Urban Witcher

Chapter 541

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang's mood gradually calmed down, he turned off the light, closed his eyes, and lay on the bed quietly thinking about other things, when he suddenly felt a light in front of his eyes, thinking it was Xiao Ma taking a picture of himself with his mobile phone.

He opened his eyes and saw that the pony was not there, but the light was coming from his backpack. He hurriedly opened the backpack and saw the light source at a glance: the stone book obtained from the statue of Ye Fashan!

On the opened pages of the stone book, a soft golden light was emitted, constantly flickering, which looked very strange.

Could it be...is the stone book manifested? Ye Shaoyang waited for a while with excitement, but there was no change in the stone book except that it was bright and dark for a while.

Ye Shaoyang and the others were a little impatient. They put one hand on the page of the book and tried to sense it with their thoughts. They found that there was actually a Yang Qi and Yin Qi intertwining and merging in the book. They were wondering when suddenly a voice sounded: " The remnants of the heavenly scriptures are about to be born."

Ye Shaoyang was startled, who was talking?

"Ye Shaoyang, you have a lot of fate..."

Ye Shaoyang heard clearly this time, the sound came from himself, it seemed to be... a chaotic voice, he hurriedly took out the Yang Yang mirror from his belt, looked at the mirror, a huge pupil was stuck on the mirror, Like a reflection in a mirror.

Of course it's the chaotic eyes, although he can't get out of the sun mirror, it's like a person is locked in a transparent glass mirror, he can't get out, but as long as he wants to see, he can still see what's going on in the world outside the mirror .

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked: "What did you say? Fragments of the Heavenly Book?"

"There are three volumes in the Heavenly Book, and the remaining two volumes survive, but one volume is unknown..." The eyes disappeared, and Chaos' face covered by the brim of the hat appeared in the mirror.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I have already read the missing volume in the Tianshi card, and it is full of dark gold runes. The runes I used to deal with you last time came from that. Therefore, Chaos you……"

"I said before, call me Mr. Yang." After a pause, Mr. Yang asked back: "Who told you that the fragments of the Heavenly Book are only those you have seen?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and then thought, indeed, no one has read the complete heavenly book, so no one can tell how many fragments of the lost heavenly book there are...

Mr. Yang went on to say: "The remnants of the Heavenly Book, there are three volumes in total, the one you saw earlier is called Fu Zhuan Shu, this one is called Y Yang Shu, and there is another one, it is said that he kept it on his body, I also not sure."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked, and asked without thinking: "How do you know so clearly?"

Mr. Yang curled his lips and smiled, "For thousands of years, I have dealt with countless Taoist priests, and I definitely know more about the secrets of Taoism than you."

This point, Ye Shaoyang still admits, people live a long time, this is the advantage - know a lot of things.

"This Y-Yang Book, which records the most powerful spells of Taoism, echoes the Talisman Seal Book. Do you know why it is called the Y-Yang Book?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head.

"When yin and yang converge, gold and stone are opened. This is a saying widely circulated in Taoism at that time. It is about this book. This is a stone book that cannot be opened. It must be filled with yin and yang to open it.

You carry him on your body, and when you breathe, your yang energy will naturally be absorbed by it, but if you want to absorb Y energy... you can only go to the Y room.

You are in the Y room in the state of the soul body, all you breathe out is Y Qi, after the Y Yang book absorbs enough capacity, now that the Y Yang gathers, the book can naturally be opened. "

Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he heard this. He recalled that he had just left Y and brought his backpack and magic tools to Y. The book was also in his backpack at the time, and he was also taken down...

Mr. Yang went on to say: "Ye Fashan did this to prevent ordinary people and ghosts from reading this book. You got this book with the blood of the Ye family, which first of all limits the scope of people who can get it.

Then, if it is an ordinary descendant of the Ye family, it is useless to get it, because I only have yang energy, and I cannot take it to the Y room to absorb Y energy. If it is obtained by a ghost, it is the opposite: I can only let it absorb Y energy , because it is not a human being, it cannot provide Yang Qi.

Therefore, only descendants of the Ye family can open this book, and they must be born as mages. "

Ye Shaoyang analyzed it according to his thinking, and it was indeed the case. Once again, he had to be deeply impressed by the wisdom of his ancestors. Looking at the flickering Yyang book, he touched it with his hands, and it was still made of stone. He frowned and said: " Now that the yin and yang qi are gathered together, how can we open it?"

"Everything is a chance. This book will create a chance for you to understand. I don't know the details. It's all a legend, and I haven't seen it before."

Ye Shaoyang chewed his words over and over again, he didn't understand, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"When the opportunity comes, you will naturally know, just grasp it when the time comes..." Mr. Yang said, his figure slowly faded away.

Ye Shaoyang shouted: "Wait, the last question." Scratching his head, "Then what, we are considered enemies, and you are locked up by me, you must hate me, why did you tell me so long? How knowledgeable?"

Mr. Yang was silent for a while, and said lightly: "Since Ye Fashan, this is the first time that Yang Shu appeared in the world, I am also a little excited, I don't want you to miss this opportunity." Then, his voice turned cold, "I want to watch you grow To the limit, and then...kill you, this kind of battle is more interesting."

He smiled softly, "I've lived for too long, there are not many things that can make me feel interesting, don't let me down..." After finishing speaking, the figure disappeared little by little.

Helping you is to kill you, this logic is really something. Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders, didn't think about it any more, sat on the bed, stared at the Yin-Yang Shu, but nothing happened after staring at it for an hour, and then the Yin-Yang Shu didn't even light up.

Ye Shaoyang was very depressed, and there was no way to stick to it like this, so he decided to sleep first and talk about it in the daytime.

Before going to bed, he went to the toilet. After flushing the toilet, he turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly heard the sound of running water. He turned his head and saw that the toilet was flushing continuously, but the water didn't flow down, but pooled.

Ye Shaoyang's first reaction was that the flush button of the toilet was broken. After pressing it twice in the past, there was no response, and his heart skipped a beat. Did he encounter a ghost? But you obviously don't feel ghostly?

At this moment, there was a "thumping" sound from the toilet, like a fish shaking its tail in the water, and when I looked down, there were actually two golden...loach in the clear water? Swim around in the water.

How could there be loach in the toilet? Swimmed up from the sewer?


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