Urban Witcher

Chapter 423: The First Parting

Along the way, Zhuang Yuning was in a low mood, and chatted with Ye Shaoyang about tomorrow's game. After arriving home, it was already past nine o'clock. Zhuang Cai fell asleep, and no one went to wake him up. Zhuang Yu Ning accompanied Ye Shaoyang to his room and helped him pack his things.

In order to deal with Litou and Hu Wei, Ye Shaoyang obtained a lot of magic weapons and medicine from Lao Guo, and stored them here, and it took a lot of time to pack them up.

After finishing, Zhuang Yuning asked Ye Shaoyang to sit on the terrace, take a rest, and drink some green tea to sober up.

Ye Shaoyang naturally had no reason to refuse.

"Brother Shaoyang, my dad has already transferred the money to your card. I wanted to pay more, but I was afraid it would be bad, so I still follow the agreement, a total of 300,000 yuan. You can check it later."

"Then thank you very much." Ye Shaoyang said happily, his heart was full of joy, three hundred thousand plus the one hundred and ninety-eight thousand in the card, how much is the total, Ye Shaoyang secretly counted with his fingers, four digits It took me a long time to figure out the addition and subtraction.

"Brother Shaoyang." Zhuang Yuning called him suddenly, Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, and found that she was looking at him affectionately, the moonlight shone on her pretty face, adding a touch of charming temperament.

"Don't be angry when you say it, I was thinking, if I give you another 300,000, can you stay for an extra month?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, there are several meanings in this sentence, he deliberately smiled and said: "What are you doing, you want to cover me."

Zhuang Yuning was not in the mood for joking, she lowered her head and said with a blushing face, "There is something that I have thought about and decided to tell you."

Although Ye Shaoyang was duller than normal people about feelings, seeing Zhuang Yuning's performance, he also guessed what she wanted to say, looked at the phone, and pretended to be surprised and said: "I almost forgot, I have an appointment with Ma Cheng, take I have to go back quickly and help him save the little devil, I have to go."

Zhuang Yuning's confession was stuck in her throat, so she had to go downstairs with him and asked, "Are you going to watch my game tomorrow?"

"Of course I will, I want to witness you winning the championship."

Zhuang Yuning smiled happily, "Well, I have reserved a seat for you, and I will send the location and seat of the venue to your mobile phone later."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, went back to the room to get his things, walked downstairs quickly, walked out of the door, turned around and said, "You should rest early and prepare for the battle, don't send me off, by the way, this is for you."

After speaking, Zhuang Yuning handed over something, and Zhuang Yuning took it and saw that it was the key of his own house. He felt a little sore, and said, "You keep it, I know you don't have a house, and I will always give you the room you lived in." You keep it, and you can come back to live whenever you want.”

"This is so inappropriate, and I have this for you," Ye Shaoyang took out a string of amulets and handed them to her, "Your previous amulet is broken, so I will give you a new one. There is a drop of my blood in it, which can guarantee that ordinary ghosts will be killed." The demon dare not approach you, so that's it, see you tomorrow."

After speaking, he stuffed the key and the amulet into her hand, turned around and strode away.

Zhuang Yuning watched his leaving back, clutched the amulet tightly, and put it by his mouth, feeling the coldness of the jade, and the blood in it was vaguely warm.

After stopping a taxi outside the community, Ye Shaoyang went straight to the Golden Palace, opened his room with his key card, vaguely saw a person leaning on the bed, watching TV, he was startled, thought he had entered the wrong room, Taking a closer look, it was Ma Cheng, and said in surprise, "How did you get in here?"

"I can go into any room here." Ma Cheng smiled, "I thought you had an appointment with a female celebrity, so you won't be coming back tonight."

"Don't talk nonsense, you are looking for me to save that brat"

Ma Cheng pointed to Gumantong who was placed on the bedside table, "Hurry up, I won't let it go if it's too late."

Ye Shaoyang drew a soul-attracting talisman and pasted it on Gumantong's forehead, then took out a section of red thread stained with cinnabar, wrapped it around Gumantong's head, tied a magic knot, raised his middle finger, With a light flick, the medicinal power of cinnabar was injected into the Gumantong, and the little ghost was forced out, and the soul was just absorbed by the soul-attracting talisman.

The soul-attracting talisman suddenly became translucent, and the shadow of a little girl appeared faintly on it, like a video picture, kneeling on the ground, thanking Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang knew that this little ghost had just been imprisoned in Gumantong not long ago, and he hadn't fully adapted to being a little ghost to others, so he didn't reject super-duplication, so he was so grateful to himself.

"Thank you Heavenly Master for your rescue." Yoyo's voice drifted out from the soul-inducing talisman.

"Suffering and suffering will bring blessings in the next life. Go to the next life." Ye Shaoyang lifted the talisman, threw it in the air, and flew out automatically along the open window, gradually disappearing.

Looking at this scene, Ma Cheng turned his head and asked Ye Shaoyang, "If the windows and doors are closed tightly, in a closed space, where will this talisman go?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "Can you stop asking such idiotic questions?"

"Okay, let's ask something else, there are so many girls around you, which one do you like?"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "Let's talk about talismans."

After chatting with Ma Cheng for a while, Ye Shaoyang drove him away, took a bath by himself, and after going to bed, in order not to let himself think too much, he recited the meditation mantra and fell asleep.

At six o'clock in the morning, Ye Shaoyang was woken up by the alarm clock he set. After washing up, he sat on the bed and thought about his plans for the day, then called Xiao Ma and asked him to come over quickly.

Then she went out and knocked on the door of the next room, Cheng Zi opened the door, wearing the clothes that Zhou Jingru bought for her yesterday, holding Guagua in her hand.

"You slept here last night." Ye Shaoyang looked at Guagua in surprise, thinking that no wonder he disappeared after dinner last night. Seeing Guagua nodding, he said angrily: "Fuck, you are a big man, you are here!" She spends the night here"

Guagua curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "Who is a big man, he is only six years old this year."

"You said yourself that you are a thousand years old"

"Hey, but I won't grow up, and I'm still a kid if I live a thousand years." Guagua winked at him, "Boss, are you jealous?"

"Get out" Ye Shaoyang didn't bother to pay attention to him, and looked up at Cheng Zi, "I'll see you off now."

Originally, he thought he needed some persuasion and education, but he didn't want Cheng Zi to nod directly, but blocked his persuasive words in his throat.

Ye Shaoyang went into the room and sat down, waiting for the pony to arrive, while chatting with Chengzi, from her mouth, he learned a lot of secrets about the sharks that the outside world did not know.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Ma arrived alone, and Ye Shaoyang asked him to help move all the magic tools and medicines he didn't need to his place to put them there, and pick them up when he came back from his hometown.

"Why are you in such a hurry, you're leaving today," Xiao Ma said in surprise.


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