Urban Witcher

Chapter 574

Sibao rolled his eyes, "What are you talking about, don't you know that many high-ranking people are like this, this is called a big hermit in the city."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There are indeed many such high-level people, but such people are not necessarily high-level people. Anyway, I don't think they are... a bit different."

"Absolutely no problem, don't worry." Sibao took him back to the house, sat opposite An Jingfeng, and respectfully said to An Jingfeng: "Master, if you finish eating, let's discuss the specifics. What's the plan?"

With a pig's trotter in his mouth, An Jingfeng glanced at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "You guys make a plan. When ghosts and demons come, you resist them. I'm only responsible for saving those dead souls."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How does the master plan to surpass?"

"You don't need to worry about this, but when I practice the method, I must open the enchantment. At that time, the two gates of heaven and earth will open. Those ghost soldiers are not ghosts in the world. I can't save them. They will definitely rush in. Prepare yourself .”

His analysis is quite reliable, Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "It's not just those ghost soldiers. Once the enchantment is broken, the ghost mother will definitely not let go of this opportunity, she must attack with all her strength, and she will definitely come herself. "

Jing Jingfeng also nodded, and said: "The moment the enchantment is opened is the moment when the duel comes. You'd better plan it in advance, so as not to be defeated when the time comes, I won't be able to control these things by then."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "Why can't you control it?"

Jing Jingfeng chewed the pig's trotters, and said with a smile: "When the time comes, my lamp will be exhausted, whether I can live or not will be the same thing, so I don't have time to care about it."

Ye Shaoyang saw that his mouth was full of oil, and he looked like he was enjoying himself. There was no sense of sadness that he was about to die, so he couldn't help shaking his head, calling Rui Lengyu, Wang Yu and others to sit down. The battle is imminent. Let's discuss the details of the battle together.

An Jingfeng dipped his fingers into the wine, and drew a circle on the table, indicating the range of the enchantment.

"Then, this is the true north of the enchantment. When the time comes, you set up the soul-inducing way, and I will save it. At that time, those ghost soldiers nearby will definitely not let it go, and will flock in..."

Jing Jingfeng dipped some wine again, tapped twice on both sides of the enchantment, and said: "There is a way to attract souls in the north, and those ghost soldiers can't enter, otherwise they will be sent directly to the Department of Reincarnation. They can only pass through the two sides. The two gates of heaven and earth come in, and we must guard these two places when the time comes."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and after discussing with everyone, the arrangement for that time was confirmed: when the quiet wind began to save the ghosts, all the villagers climbed to the top of the mountain where the Ye Family Ancestral Hall is located, which is the closest to the stone statue of Ye Fashan, where the aura is strong, and a little Be safe.

Old Guo Ye Xiaomeng has the weakest mana, and is responsible for escorting those ghosts to salvation. Xiaobai and Yue Heng are the strongest, and they were suggested by Ye Shaoyang to guard the two gates of heaven and earth to prevent the army of ghost soldiers from entering.

"If Xueqi appears, I will deal with her first and try to put her away." Ye Shaoyang said, "You guys will divide the work according to the number and strength of each other, such as those ghost generals, and the other four don't know what ghosts are. Become a seal fairy, and Ye Xiaoshuo and Ghost Mother...you will be very dangerous, but you must hold on, as long as I take Xueqi away, you can start killing people."

After the plan was finalized, Ye Shaoyang thought that the most uncertain factor now is Ye Xiaoshuo. He doesn't know what he has become. Although he has violated the intolerable regulations of the underworld, if there is a chance, he still wants to give it a try. save him.

"When shall we act?" Sibao looked at Ye Shaoyang and Jing Jingfeng respectively, and asked.

Ye Shaoyang pondered and said: "The enchantment can only last for two or three days, the sooner it can be resolved, the better, tomorrow."

Sibao frowned and said, "The sooner the better, why not do it today?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Rui Lengyu, and said, "Before I act, I still need a day to do one thing."

As soon as I said this, Ye Bo, who had been called away before, came in a hurry, and said in a panic as soon as he entered the door: "Something happened, Sanniang passed out."

Ye Shaoyang's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly let him lead the way to the place where Sanniang lived.

Sanniang lay straight on the bed with a peaceful expression, but her whole body was covered with a layer of frost, as if she had just been moved out of the freezer, and the air-conditioning was still evaporating.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Shaoyang hurried forward, squeezed Sanniang's shoulders and arms, and found that although her body was covered with frost, her body was not frozen, and her pulse and heartbeat were both weaker than ordinary people.

Around Sanniang's body, there was a layer of backlash power, blocking her spiritual consciousness.

Ye Shaoyang sensed it and found that this force is very strange. It is ineffective against the human body, but it can completely isolate ghosts and evil spirits. The more ferocious the force, the stronger the backlash.

"This is probably the power of a curse spell." Ye Shaoyang rested his chin on his hand and said with emotion, "This is obviously what Ye Xiaoshuo did. He did this to make himself free from any worries."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ma said, "San Niang is here, no one can come over and do anything to her, right? Besides, how did Ye Xiaoshuo get into the seal?"

"It's all right now, but once the duel starts and the barrier is broken, what if the ghost mother comes to capture Sanniang and use it to blackmail Ye Xiaoshuo? So he used some kind of curse spell to seal Sanniang in advance, so that The ghost mother can't do anything at all."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Ye Xiaoshuo couldn't get in, but maybe he used the magic of some kind of magic, or added a connection like blood to successfully cast the spell."

Ye Xiaomeng said: "Perhaps, he didn't do this to guard against the ghost mother, but because he was afraid that she would be sad."

In the face of everyone's questioning eyes, Ye Xiaomeng further explained: "Ye Xiaoshuo is determined to die. If Sanniang sees him in a daze, she will definitely not be able to bear it, and will stop him desperately. Accidents are prone to happen, if she goes to sleep like this, and when she wakes up, everything has already happened, although she will be sad, but it is different from seeing such a heart-piercing scene with her own eyes."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized, nodded slowly and said: "You are right!"

Ye Bo wiped his eyes suddenly, pointed at Sanniang, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Can she recover?"

"The seal on her body is only effective on ghosts and evil spirits, not on people. Ordinary mages can solve it. After the matter is over, I will let her lift the seal. Respect Xiaoshuo's wish."

Then, Ye Shaoyang told Ye Bo that the final action would be carried out tomorrow morning, and asked him to communicate with the village chiefs about how to cooperate at that time. After hearing this, Ye Bo immediately went out to find other village chiefs.


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