed and cried: "Master, I know that I am not Hu Wei's opponent. I dare not have the extravagant hope of revenge. I beg Master to be my master and get rid of this demon!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "I can promise you this, I will definitely kill him, and you will not be reincarnated for a while. When he dies, I will call you up to help me destroy his soul!" After speaking, he took out a piece of paper. Give her the talisman.

Liu Chunmei spit out a mouthful of green ghost blood on it without hesitation, knelt down and kowtowed gratefully, and floated into the soul-attracting talisman.

Ye Shaoyang released the souls of the other two living corpses, reported his life experience, and asked Xie Yuqing to record them.

These two souls also hated Hu Wei to the bone, and begged Ye Shaoyang for help, Ye Shaoyang also made them spit ghost blood on the talisman, and then rescued them to leave.

"What does this mean?" Xie Yuqing asked curiously as she watched Ye Shaoyang fold the talisman paper and put it away.

"Spitting out ghost blood is like making a ghost contract with someone, and it contains their resentment." Ye Shaoyang explained.

"To put it bluntly, they have resentment towards their enemies, and they would rather not save him than to take revenge. At this time, if the mage wants to save him, he must accept his ghost blood and form a kind of contract power, which means that you agree to avenge them, and When you kill your enemies, you must invite them to eat their souls."

Xie Yuqing heard this kind of thing for the first time, and asked with a frown, "Didn't you say that the Yin Division does not allow ghosts to take revenge without permission?"

"The Yin Division does not allow ghosts to take revenge on the living, so I have to kill Hu Wei first, and let their ghosts kill ghosts. If the soul is forcibly restrained, it will arouse their resentment, even if they go to the Yin Division, it will not be easy to escape."

Xie Yuqing just nodded, and suddenly remembered something, said: "But, according to this kind of ghost agreement, you have to kill Hu Wei yourself. Is there any deadline?"

"They believed in me and didn't give me a deadline, but I have to kill Hu Wei before they have no reincarnation, otherwise it will be a violation of the ghost contract, and I will lose Yinde."

Xie Yuqing didn't know what reducing Yin virtue meant, but she thought it wasn't a good thing, so she asked, "Then why did you help them?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't make a sound, and lowered his head to glance at the three female corpses in the cement pool. After the souls flew out, their faces shrank instantly, turning into a skinny and distorted face.

"After seeing their miserable situation, I have already decided," Ye Shaoyang said slowly and forcefully, "I must kill Hu Wei, that bastard!"

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