Urban Witcher

Chapter 428 Borrowing Water

"Ceremony, through the ritual, you can enhance your prestige and gather your aura." Ye Shaoyang said.

This seemingly comical performance lasted for about ten minutes, Wu Zhu went to check the digging of the two pits, and then called a stop.

At this time, the performance over there was also over. The wizard went into the sedan chair, moved out a jar from the "warehouse" below, came to the earth pit next to the altar, opened the jar, and poured out a jar of red liquid.

"Rooster blood." Ye Shaoyang sniffled and said.

After pouring the chicken blood in, Assistant Wu started to greet the men in green clothes, threw the shirts that the men took off into the pit, poured a bucket of unknown oil, and set it on fire.

Wu Zhu brought two iron forks from the sedan chair, inserted them on both sides of the fire pit, and set up three iron skewers like kebabs in the middle.

"What is this for? You set up a stall to sell barbecue?" Xiao Ma was startled.

Ye Shaoyang directly ignored such silly questions.

The sorcerer stood in front of the fire pit, began to practice, and muttered words in his mouth. As the iron rod was roasted more and more red by the fire, the sorcerer suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly, followed by the sorcerer's assistant, "Design, everyone, come forward, Don't flinch!"

The man at the front of the line rushed forward first, grabbed a piece of yellow mounting paper from the ground with his left and right hands, and the wizard tapped the man's forehead with his right hand and thumb, and shouted: "Yes!"

The man used his hands to hold the iron braze that was reddened by the flames, but the yellow mounting paper burst into flames, and the man ran away holding his hands.

The second person made it up again, picked up the yellow mounting paper, and grabbed the iron rod. The result was the same. After running away, the third person made it up again.

"What does this mean?" Xiao Ma was surprised when he saw it.

"You have so many questions!"

Ye Shaoyang was a little annoyed, and explained: "The upper body of the wetland woman, please. If anyone can catch the iron tongs with the yellow mounting paper, it means that it is the upper body of the wetland woman. I will talk about the details later. Let's keep looking, don't ask any more questions."

After that, every person who went up, the yellow mounting paper in his hand was burned to ashes the moment it touched the iron rod, until there were only two or three men left in the line, a young man went up and followed the same procedure Do it, at the moment when the yellow mounting paper hits the iron rod, a miracle happened:

The red-hot iron brazing iron was actually wrapped in thin yellow mounting paper, so it didn't burn, and the man didn't seem to be burned by the pliers at all.

The sorcerer stared, and said: "The Nuo God has come, please give me the spiritual water!" After speaking, he took the pliers from the man's hand and pierced his left cheek, and the red-hot pliers came out of his flesh instantly. , Pretending to be a puff of scorched black smoke, piercing out from the right side of his face.

Next, without waiting for the wizard to do anything, the man took the other two iron rods from the fire one after another, inserted them into his face, and then shook his head at the wizard, looking very much like a wild beast.

Xiao Ma was stunned by this bloody scene, but afraid that Ye Shaoyang would say something about him, he couldn't resist asking why.

At this time, the wizard picked up a bowl from the altar, poured water from the small bottle into it, drew a talisman, burned it, filled it into the water, and handed the talisman water to the man.

The man drank it all in one gulp, then turned his head, landed on all fours like a wild beast, ran, and ran into the second hole dug by Wu Zhu in one breath, opened his mouth, made a grunting sound from his throat, and said, "Wow!" With a bang, a large mouthful of water was sprayed into the pit, and the person passed out immediately.

The sorcerer immediately called for someone to lift him out of the pit, pulled out the iron rod, carried him into a sedan chair and sent him away. In the puddle sprayed by the man, water immediately gushed out and rose to half the level of the pit. stop.

Xiao Ma was dumbfounded: "It took so much effort to get this little water out?"

"This is the water borrowed by Shidipo from the underworld. It comes from the Yin/Shui River. This water is not for drinking, but for looking for drought demons." Ye Shaoyang sighed, "Sure enough, there are drought demons."

"How do you say it?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to say more at first, but when he saw that the wizard dispersed the crowd, leaving only Wizard Assistant to accompany him to guard the waterhole, and a few people in Tsing Yi to hold umbrellas for them to escape the heat, he knew what would happen in a while, So he took the pony to the nearby grove, found a shady place to sit down, and then said:

"This wizard has a bit of magic power and knows the rules. He uses magic to invite the upper body of a wetland woman from the underworld and send yin/water.

When the drought is passed, the water evaporates. After the ordinary water is evaporated, it turns into water vapor and disappears invisible. But Yin/Water does not belong to the human world. Although it will be evaporated by the Hanba, it cannot be vaporized and will condense into cloudy clouds, but it will be absorbed by the Hanba just like ordinary water and used for cultivation.

Therefore, after the yin/water turns into a cloud, just follow the direction of its flow, you can find the location of the drought demon and go there to eliminate it. "

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang smiled faintly, "This is the secret technique of the folk mage to find the Hanba. This mage is good at it, but he obviously has never really dealt with the Hanba. He thinks the difficulty is too simple."

Xiao Ma frowned and said, "What, you mean the Hanba is very powerful? By the way, what the hell is the Hanba?"

"Drought demon...is a kind of evil spirit transformed from corpse energy. It's complicated to say. You should regard it as a kind of zombie. It needs to use water to cultivate, it will naturally absorb the nearby water vapor, and when the water vapor within its power control range is sucked dry, it will release corpse poison and form a plague..."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, "I hope the plague hasn't formed yet, otherwise I don't know how many people will die."

"It's so serious..." Pony took a deep breath, "But with your magic power, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Hanba?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "In the legend, the Hanba can slay dragons in the sky, and lure plagues across the river. This is a bit exaggerated. If it was a face-to-face fight, I would not be afraid of him, but catching ghosts and subduing demons is not about fighting. You can't judge by the level of cultivation, the Hanba is deceitful, and it is difficult to find it."

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang raised his head and looked over the puddle, and he could see a faint black cloud forming.

The little horse glanced at the wizard who was doing the trick, and said, "Little Yezi, you said that this drought demon is a type of zombie, and corpse evil is also a type of zombie, right? Does this drought demon have anything to do with the corpse evil you are going to deal with?" relation?"

Ye Shaoyang groaned, he had this kind of doubt for a long time, as far as he knew, there was no symbiotic relationship between the corpse ghost and the drought demon, but there were both corpse ghost and drought demon in the same area, which really had to make people suspicious. What's going on will only be known after further investigation.

After waiting for a while, overcast clouds formed in the sky and began to drift southward without wind.

(There are updates today)——

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