Urban Witcher

Chapter 55 Plant Wars

Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes, opened his Tiantong Eye, and a burst of purple energy diffused from his whole body, covering Feng Xinyu's corpse, slowly entering through the ghost gate, and began to dissipate the corpse energy in her body.

The balance of the Nine Yin Chain Bureau was broken at this moment, and there was a low growl similar to a wild beast, and then, the most shocking scene appeared in front of the pony trio:

Hundreds of sleeping zombies came back to life one after another, like people who just woke up. After getting up, they looked around in confusion, fixed their eyes on Ye Shaoyang, roared and ran over, once they entered the range of the Five Elements Flag, immediately As if being roasted by fire, black oil was bubbling from all over his body, and after smoking for a while, he was roasted and turned into a piece of burnt ashes.

The green lady, who has opened up a little bit of wisdom, will not do things that are purely to die. After looking around, she found the place of Yin and Yang, and swarmed up.

Seeing so many zombies, surrounded by darkness, surrounded from all directions, Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing were terrified by this visual impact. Xiao Ma wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and murmured: "****** , Biohazard?"

Lao Guo swallowed his saliva, and said with pride: "Cheer up, although there are a lot of them, the width of Yin-Yang Dao allows them to run in parallel at most. There are three of us, so we can hold on! Everyone fights, it's over!" Go back and share the money!"

"Senior Brother Guo is right, let's fight!" Xiao Ma was greatly encouraged, stepped forward two steps, rolled up his sleeves, and looked ruthless.

Lao Guo immediately retreated behind him, "Yes, here we come, let's go."

Xiao Ma was dumbfounded on the spot, "Damn it, Senior Brother Guo, you are so arrogant, dare to let me work hard alone?"

"Hey, my pistol is short of ammunition, so save some, and I'll fill you up."

While speaking, the first two zombies had already walked the path of yin and yang, stepped on something like glutinous rice realgar with their bare feet, and immediately creaked, black smoke rose, and their feet were smoked black.

"Ah..." The two zombies trembled in pain and tried to back out, but the zombies behind couldn't figure out the situation and kept moving forward. Burned, and there was no way to turn back, so I had to endure the pain and speed up my pace, wanting to finish the yin and yang path quickly.

Countless red lights shot out from the cinnabar lines on both sides, falling on the zombie, a large piece of flesh was torn off, black air gushed out, and the zombie screamed in pain.

With a "bang", Lao Guo shot, and the cinnabar bullet hit a zombie's forehead, a puff of black air came out, the zombie gasped, its body softened, and turned into a pool of black water.

"What are you doing in a daze, come on!"

The pony came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and stabbed the jujube wood sword in his hand into the zombie, but in the end he only pierced one edge of the sword, and couldn't get in.

Old Guo yelled angrily: "What are you doing stabbing on your body? The zombie has rough skin and thick flesh, so you can't stab it. Stab it in the eye socket, stab it in the mouth! Stab it in the nostril! If you turn around, you can stab it in the chrysanthemum." poke!"

"Damn it, it's so cruel." The pony wiped off his sweat, pulled out the jujube sword, saw that the sword pierced the zombie's left eye, and with a puff, the eyeball exploded. With all his strength, the pony inserted the jujube sword Into the depths of the head, a stream of black blood flowed out, boiling like boiling water, the zombie trembled and fell down, turning into blood after a while.

"Darkness, so it's so cool to kill zombies, little devils, come again, die!" Xiao Ma was greatly encouraged, and the jujube sword pierced the eyes of a zombie next to him, and the zombie trembled and fell down. .

"No matter how powerful the Mieling Nail is, you don't need to be so violent!" Old Guo was dumbfounded.

All the zombies that entered the Yin-Yang Dao were cut off by half of their cultivation base by the cinnabar line and the exorcist magic weapon. The three of them held the magic weapon, which was equivalent to giving them the final blow. Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing charged forward, and met those who resisted , Lao Guo shot in the back, the more the three of them cooperated, the more tacit understanding they became, and within a short time, dozens of zombies had already died under their hands.

"Thank you beauty!"

Xiao Ma suddenly yelled, Xie Yuqing thought something was wrong, turned to see him well, frowned and said: "What are you doing?"

"Hey, look at us now, do we look like Plants vs. Zombies? Lao Guo is a pea shooter, you are a big mouth flower, and I am..."

"You're the one with the big mouth!" Xie Yuqing glared at him, feeling extremely depressed, at this moment, he still had time to make jokes.

Although Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing fought more and more fiercely, but there were too many zombies, and the two were not strong. In less than ten minutes, they were so tired that they were out of breath, their arms were numb, and they could hardly lift up.

Seeing this, Lao Guo stuffed the cinnabar gun and two magazines to the pony, and snatched the jujube sword from his hand, "Go and rest for a while, I'll take it first."

"That's good. I'll go see what's going on with Xiao Yezi." The pony ran to the coffin and leaned over to look. Ye Shaoyang and the female corpse were still in the original posture, but he was surprised to find that the skin on the female corpse , is becoming opaque from top to bottom, above the knees, the skin is no different from ordinary people, only the skin of the two calves is still transparent.

"What's going on here?" Xiao Ma was startled.

"When the skin of her whole body becomes normal, it means that the body energy is exhausted, and then it's over." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "Go, don't disturb me, go do your business."

Xiao Ma had no choice but to go back and replace the guns for Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing.

Seeing that Xie Yuqing was also gradually unable to support herself, Lao Guo suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Inspector Xie, do you have a gun? It's a real gun."

"Bring it, why?"

"Shoot them quickly!"

Xie Yuqing was startled: "Can a gun hit a zombie?"

"The intelligence of zombies is also in the brain. Real guns are powerful. If you aim at the forehead and smash the head, they will die."

Xie Yuqing hastily untied the pistol, took two steps back, and fired a shot at the zombie's head. With a bang, the skull was blown away, and white, red, and black flowed out together. The zombie fell to the ground and did not move. The one killed by the magic weapon was different, it did not turn into blood.

"Sure enough," Xie Yuqing glanced at Lao Guo angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"I just remembered that you are the inspector."

Now that the two of them had guns in their hands, and Lao Guo was a new force, the scene was brought under control for a while, and it was reckoned that Ye Shaoyang's work would be over for a while. He is a celestial master, and it is no problem to deal with these green sluts. .

At this moment, a white shadow stepped on the heads of many zombies and climbed into the Yin-Yang Road. As soon as it entered, it immediately attracted the attack of the cinnabar line. Countless red lights hit the body, but it could only slightly block its coming. Turning around, he jumped on top of a zombie, opened his mouth, and smiled at Xie Yuqing.

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