Urban Witcher

Chapter 487 Village

Ye Shaoyang grasped a magic talisman with two fingers, and said: "One more step, and the soul will fly away."

The ghost really stopped, stared at Ye Shaoyang viciously, and said: "Who broke into our ghost village!"

Ghost Fairy Village? Ye Shaoyang looked over, it was a male ghost, about forty years old, human-like in appearance, dressed as a farmer, with a layer of red light lingering around his body, he was a fierce ghost, his cultivation was not weak, and he was about to arrest him and ask him what happened. Ye Xiaomeng beside him suddenly cried out: "Third Uncle, it's really Third Uncle!"

The ghost was also stunned when he heard it, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Ye Xiaomeng in confusion.

"It's me, Xiaomeng, third uncle, you... aren't you dead, why are you here?"

The ghost glanced at her up and down, his face brightened, and he grinned. "Xiaomeng, I haven't seen you in ten years, you have grown up so much, how are your parents?"

Ye Xiaomeng nodded and said, "It's all good."

The third uncle waved: "Come here, come here, let the third uncle take a good look at you."

Ye Xiaomeng was about to go there immediately, Ye Shaoyang grabbed her and said, "Are you courting death?"

"This...he is my third uncle, my dear third uncle."

"He's a ghost!"

The third uncle snorted and said, "What's the matter? If I don't reincarnate for a day, she will be my niece for a day. I can't hurt her as an uncle."

Ye Xiaomeng immediately said: "Third Uncle, this is my Brother Shaoyang, and also our family, the one who went to Xuanqing Mountain when I was young."

The third uncle was startled, looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said in surprise: "Are you Ye Bing's son?"

When the other party mentioned his father's name, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to nod.

The third uncle immediately changed his smiling face, "That's my family too. I hugged you when you were two or three years old, and you've grown up so much. Time flies so fast."

Ye Shaoyang was a little speechless in the face of this ghost who didn't look like a ghost at all. As the saying goes, you don't smile when you raise your hand, and it's not easy for you to do it directly, so you just took the family route and said: "Uncle, you Isn't it dead, why are you here?"

The third uncle said with a smile: "I have lived here for ten years after my death. By the way, what are you doing here?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, and said casually: "I heard that this is haunted, come and have a look, why did you hit me just now?"

"Ghost Fairy Village doesn't allow living people to enter unless..." The third uncle rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, since you're here, come home with me. Your third aunt is still at home, and you haven't seen him in ten years." She must be very happy to see relatives."

Ye Xiaomeng also understood now, looked at Ye Shaoyang hesitantly, Ye Shaoyang nodded, and pulled her forward. No matter what the third uncle's plan is, he just took this opportunity to sneak into the so-called "Ghost Fairy Village" to see what kind of ghosts it is.

At the mouth of the valley, there is an archway with three large blood-red characters written on it: Guixian Village.

The archway was not there during the day, and Ye Shaoyang suspected that it was formed by ghost energy.

Following Uncle San along the valley, he saw more than a dozen people drinking water by the stream, or rummaging through the Wraith Grass, and chewing on them.

The third uncle waded through a piece of wronged soul grass, bent down and picked something up, handed it to Ye Shaoyang and the two, and said, "Try it, it's delicious."

Ye Shaoyang turned out to be one. Looking closely, it was a fruit with a baby face, constantly making various expressions, which looked very weird. "Resentment fruit, ghosts can increase their cultivation for one year after eating it." Ye Shaoyang stuffed the fruit back to the third uncle, "We are human, we will die if we eat it, you can eat it yourself."

The third uncle smiled, "After all, he came from Xuanqing Mountain, so we know a lot."

Encountered a few ghosts along the way, Ye Shaoyang looked at them one by one, all the ghosts were surrounded by green or red ghost aura, indicating that they were at least at the level of resentful spirits, and a few of them were fierce ghosts like the third uncle.

After ten years of death, it is really not easy to cultivate into a ghost. This is of course the result of long-term consumption of Wraith Fruit and Wangchuan Water.

At this time, a group of ghosts came from the opposite side. The first one was wearing a soap hat, black robe, black cloth boots, a string of double-strand feather whips in his left hand, and a sign in his right hand. Under the green light of the ghost lantern, Turned out two large yellow characters: Night Watch. Behind it, followed by a group of ghost pawns with two horns.

"Night Patrol God!" Ye Xiaomeng was shocked. Although she had never seen it before, she had seen it in the information. It was two ghosts and immortals in Y Jian who were parading day and night. I bumped into him here, looked up at Ye Shaoyang, but there was no response.

Seeing them that night, Xunshen immediately stopped, and snorted very majesticly: "Huh?"

The third uncle immediately approached him respectfully, and whispered something in his ear, Ye Xunshen's face softened, he looked at Ye Shaoyang intently for a while, nodded at the third uncle, and said, "Your meritorious service." Then he led the ghost soldiers Passed by Ye Shaoyang and the two of them.

Taking advantage of her third uncle leading the way, Ye Xiaomeng asked Ye Shaoyang in a low voice: "Why is the Night Patrol God here?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and glanced at her, "Who told you it's the Night Patrol God, it's fake."

Ye Xiaomeng was startled, turned her head to look at the group of ghost soldiers, and said, "How do you know it's fake? Is there something wrong?"

"Everything is right, it looks very similar. And because the formation suppresses the aura, I can't feel the aura on it, so it's hard to tell the truth from the fake, but one thing is enough." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and smiled: "It didn't follow me. greet."

Ye Xiaomeng looked at him stupidly, her eyes gradually showed admiration.

Not far forward, there are houses on both sides of the stream, all of which have only one room. They look like they are made of thatch, and they are very simple. The doors of each house are wide open, and some old people sit on chairs to bask In the sun, there are people who chat with Zhatui, and there are even people who play chess and poker.

When walking past a bunch of ghosts playing cards, a game was just being played, a ghost who lost was booed by the people next to him, grabbed the three fingers of his left hand with his right hand, pulled them off with a light tug, and handed them over reluctantly. To the winner, who already has a lot of ghost fingers in front of him.

"What does this mean?" Ye Xiaomeng asked in surprise.

This sentence was heard by the third uncle, and he said with a smile: "The ghost finger can be regenerated in a month after it is broken. You can go to Xianniang to exchange for some good things, which are better than the wraith fruit."

Ye Xiaomeng said: "Xianniang? Who is it?"

The third uncle chuckled, "I'll tell you slowly later. Let's go."

I also met some people on the road, greeted my third uncle, nodded, and said a word, just like the world.

Ye Shaoyang paid attention to these ghosts along the way, and found that they were all ordinary, and most of the clothes they wore were from their lifetime. There were shrouds, which indicated that they were buried after death. There were also various casual clothes and work clothes, which were probably from sudden death. , with the pattern of "Kobe No. 23" printed on it.

Suddenly, Ye Xiaomeng poked Ye Shaoyang with his arm, and pouted at a female ghost walking opposite.


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