Urban Witcher

Chapter 515

"That's how our ancestors were." Ye Bo said, "Didn't I tell you that our four villages are all descendants or successors of Ye Fashan? But it must be rebuilt on the original site, and the size cannot be changed, because the streets are owned by the four villages and supervise each other, so this tradition has been preserved.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and said: "I noticed this formation last time, but I didn't know its function. Now I finally know it. All of this was calculated by our ancestors. The stone book was taken away, and the god statue released its stellar energy, covering the 'turtle'. Back the chessboard array', lingering, endless."

Sighing, he said with emotion: "Ancestor Niubi, the formation left thousands of years ago can still be used today."

Ye Bo frowned and said, "What is the function of this formation?"

"It should be a sanctuary, a place shrouded in stellar energy, where ghosts and demons will not invade." Ye Shaoyang pondered, and suddenly thought, was the ancestor's arrangement of this formation for emergency use, or was it targeted for something?

Although he couldn't think of any results, but a very bad intuition rose in his heart, Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look at Ye Bo, and said: "The ancestors left this formation as a 'refuge', it will not be a whim , if there is any change recently, you and the other village chiefs will drive people to the market, at least to ensure temporary safety."

Ye Bo remembered, and asked: "What should we do next?"

"Find me some yellow mounting paper, the more the better."

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaomeng said, "I have a big bundle at home, which I use to practice drawing symbols."

"One bundle is not enough, I want at least three bundles. There are so many wandering ghosts in Guixian Village, and I have only one person. I can't do it, so I need to bring more soldiers."

Ye Xiaomeng was puzzled and asked: "What does the yellow mounted paper have to do with soldiers?"

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "Where the Taoism goes, the grass and trees are all soldiers. Not to mention the yellow mounted paper."

Back at the entrance of the village, Ye Shaoyang bid farewell to Wang Qingfeng and Jiang Jianhua, and asked them to investigate separately, and then took the pony home with Uncle Ye and his daughter. Two bundles of yellow mounting paper were sent, and Ye Shaoyang asked Ye Bo to help him boil a pot of glutinous rice soup and bring it to the main room.

I cut out six identical paper figurines with yellow mounting paper, coated the edges with glutinous rice soup, and then glued the six sheets together to form a six-faced figurine.

Ye Xiaomeng became puzzled when she saw it, "Brother Shaoyang, do you want to use paper talismans, but why did you stick six paper figurines together? What's the point?"

"This is called Liuding Liujia Imperial Paper Art. Each paper figurine has six faces, which symbolizes Liuding Liujia. The upper and lower sides are empty. The universe is removed from the eight gates, and the remaining six gates meet the requirements of the six gates. Six lives." Ye Shaoyang said while cutting the paper, "I will teach you slowly when the formation is set up later, help me cut the paper first. You, Xiao Ma, will also come together."

Called for a long time no one answered, looked up, pony lying on the sofa, has fallen asleep.

"Damn, just fell asleep, it's like a pig."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly.

When Ye Shaoyang was a paper-cutter, he was far away on a remote mountain road in the city of Xi'an Province.

A couple of teenage boys and girls strolled along.

The boy has a crew cut, plaid T-shirt, suit shorts, sandals, and is dressed in a summer suit, looking very cute.

The girl wears shofar braids and a knee-length dress with a picture of Donald Duck laughing on the back.

The girl looked at her clothes, frowned, and said, "Brother, why are we dressed like this? It's so weird. How nice it is to wear long shirts and plain clothes."

The young man rolled his eyes at him and said, "What do you know, it's popular to wear clothes like this in this day and age. If we want to learn how to behave, we must first keep up with the times."

The girl said: "I have no objection to being fashionable. The key is, are we fashionable? I always feel that what we are wearing is a bit strange. In human terms, it is a bit nondescript."

The young man coughed dryly twice, and said, "Aren't we short of money? I've been carrying sandbags for a few days, and with that little money, I can only buy this cheap one, and I look pretty good," staring at her back. Donald Duck said, "Look how cute this water bird is."

"It's not okay!" The girl rolled her eyes, pouted and said, "Let's not talk about wearing clothes, why do we have to go, slow death of a person."

The young man didn't take it seriously, and said: "We need to get used to the behavior of human beings now, and we are looking for benefactors, so that we will be respectful when we walk there. Don't talk so much, we are almost there."

The two walked until it was getting late, and finally came to the first resort of Taoist Southern Sect - the foot of Longhu Mountain.

On Longhu Mountain, there are 36 Taoist temples, big and small, most of which are tourist attractions. Only the "Yuqing Palace" on the single peak of the back mountain is a place for Taoist disciples to practice and is not open to tourists.

Different from Xuanqing Mountain's idea of ​​establishing a sect, Longhu Mountain opened its gates and recruited a wide range of disciples. Although there are two divisions, the inner sect has a total of thirty-six disciples, which remain unchanged all year round. Only one person can be recruited before a new one can be recruited. .

Next to Yuqing Palace, there is a Tianshi Mansion, which is the residence of the contemporary head teacher Zhang Wusheng.

At ten o'clock in the evening, pilgrims came down the mountain one after another. Zhang Wusheng completed a blessing ceremony and made a lot of money. He walked back to Tianshi Mansion from Yuqing Palace, while watching "Wan WanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanWanIWanWanIWananWanIWananWanIWananWaiIWanWhileWatching, giggling from time to time, happy Terrible, on the way, many disciples came forward to pay their respects without raising their heads.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Tianshi Mansion, suddenly a young man rushed from behind and shouted from a long distance: "Second Uncle, something happened!"

Zhang Wusheng looked back, it was Zhang Shiming, his nephew and one of the descendants of the inner sect, who was only seventeen years old today, talented and bright, with a bright future.

Zhang Wusheng frowned, and said: "The Taoist blessed land, no noise is allowed, if there is something serious, please speak slowly!"

Zhang Shiming ran in front of him in one breath, panting and said: "Second Uncle, something is wrong, two guys broke into the mountain gate, and several senior brothers were knocked down!"

Zhang Wusheng was stunned, thinking what age this is, could there still be people who kicked the hall? Quickly asked him: "Who is it?"

"One man and one woman, two monsters, they are too powerful, none of the brothers can handle them, Second Uncle, go and see!"

"Monsters!!" Zhang Wusheng yelled louder than Zhang Shiming, "No way, monsters dare to break into the Taoist mountain gate, is there a mistake?"

Zhang Shiming waved his hand, "Absolutely, we two monsters have boundless cultivation, we beat anyone we see, and we keep saying that we want to see a celestial master. Second uncle, don't ask, just go and see!"

Zhang Wusheng didn't dare to be negligent, he followed Zhang Shiming all the way down the mountain, just after passing the main hall, he saw dark clouds in the sky, and there was a faint movement.

Zhang Wusheng was shocked when he saw it, and even cursed: "Fuck your mother, with such a strong demonic aura, it can't be the demon king coming!"


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