Urban Witcher

Chapter 475: Three Drought Changes

Ye Xiaomeng rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why are you seeing my mother?"

"Nothing, just say that." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

Xiao Ma smirked and said, "Young Master, come to the door, I want to see you."

Ye Shaoyang and Ye Xiaomeng kicked him together.

When it was over, Ye Xiaomeng blushed, and gave Ye Shaoyang a sideways look: "You don't want to think about me."

"What am I going to do with your idea?" Ye Shaoyang was aggrieved, "He is joking with you, what does it have to do with me."

"Who knows if you instructed me to make me think in this way, and it will come true after talking."

I'm stunned by this logic. Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

After entering Wang's Village, almost all the people from the four villages came. Like going to a market, they gathered in front of an ordinary house in the east of the village. Several agents were maintaining order and sealed off the house to prevent people from entering.

But the situation in the yard surprised Ye Shaoyang and others:

Gu Jian's wizard assistant was instructing a few people in Tsing Yi to walk up and down on the courtyard wall, and set up some wooden planks from the wall, and supported them with pillars. Seen from below, it formed a rice character. Covering the entire courtyard is obviously a formation.

Under the leadership of Jiang Jianhua, Ye Shaoyang walked into the yard with Ye Xiaomeng, came to the northeast corner of the house, and immediately saw Gu Jian, who was instructing two men in Tsing Yi to pile up a large pile of realgar somewhere to form a In a ring shape, there is an open space with a diameter of about one meter in the middle. Here is the lair of the Hanba.

On the outer layer of the realgar pile, there is a circle of sulfur, then cinnabar, and finally piles of firewood. It is obvious that Gu Jian's plan is to burn Hanba to death.

"Hanba, it's down there." Jiang Jianhua looked nervously at the open space and said, "Then how does it usually come out?"

"Its real body doesn't need to come out at all. It gathers the spirit of the corpse and can walk through the soil." Ye Shaoyang glanced at Gu Jian's arrangement, and said: "Although this guy hates it, this arrangement is right, even though it can't be done in a drought for a long time. Action, but in case of any accident, his arrangements can also be dealt with."

Jiang Jianhua said: "Can there be any surprises?"

Ye Xiaomeng took over the conversation, and said: "That's not sure, there are three changes in the 魃, and it will not be willing to be ambushed and killed."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. There are three transformations in Ba, which are corpse transformation, air transformation, and corpse explosion. This is not the key point. The key point is that he always feels that Hanba is just a role in this supernatural event. He will try to rescue him, this is what he is worried about.

Gu Jian saw the three of them, turned his eyes on the faces of Ye Shaoyang and Ye Xiaomeng, smiled contemptuously, walked up to them, and said, "I'm sorry for stealing your limelight, if you two are not willing, you can be my partner." Assistant, share your credit."

The words were full of provocation and contempt, which showed that he held a grudge for being slapped in the face by Ye Xiaomeng in the cemetery that day.

Ye Xiaomeng was very angry, but she couldn't say anything, after all, the drought strike was related to the safety of the whole family, so it's not good to curse others for failure.

"This dead man, if he kills Han Yan, he will have to go to the sky." Ye Xiaomeng said angrily.

Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly, turned around and walked out of the house without saying anything.

After about ten minutes, Gu Jian finished the arrangement and called all the disciples to set up the altar outside the courtyard. Then he went into the house, put on a mask covered in oil paint, and when he came out, the altar was also covered. After setting it up, the disciples began to clear the field, leaving a large space.

Gu Jian began to offer sacrifices to the heavens, prayed, and then someone blew the horns, and a disciple wearing a monster mask began to dance in the open space. Gu Jian held a mahogany sword and fought back and forth with it.

"Damn, it's the same thing again," Xiao Ma said boredly.

But those villagers watched it with great interest, as if they were watching a play, and cheered a few times from time to time.

Ye Shaoyang looked around and saw many children and old people in the crowd. He bowed his head and said to Jiang Jianhua: "Can you let the old people and children who are over sixty-five years old go back? The Hanba looks terrible. It's best not to let them see it. Women of the Dragon and Rabbit signs must also be avoided."

Jiang Jianhua frowned and said: "I can understand that children and the elderly are not allowed to visit, because they are afraid of being frightened, but what about the women who belong to the dragon and the rabbit?"

"Hanba eats dragon meat and drinks rabbit blood. When the women of these two zodiac signs see Hanba, there will be no big deal, but the years will not go well."

Jiang Jianhua thought for a while, nodded, and found several village chiefs separately. After talking about this matter, several village chiefs agreed that whether they support it or not, the detectives still have to give face, so they cooperated with Jiang Jianhua's call to maintain order. Detectives, began to clear the venue, the crowd surged, and quickly reduced by about one third.

Ye Bo squeezed to Ye Xiaomeng's side and watched the "performance" with them.

"Hello, Uncle." Ye Shaoyang felt that politeness is still necessary, so he greeted him.

Ye Bo nodded, and said to Ye Xiaomeng in a low voice: "Although this Mr. Gu has such a character, he still has mana. If there is any problem in the future, don't worry about it and let the master handle it."

"Master, I'm sorry" Ye Xiaomeng was seriously dissatisfied.

Ye Bo sighed and shook his head, which seemed to imply that young people don't know the heights of heaven and earth.

"Wang Dashan is here!" A voice rang out from the crowd.

Ye Shaoyang followed everyone's gaze and saw a bald man in a long gown walking along the mountain road, accompanied by a few people who looked like followers.

Wang Dashan looked to be in his fifties, tall and strong, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, with a gentle smile on his face, he kept waving to people.

From his gentle face, Ye Shaoyang saw a trace of majesty and fortitude, and expressed his understanding in his heart. A successful person who has struggled in the business field must have this kind of character, but it is not necessary to show it when facing the folks.

Wang Dashan stopped at a certain distance from the periphery of the crowd, squinted his eyes, and quietly watched the performance of Gu Jian and his party.

After waiting for a long time, the annoying performance finally came to an end. Gu Jian changed into clothes that were more convenient for him to move around, and he stopped dawdling. He asked the two of them to take the shovel and start digging in the open space among the pile of magic medicines.

Gu Jian himself supervised, and then asked his disciples to climb up the fence and walk along the temporary wooden boards to the four corners of the house. Everyone held an umbrella in their hands. The outer layer was shiny, as if pasted with tinfoil. something like that.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the sky, the cloud was absorbed by the drought two days ago, now the weather is clear and the sun is shining.

When the pit was dug to more than one meter, the soil dug out turned black, with a faint trace of residual red.


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