Urban Witcher

Chapter 396 Water River

Ye Shaoyang said: "Where did these ghosts and human blood come from?"

"I heard from Hu Wei that the ghosts were captured by the man in white who helped him go to the underworld. He dug the graves one by one to get the human blood. The blood was used to make mud walls, and the corpses were used in the corpse river." Sibao said After that, he took Ye Shaoyang for a few steps, and suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from under his feet.

Ye Shaoyang looked down and saw a stream less than two meters wide surrounding the base of the Blood Soul Wall. The stream was as black as ink, with a layer of white flowers floating on it, moving slowly with the stream.

Ye Shaoyang looked intently, and his heart trembled: that pile of white things turned out to be human limbs! A hand, a leg, half a head, a pile of minced meat...

All the stumps were swollen by blisters, the skin and flesh were rotten, covered with white corpse insects, they were obviously stumps, some fingers were still moving, as if they wanted to grab something, the eyeballs like dead fish were also turning, the whole This picture is simply weird to the extreme.

"Is this the corpse water river?" Ye Shaoyang murmured.

Sibao nodded, and said: "Hu Wei dug this river of corpses himself, like a moat, flowing around the blood soul wall, and it is also a part of the formation. The excavated corpses were soaked in medicinal herbs, and the corpse gas diffused in the water, slowly forming a river of corpses."

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly. By this time, he fully understood that the purpose of Hu Wei's creation of the Blood Soul Wall was to seal the ghosts with the power of formations, so that they could not come out, and would continue to generate resentment. The corpses of the corpses are constantly generating corpse qi, allowing the two qis of ghosts and corpses to combine, and through the operation and refinement of the formation, it provides a steady stream of energy for the inner formation, which is also the gossip and two phenomena...

"This formation is extremely evil!" Ye Shaoyang said angrily, suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at Sibao, "You didn't participate in the formation, did you?"

Sibao waved his hands again and again, "This is really not there. I told you that when I met Hu Wei, he had been doing it alone for a long time. He built these things by himself. Some people must have been used for the specific construction, or some Killed someone, I don't know about it, let's go, I will take you into the battle."

Walking along the Blood Soul Wall for dozens of meters, an arched doorway appeared on the smooth wall. Right above the doorway, there was a gleaming golden metal plate inlaid. Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw that there were six astrolabe circles in total. They are: Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, Nine Palaces, Eight Diagrams, Four Pillars, and Eight Gates.

Sibao came up, looked up at the metal plate, and said: "This compass is the hub of the control formation. Every time Hu Wei comes in, he will move it a bit, and then we can go in. I also tried to remember The correspondence of the astrolabe, but I found that the results of Hu Wei’s dialing are different every time, I haven’t studied your Taoist stuff, I don’t know what’s going on, you study it?”

Ye Shaoyang observed carefully for a few minutes, and sighed: "This is not a compass. Ordinary compasses only have three rounds of the astrolabe. This thing has six rounds. It is a device for setting the formation. In other words, each round of the astrolabe is a kind of easy number, which is handed over to the power of the formation to form a new energy..."

"Okay," Sibao made a pause gesture, "I don't understand these Taoist things, so please keep it simple."

Ye Shaoyang, who was talking eloquently and eloquently, was interrupted by someone, feeling very upset, glared at him, and said: "To put it simply, this fixed astrolabe is equivalent to a combination lock. Only by cutting off the power of the formation can people enter.

However, the general astrolabe has three rounds and four rounds, and rarely exceeds five rounds. There are too many easy numbers to control.

What's more, this is a six-wheel fixed astrolabe, which is equivalent to a six-digit code. The number changes every hour, and the position of the astrolabe changes accordingly, which means that the code also changes.

Therefore, except for the person who arranged the formation, who can understand the changes in the formation and deduce the shift of the astrolabe, outsiders have no way of doing it. "

Sibao nodded, "Fortunately, we are primordial spirits, so we are not restricted by formations. Let's go in first. There are even more shocking things inside."

After floating in through the arch, Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw a straight corridor on the opposite side, leading to the distance, and there was a white light in the middle, about tens of meters away from the arch, so he couldn't see clearly.

On both sides of the corridor, there are many branch roads, criss-crossing like a maze. Ye Shaoyang observed carefully and found that the direction of these corridors actually conformed to some kind of easy number in the "Book of Changes", and it is estimated that 80% of them are also part of the formation.

Sibao led him around the outermost corridor, and after walking less than 20 meters, Ye Shaoyang found an ever-burning lamp at his feet, eight red threads were stretched straight, and a round bronze mirror was tied in the middle. The mirror surface is dull and self-brightening, exuding a golden mist.

Under the urging of Sibao, he continued to move forward, walked tens of meters, and found another long-burning candle and a bronze mirror. This time, the light from the bronze mirror was red, and Ye Shaoyang understood a little. I walked forward quickly, walked a circle along the corridor closest to the blood soul wall, and returned to the starting point. On the way, I saw a total of five bronze mirrors, emitting different colors of light, symbolizing the five elements.

"I'll show you the layout of other places." Sibao said.

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "You don't need to look at it, you can calculate it by looking at the five elements occupied by the bronze mirror. You can determine the two appearances, transform the four images, and the two births of yin and yang. It is indeed the arrangement of the two births of gossip." Speaking of this, he sighed. "However, this Hu Wei is also a perverted geek, who actually thought of using the corpse water river and the blood soul wall to join the battle.

There are corpses and souls on the outside, five elements and eight trigrams on the inside, and the inside and outside are compatible. Although it is so freaking abnormal... But it can be said that it is as solid as gold, except for the master of the formation, even gods can't get in. "

Sibao said: "There is one thing, you must see it." After speaking, he pulled him, followed the direction of those red lines, and walked around the corridor. It goes straight to the dome, and the pillars are concave and convex. At first glance, Ye Shaoyang thought it was a relief sculpture, but when he looked carefully, he was so shocked that his legs almost went limp:

Those protruding parts on the pillars are actually heads, crowded together, wriggling up and down, looking carefully, all the faces are infants and toddlers, with red eyes, two pairs of fangs protruding from the upper and lower lips, with ferocious and ferocious faces , the surface of the pillar ripples like water, but it reveals a metallic silvery light.

The bodies of these evil ghosts are all under the water, only their heads are exposed, most of them are sleeping with their eyes closed, and some have red eyes open, looking around with confused eyes, and their bodies are constantly wriggling. ~*,


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