Urban Witcher

Chapter 438 Plan

Pony smiled shamelessly, put his arms around Xiaoshuai's shoulders, and said in a low voice as he walked forward: "I have already killed that zombie, but there is corpse poison in its body, and it needs to be exposed to the sun for a period of time. After the corpse poison dissipates , in order to remove teeth”

Xiao Shuai believed it was true, and asked him how he killed the zombie. Xiao Ma had a blast, and told him not to tell it.

Ye Shaoyang twitched his lips in the back, thinking that as long as he boasted so well, it was like Monkey King fighting Erlang, no one would believe him if he said it.

Back home, my second aunt was still up, watching TV in the main room, and asked what they were doing when she saw them.

Ye Xiaoshuai replied that he went online, the second aunt believed it, and said nothing, went to the kitchen to bring some pancakes for the three of them for supper.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma thanked each other, went to the bathroom, scooped a ladle of water from the wooden bucket, washed their feet and went back to their own room, ate pancakes and talked about the drought man.

Xiao Ma asked the lonely old Liu why he turned into a dry corpse. "The plague on his body must have been produced by the drought demon. If the drought demon wants to harm people, he can just release the plague directly. Why do he have to make some drought corpse out?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Hanba doesn't want to harm people, nor does he mean that he doesn't want to, but harming people doesn't do him any good, but it does harm."

Seeing that the little horse was puzzled, he continued to explain: "Until the ultimate cultivation, the Hanba cannot leave the nest during the day, and it relies on water to cultivate, so the more people within its evil spirit coverage area, the better it will be for it. Because these people have no water to drink, they will think of other ways.

Especially in modern society, where transportation is well developed, it is impossible for people to die of thirst again. Some of the domestic water these people get from other places must be evaporated by the drought.

If the Hanba kills people for no reason, or spreads plague, more people will die, and the rest will flee. The Hanba will not have more water to evaporate and practice, so it can only rely on the local rainwater, and the speed of cultivation will also slow down. "

Xiao Ma listened to the explanation, nodded slowly, and said: "You have a long posture, how did the old Liu become a dry corpse, and how did the plague in his body come from?"

Ye Shaoyang put his hands behind his head, leaned against the head of the bed, chewed a few pancakes in his mouth, and said:

"Hanba evolves every nine times, and changes every nine days. Every time it evolves, it needs to kill a person whose five elements belong to water, take its soul core, and replenish the power of evil spirits, so as to continue to maintain the evaporation of nearby water sources.

The person who was killed would be infected with the plague, breed and evolve in the flesh and blood, and after twenty-eight days, he would become a real dry corpse, and he would follow the drought demon and become its corpse servant puppet.

Before the drought corpse was formed, it would not actively hurt people, but would hide and practice, so Lao Liu went into the cellar by itself. If it wanted to hurt people, the plague would have spread. "

After listening to Xiaoma, he was stunned for a while, and said, "Then why did it hurt me on its own initiative?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Zombies are all idiots, but they are very sensitive to the aura of spells. When I set up the five-element flag array, it could feel the changes in the nearby aura, knowing that we are mages, and you have to get so close, no catch who you catch"

"Damn" the pony was speechless.

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment, and said: "I haven't heard of a dry corpse appearing in the village before, so Lao Liu may be the first one. The dry demon has only evolved once, and there are four more times. would kill four people"

Xiao Ma frowned and said: "You said in the meeting that it is not big, the radius is more than ten miles, there are several villages, Hanba hides anywhere, how do you find it?"

Ye Shaoyang showed a smile of a Taoist master, and said: "The Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall. There is always a way."

Xiao Ma scratched his scalp and said, "You seem to have said the wrong thing."

"Cough cough." Ye Shaoyang coughed twice, concealing his embarrassment, and said: "The reasons for the formation of the drought mantle are very complicated, but it is still a zombie in essence, and it is usually formed from a newly buried corpse. Before the incarnation, it cannot walk during the day and must stay in the den.

But after all, it still has a little thought when it was alive. At night, it will transform into a human form to carry water for its own house, so that the family members will not die of thirst. If in ancient times, as long as one secretly observes who is not short of water in the place where the drought occurs, one can make a rough guess. This society is definitely not going to work now. "

The pony nodded slowly, and said: "That's right. In the past, the traffic was not smooth. If a place lacked water, people would die of thirst. At least the villagers would flee and become a deserted village. At least there is still water for people to eat now." of."

"Well, but there is another way to find the Drought. The Drought rests in its lair during the day and exercises its body. Of course, its lair is its own grave. Because of the absorption of water vapor, the land in other places is dry and cracked, and no grass grows. Only the Drought is there. On the grave, the land is moist and the vegetation is normal.

So, starting tomorrow morning, we will go through several villages and look at all the graves, not afraid that we will not be able to find the lair of the Hanba. "

Xiao Ma's eyes lit up, "Okay, I want to see what the legendary Hanba looks like."

Ye Shaoyang got out of bed and walked into his hut. After going to bed, he received a call from Sibao, telling him that the things he had explained had been done:

Under the pressure of Ma Cheng and Zhang Xiaorui, those local tyrants who raised little ghosts basically handed over their little ghosts and let him save them. Others who were unwilling to hand over also left their contact information. If there is any situation, they will be notified at any time.

"Thank you for your hard work, what are your plans next?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Go to the surrounding area of ​​Shicheng and continue to look for Yinxue Ganoderma lucidum."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, thinking of this incident, he said: "It turns out that when we met for the first time, what you said was not lying to me."

"Of course not. In the past two years, when I was helping Hu Wei, I have been looking for Yinxue Ganoderma in various places. Now it seems that there may be no one in Shicheng. I will go to the surrounding areas to look for it."

After a pause, Sibao asked: "How are you doing in your hometown, did you find that corpse?"

Ye Shaoyang said helplessly: "I didn't find the corpse, I encountered a drought."

"Hanba" on the other end of the phone, came the shocked voice of Sibao, pondered for a moment and said, "Although Hanba is cunning, it should not be a problem for you, but it is difficult for Hanba to form naturally, and it is usually catalyzed by a mage."

Ye Shaoyang responded, he had already thought of this possibility: behind the Hanba, there is likely to be a strong man, maybe a mage, maybe a big demon or a fierce ghost.

"Do you need help?" Sibao asked.

"Not for now, I will find you when I need you."

"Okay, Xiaorui and I just came out of a rich man's house and had supper together. She has something to tell you."

"Uh..." Before Ye Shaoyang objected, Zhang Xiaorui took the phone and started talking endlessly.


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