Urban Witcher

Chapter 479 I am Ye Shaoyang

With a broken head, the huge body slowly fell backwards, the soft flesh inside the bones suddenly trembled, and exploded with a pop, and the unfinished corpse water splashed around with a plague.

Corpse explosion is the strongest and last resort among the three changes of Hanba.

Ye Shaoyang rushed in front of Ye Xiaomeng and those people in Tsing Yi, spun the dust, and the tail of the dust fanned out, absorbing all the corpse water, not a single drop fell on the people behind him.

it's over?

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at Ye Shaoyang. They couldn't believe what they saw just now. That terrifying Hanba, whom neither Gu Jian's group nor Ye Xiaomeng had defeated, was... defeated so easily?

All eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang.

Uncle Ye suddenly thought of something, rushed to Ye Jun and his wife in a few steps, grabbed Ye Jun by the collar, and said, "What is the origin of your nephew!"

Ye Junfu looked at Ye Shaoyang stupidly, knowing that he couldn't hide it any longer, he mumbled: "He is...my cousin, Ye Shaoyang."

"Ye Shaoyang!" Ye Bo was shocked, stunned for a few seconds, and roared at Ye Jun: "When did he come, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The depression in my heart, I knew that he was Ye Shaoyang, and I just left all the evil things to him, why bother to worship that Baldy Gu as if he was a real god, and almost had the Ye family's ancestor's grave dug.

Ye Jun rubbed the back of his head, feeling very aggrieved, "I didn't know he was so powerful..."

In the courtyard, Ye Xiaomeng was the first to come back to his senses, looked at Ye Shaoyang like a stranger, and murmured: "Brother Yang..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled at her apologetically, "Sorry, I lied to you, I am Ye Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang!

Ye Xiaomeng petrified on the spot, looked at him stupidly, momentarily dazed, speechless.

Ye Shaoyang came in front of Gu Jian, this guy was green all over, covered his mouth with his hands, and was twitching on the ground, but his mind was still a little clear, looking into Ye Shaoyang's eyes, showing the intention of asking for help.

This guy, if he doesn't come to the rescue immediately, he will soon turn into a zombie, so he immediately called out to Xiao Ma, "A handful of dried mugwort leaves, two stalks of goblins, five taels of tangerine peel, and more peach branches, mixed together with alcohol , burned it in the yard, and completely cleared away the plague."

Xiao Ma put away his mobile phone, went to the courtyard gate and jumped down, Ye Bo immediately went up to greet him, and led him to the traditional Chinese medicine store in Jishang.

Ye Shaoyang squatted down in front of Gu Jian, pinched his chin and pried it open, his tongue was swollen like a pig's mouth, bleeding green blood due to being stabbed by Hanba's letter.

This is not only poisoned by the corpse, but also plagued by plague. He shook his head helplessly, untied the backpack, took out the needle box of the Eighteen God Needles, picked out four needles, pierced the tip of the tongue to let blood, and after the completion, help him Sit up and prick the acupuncture points one by one...

Xiao Ma and Ye Bo got what Ye Shaoyang wanted, entered the courtyard, but didn't know how to burn it, and whether there was anything special about it, watched Ye Shaoyang concentrate on getting the needles, and hesitated whether to call him.

"Let me do it, I will do this." Ye Xiaomeng took those things from Xiao Ma, and looked at Ye Shaoyang's back with a complicated expression. Ye Shaoyang, it turns out that you have been by my side...

On the way to the traditional Chinese medicine store, Ye Bo asked Xiao Ma about Ye Shaoyang's situation, confirmed his identity, and excitedly came to the gate of the courtyard, and announced to everyone: "Hanba has been eliminated by Ye Shaoyang, a descendant of my Ye family." , I believe the drought has passed, everyone should go back first, and do what we should do.”

The crowd erupted into cheers, and the villagers cheered and asked about Ye Shaoyang's origins. Just now, his performance of fighting the drought alone was vivid, and even ordinary people like them, who did not understand magic, were deeply impressed.

Ye Jun had never been so excited before. In the face of everyone's inquiries, as Ye Shaoyang's relatives and insiders, he told them how Ye Shaoyang took it as his duty to kill the Hanba and save his hometown from danger, how he practiced hard on Xuanqing Mountain these years, Three nines in winter and three volts in summer, you will eventually become a master...

It made everyone worship him, and those who had beautiful daughters at home even asked Ye Shaoyang's love situation obliquely, wanting to talk about kissing.

In Wang Qingshan's house.

Ye Xiaomeng cleared away the plague with alcohol fire, and then let those people in Tsing Yi leave. Seeing that there was no danger, Ye Bo, Jiang Jianhua and the others walked into the courtyard. Wang Dashan also walked in with his entourage, and everyone stood silently in a row behind Ye Shaoyang, keeping silent for fear of disturbing him.

Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, pulled out the gold needles stuck in Gu Jian's body one by one, stood up, wiped off his sweat, and said, "Okay, this guy won't die."

Turning around, he saw many pairs of eyes staring at him. He froze for a moment, before he could speak, Wang Dashan cupped his hands and stepped forward, "My surname is Wang, Wang Qingfeng. Thanks to Mr. Ye's action today, the danger was saved. Amazing!"

Ye Shaoyang said a few words to him politely, it was considered to be an acquaintance. Mr. Wang Dashan asked for his phone number and said he would call back, and then left without delaying his business.

"This person, can't he be saved?"

Hearing Jiang Jianhua's voice, Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, and saw that Wu Zhu was lying on the ground with a big hole in the back of his neck, bloody and bloody, of course he couldn't save him.

Ye Shaoyang smoked the body with dried mugwort leaves before letting Jiang Jianhua take it away, and told him to bury it within five days and cremation.

Jiang Jianhua summoned two of his men, put the body into a special body bag and carried it away, and asked about Gu Jian's situation.

"The pestilence in his body has not been completely eradicated. He has to take three doses of Renzhonghuang and use the filth to drive out the residual corpse gas in his body before he can fully recover."

Ye Shaoyang recruited a few people in Tsing Yi who were standing outside the courtyard and dared not come in, and asked them to carry Gu Jian back to his place of residence.

"What is Huang Zhong?" Jiang Jianhua asked curiously.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Go and cut three bamboo tubes, lift out the bamboo membrane completely, wrap glutinous rice in the middle, split the bamboo tube vertically, tie them up with rope, leave a gap in the middle, put the glutinous rice in Put it in a bamboo tube, then soak it in... a cesspit, use dung gas to infect the glutinous rice in the bamboo tube, but don’t break the bamboo membrane, otherwise he will eat the dung juice, of course I don’t care, it’s not me anyway.”

Jiang Jianhua looked at him stupidly, "Must be like this?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head frankly, "No, my blood can save him too, but I don't want to waste it, is that a good reason?"

"Why?" Jiang Jianhua was still puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Gu Jian who was being carried out, and said, "It's good if I can save his life. If you want to dig my ancestral grave, you have to give him some punishment."

Jiang Jianhua was speechless. Of course he didn't want to do such a dirty thing by himself. After he went out, he found the village head of the Wang family and ordered him to go on. The village head of the Wang family also thought it was dirty, so he ordered others...


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