Urban Witcher

Chapter 483 Lantern

The man trembled all over, stopped crying, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"He was the first."

Ye Shaoyang was in a daze, when he suddenly felt a force coming, which shook him back two steps, and looked up, a ghost, pulling another ghost's hair, disappeared towards the wall.

Ye Xiaoshuo!

A thought flashed in Ye Shaoyang's mind, knowing that it was too late to restrain his soul, without even thinking about it, he hurriedly took out the Yang Yang mirror, cut his middle finger, pressed it on the mirror, a bloody light shot out, hit the ghost, and was covered with a layer of blood , In the next second, two ghosts passed through the wall.

Ye Shaoyang ran out of the room and chased him out.

Bloody Soul Art. Before the blood is dry, the ghost cannot get rid of the attachment of the blood, and he can track the whereabouts of the ghost with the blood.

Ye Shaoyang chased him out of the village in one breath and headed northward, followed by Xiao Ma and Ye Xiaomeng, running hard.

Fortunately, the road was all wilderness and there were no houses blocking it. Ye Shaoyang launched Xuanqing Mountain volley walk at a very fast speed, getting closer and closer to the two ghosts until he could see their shadows. When he chased within one or two hundred meters, Ye Shaoyang stopped suddenly, took out a small wooden sword from his belt, wrapped six lines of red thread around the blade, cut through his middle finger, and wiped along the line to the end.

"Liu Ding Liu Jia, obey your orders, the blood of the celestial master will return, and destroy the evil spirits!" After reading, Ye Shaoyang popped out the wooden sword with his middle finger, flew against the wind, and hit the two ghosts.

A few seconds later, the wooden sword flew behind the two ghosts, and the six red threads suddenly burst open, turning into six beams of red light, intertwined into a net, and instantly trapped the two ghosts in the middle.

Ye Shaoyang made a mudra with one hand, sensed the blood energy, turned his palm into a claw, pulled back, and pulled the two ghosts towards him. Seeing that he was about to succeed, a gust of wind suddenly picked up, and a dark green ghost floated from nowhere. The lantern slammed into the blood net horizontally, and a powerful ghost energy burst out, tearing a hole in the blood net.

The suspected "Ye Xiaoshuo" ghost let go of Ye Jialiang's ghost and floated towards the north, followed by the green lantern all the way, drifting farther and farther.

Ye Shaoyang was terrified, his Liuding blood return technique was actually broken by a ghost lantern?

Fortunately, Ye Jialiang's soul was left behind. Ye Shaoyang walked over quickly, made a magic seal, fished out Ye Jialiang, and wanted to take it back for further discussion, but he found a big D on his forehead with a quick glance, and the green ghost blood was gurgling out, so he immediately stuck it with a magic talisman , to stop the bleeding, but he still felt the ghost power on his body dissipating.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, this ghost cannot be saved.

"You answer me a few questions first, so that you don't die in peace." Ye Shaoyang grabbed his wrist, poured Gang Qi into it to delay the loss of ghost power, and asked, "Is it Ye Xiaoshuo who killed you?"

Ye Jialiang said softly: "Yes..."

"Why did he kill you?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Ye Jialiang sighed lightly: "I deserve what I deserve, we all deserve to die, I have no complaints..."

Ye Shaoyang asked suspiciously: "Who are they, what do you mean?"

"They're all going to die, we're sorry for Xiao Shuo, we're all going to die, none of us can escape..." His voice became lower and lower, and he suddenly grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand, looking at him beggingly, his anger Said: "Don't pursue it any further, you... are not his opponent..."

The body slowly decomposes, turning into grains of spirit, flying around.

After finally catching a clue, it was cut off like this. Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Ma and Ye Xiaomeng arrived and asked about the situation, they were too shocked to speak.

"But, if Ye Xiaoshuo is the one who is haunted, why did he tell you to go to the scene through Ye Jialiang's mouth? Aren't you afraid that you will catch him?"

"Maybe, it's a kind of warning." Ye Shaoyang pondered and said, this was the only reasonable explanation he could think of.

"What should we do now, go back and ask Ye Jialiang's family?" Ye Xiaomeng asked.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the front, and said: "There are Liangjie Mountains in front of you. Didn't your father say that the Taoist temple is in the valley? It just happened to be here. I want to go and have a look. By the way, I will explore the valley and see if I can find it." Ye Xiaoshuo's lair."

Then, she told Xiao Ma to go back to find Ye Jialiang's family, to find out what kind of entanglement he had with Ye Xiaoshuo before he died, and what he said before his death, who are the rest of the people who are going to die, this is very important, maybe you can Save their lives.

But Ye Xiaomeng didn't want to go back, and said: "I'll accompany you to that Taoist temple, it's on the other side of the valley, you might not find it if you go alone."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Ye Xiaoshuo might be in the valley, aren't you afraid?"

Ye Xiaomeng smiled complicatedly, "You are Ye Shaoyang now, not Young Master Yang. With you here, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, "I'm not as invincible as you think."

So I left the matter to Xiao Ma and asked him to go back alone. Xiao Ma was also curious and wanted to go, but he knew it was dangerous, and it would be a burden to go by himself, and someone had to do what Ye Shaoyang ordered. Yes, but I should do something when necessary, so I returned to the village alone.

Ye Shaoyang took Ye Xiaomeng together and headed towards Liangjie Mountain.

Along the way, Ye Shaoyang's mind was full of Ye Xiaoshuo's murder, and he kept silent. When he came back to his senses, he found that Ye Xiaomeng looked at him from time to time, and finally touched his cheek unnaturally, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"See why you are Ye Shaoyang." Ye Xiaomeng pursed her lips and smiled, suddenly remembering that she had praised him several times without knowing his identity, her face suddenly became hot, and she lowered her head.

In the valley between the Two Boundary Mountains, there was no sound and nothing unusual.

But Ye Shaoyang knew that this place was not a good place, so beware of Ye Xiaomeng, "In case of any situation, I will let you go, just protect yourself."

Ye Xiaomeng nodded, "My strength can only protect Young Master Yang, now you are Ye Shaoyang, it's your turn to protect me."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Whether I am Ye Shaoyang or Young Master Yang, I am still me."

Ye Xiaomeng secretly sighed, "For me, it's different."

After walking tens of meters along the valley, Ye Shaoyang stopped suddenly.

Ye Xiaomeng immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

Ye Shaoyang kicked the clump of weeds in front of him, "It's so dry that even the trees are dying outside, but don't you think it's strange that there are still grass growing here?"

After being reminded by him, Ye Xiaomeng noticed this detail that is easy to ignore. She bent down and looked at it. This kind of grass looks a bit like clover, and it grows sparsely in the valley, and... only this kind of grass grows in the valley. Grass, there is no second kind.

(I didn’t want to explain it at first, but some people always misunderstood that I was making an excuse. In fact... my father’s lung cancer is terminal, and it may be in the past few days (today’s condition has taken a turn for the worse). The day can only guarantee two chapters. As for the outbreak, if the situation allows the outbreak on the 26th, if there is an accident midway, it will have to be postponed. Since the promise is made, it must be fulfilled.

This is a happy book. I didn't want to talk about sad things. I just hope that everyone can understand that there have been few more recently. The greatest comfort is that you have always supported me, will never leave, and will walk with me. Just focus on the plot, please don't pay too much attention to me and affect reading. Happy reading everyone. )——

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