Urban Witcher

Chapter 387 Suzaku

The whole body of the ghost was glowing red, slowly floating up, and suddenly speeding up and swooping towards Ye Shaoyang, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"My grievances are too deep to be saved. As long as I still have a ray of soul, I will not let you kill Xiaoxiao, so please destroy my soul."

Ye Shaoyang's heart was moved. After so many years of ghost hunting, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing. Li Qiu'e's ghost in front of him is clearly attacking with all his strength, but he is actually seeking death.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, pulled out a red thread with both hands, stepped forward to avoid the attack, then quickly wrapped the red thread around Li Qiu'e's neck, raised his left hand, slapped a talisman on Li Qiu'e's forehead, and yelled : "Universal Borrowing Method"

In an instant, Li Qiu'e's soul was sucked in. The strength of the ghost corpse lies in the fact that the corpse and the soul are one, and the two directions are meaningless. Once the corpse is destroyed, the ghost alone does not have much strength, and it is completely vulnerable to Ye Shaoyang's hands.

"How are you?" Xie Yuqing walked up immediately, glanced at Ye Shaoyang's shoulder, and was shocked: "It's all black blood!"

"It's just the corpse poison, it's fine after it's drained, the skin is traumatized." After speaking, Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at the battlefield next to him. Guagua had already been defeated and had no choice but to run away. Seeing that Ye Shaoyang was done, he immediately called for help: "Boss, boss, come and save me!"

Ye Shaoyang snorted, "Didn't you be very heroic just now, why are you so cowardly now?"

Xie Yuqing pushed him, "What are you talking about, go save him if you have nothing to do, he is your son" Enter subtitle URL: П新章

Ye Shaoyang stared and said, "That's your son"

"Fuck you, the son I have with you" Xie Yuqing blurted out, and then the two of them looked at each other, blushing.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the soul-hunting rope, aimed at the gap between the two of them chasing, and lashed at the split-head devil. Splitting his head and flying back, dodging the hook, squatting on the ground, looking at Ye Shaoyang bitterly.

Guagua jumped onto Ye Shaoyang's shoulder in one step, gasping for breath, "This kid is so fierce, I only use 30% of my cultivation, I can't handle him."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him speechlessly, "Stop talking, it's embarrassing."

"I'm serious. After I came to the world, my power was sealed, and I can only use 30% of it."

Ye Shaoyang didn't bother to pay attention to him, took out a handful of five emperors' coins, and hit Litou. The five emperors' money flew into the air, forming a ring.

Ye Shaoyang immediately waved the hook, the tip penetrated into the money formation, stirred it vigorously, and said in his mouth: "The sky and the earth are boundless, money makes shadows." With a vigorous shake of the hook, the eight pieces of Five Emperors coins flew out.

"Om" The eight coins rang together, making a pleasant sound, and suddenly a golden light shone in the eyes of each of them, turning into countless copper coins, hitting the cracked head from all angles.

The cracked head shook its whole body, the grimace on the snake's head opened its mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of black blood. After landing, the fragments splashed, and each fragment turned into a bat-like monster with a ferocious grimace, flying over, and The phantoms of money collided, killed each other, and disappeared together.

The split head kept spitting out ghost blood, and countless bats with grimacing faces flew over like black clouds.

"Quick, get out!" Ye Shaoyang took Xie Yuqing's hand and ran out.

"Run away now." Xie Yuqing couldn't believe it.

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer, he dragged her to the outside of the small door, turned around to look, the grimacing bat was still some distance away from flying out, so he drew a magic talisman as fast as he could, burned it to ashes, and stuffed it into a small porcelain bottle filled with magic water Li, read in his mouth: "Taiyi Taoist Lord, the sky is bright and the earth is clear, when the waves are rising, nails will be born on the ground"

Pour the porcelain bottle over, shake it vigorously, and dozens of water jets fall down. When it hits the ground, it solidifies immediately, and the silver light shines like silver nails.

Xie Yuqing was dumbfounded on the spot. The spells used by Ye Shaoyang in the past were not so magical. Magic is this.

Ye Shaoyang took out the ink fountain, and quickly wrapped the red thread around several silver nails. Xie Yuqing and Gua Gua looked down together, and suddenly found that the silver nails, which looked messy, actually formed the shape of a bird after being wrapped with red thread. .

Neck waiting to sing, wings to fly

Xie Yuqing remembered the phoenix that Ye Shaoyang drew to break the formation before she remembered it, and asked casually, "Is this a phoenix?"

"Your phoenix looks like this, this is Suzaku." Ye Shaoyang pinched the red thread, scratched his fingertips hard, traced the red thread from the beginning with his own blood, grabbed the end of the thread with a weird hand shape, and said loudly: "The beast!" There are spirits obeying my orders, going up to Qiongbi and down to Huangquan, and the wind of heaven helps me to rise up and kill thousands of demons."

Suddenly loosen the red thread, flick it hard, and shout: "Get up!"

A red light radiated from Suzaku's body. This divine bird flapped its wings, soared into the air, rushed into the group of bats with grimacing faces, and frantically slaughtered them. The grimacing bat had no power to resist at all, and dissipated into black smoke almost instantly.

Seeing the scene, Split Head immediately howled. The Grimacing Bat seemed to have received an order, turned around, surrounded Suzaku, opened its mouth with fangs, and bit down hard.

"Suzaku, can you stand it?" Xie Yuqing said timidly.

Ye Shaoyang didn't have time to answer, his hands were constantly forming seals to increase the power of Suzaku, his eyes suddenly widened, and he yelled: "Broken!"

A long cry came from the mouth of Suzaku surrounded by ghost-faced bats. His whole body shook, and a burst of red divine power burst out, smashing all the black-faced bats into smoke, and the smoke condensed into black ghost blood, which fell to the ground. .

Ye Shaoyang twisted his hands backwards, controlled Suzaku, flew towards the split head, and shouted: "Strike!"

Suzaku immediately imitated the actions of Ye Shaoyang's hands, rotated his body, and swooped towards the cracked head. A fierce light flashed in the cracked head's eyes. He opened his hands and grabbed Suzaku's wings. The red flames from the east and west burn each other.

Suzaku let out a sharp roar, and pierced the beak into the one-eye of the split head, black water sprayed out instantly, the split head trembled all over, but his hands clasped tighter and tighter, and inserted into Suzaku's body, more ghostly energy penetrated into Suzaku's body, causing Suzaku to His body melted little by little, turning into flowing fire, falling to the ground in puddles, and his form and spirit slowly disappeared.

Ye Shaoyang, taking advantage of Suzaku's body and spirit not yet completely destroyed, gave up the seal, took a wrong step to grab it, swung the soul hook, and hit the split head hard on the head, shattering its ghostly aura on the spot.

Liantou spat out a mouthful of black blood, rolled on the ground, and staggered towards the door.

Xie Yuqing didn't dare to stop her, she hurriedly hid aside and let Litou pass by, but Guagua waited for the opportunity to rush out, jumping onto Litou very quickly.


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