Urban Witcher

Chapter 624 Moving 2

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help asking: "Aren't you curious when you saw his behavior?"

Lin Yongchang said: "I thought he drank too much like me, or he was broken in love, anyway, he was hit and vented, I called him up to talk, he ignored me, and then I was stupid, Howl with him..."

Ye Shaoyang made up his mind, two big men, howling and venting in a remote and uninhabited place in the middle of the night, there is no need for ghosts, just these two people can scare people to death.

Lin Yongchang sighed for a long time, and said: "At that time, I thought he was venting just like me. How could I have thought...he just died like this. I knew that I would hold him no matter what."

"And then, when was his body found?"

"The next morning, I was discovered by a few guys who came back from the Internet cafe for a night out."

"Baoye surfing the Internet?" Ye Shaoyang wondered, "How did Baoye go online?"

"There is a gap in the wall on the south side of Lifen Garden. From there, it will be closer to the Internet cafe on the street, and closer to the dormitory, but usually few people go there, unless there are many people and they are brave. , you may have heard that Lifen Garden is haunted."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "I have heard of it a little bit, but what kind of haunting, have you seen it?"

Lin Yongchang said: "You really know how to joke. If I saw it, would I still be standing here?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, and continued to inquire about Li Xiaoqiang's death. Lin Yongchang told him that after someone found the body, he immediately reported to the detectives, who took the corpse away, and then launched various investigations in the school.

"I was the last one to see him, so I was the focus of attention. They asked me to take him to the small booth. Those detectives were really good. They checked the booth all over. In the end, guess what, in the Linshui A fragment of clothing was extracted from a corner of the cement, and a small piece of skin rubbed on the cement was extracted. After comparison, it belonged to Lin Yongchang, so it was judged that he fell into the water there..."

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but frowned and said, "Wait a minute, he fell into the water and died? Then why was the body found outside the gate of Lifen Garden?"

Lin Yongchang smiled meaningfully, and said: "That's why everyone talks about being haunted, let me tell you..."

Ye Shaoyang's interest was aroused, and he was waiting to hear the following, when Lin Yongchang's girlfriend pinched his arm hard, and reprimanded him: "Stop propagating feudal superstition, okay, Xiaoqiang is gone, and it's against him if you talk about it again." No respect, I don't want to listen to this!"

Lin Yongchang smiled, waved his hand to Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Don't talk, don't talk, let's talk later when we have a chance."

Ye Shaoyang secretly rolled his eyes, this guy will also be a henpeck in the future.

Lin Yongchang took a taxi, sat in the back with his girlfriend, and Ye Shaoyang sat in the front, and drove towards the funeral home.

On the way, Ye Shaoyang asked Lin Yongchang: "Are you going to hold a funeral for him? Why are you holding it here? Didn't his relatives take his body back?"

Lin Yongchang looked at him curiously, and said: "You and he are classmates in middle school, so you must be a fellow villager. Don't you know that Li Xiaoqiang was an orphan since he was a child?"

"Uh..." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "I know he is an orphan, but I'm not sure if he has any other relatives, just ask casually."

Lin Yongchang said: "The school has tried to contact him, but he really doesn't have any relatives, so we classmates who have a good relationship discussed holding a funeral for him, then cremated him, and put the ashes in the funeral parlor. One ride."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and said gratefully: "How much money does it cost, I will also share it when the time comes."

When they arrived at the funeral parlor, the three got off the car. Lin Yongchang led the way and came to a memorial hall called Siyuan Hall. There were some wreaths placed against the wall outside the door, and some mattresses were spread on the floor inside. Several young men and women sat in the hall. On the mat, straw paper and ingots are being folded.

A female classmate came over, glanced at Ye Shaoyang, and asked Lin Yongchang: "This is..."

Lin Yongchang made an introduction, the girl nodded, and picked up a large white cardboard box from the ground, with the word "Dian" written on it in red pen, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "This is for Li Xiaoqiang. If it is convenient, you can give it to me." Use it for his funeral, if there is any leftover, donate it in his name."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, took out two hundred yuan, stuffed it into a cardboard box, and then Lin Yongchang's girlfriend also gave fifty.

The female classmate thanked them and led them into the hall. The hall has been decorated like a mourning hall. Two white flowers are pasted on the wall directly opposite the door, and a large photo is placed in the middle. It is naturally Li Xiaoqiang. Ye Shaoyang took a closer look, Li Xiaoqiang was very thin, with big eyes, and his appearance was very ordinary.

I don't know why, when Ye Shaoyang looked at the person in the photo, he felt a cool feeling. He frowned, picked up a bunch of incense from the mourning hall, lit it on an ever-burning candle, put it in the incense burner, and then walked away. Let Lin Yongchang's girlfriend come forward to offer incense.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, asked Lin Yongchang where Li Xiaoqiang's body was, and answered that it was hot and sent him to the freezer. He then told him that today is Li Xiaoqiang's first seven days. According to local customs, a simple farewell ceremony will be held here today, and then a few days later A friend who was close to him during his lifetime will keep a vigil here at night.

Ordinarily, in the north there is a habit of keeping vigils for relatives in funeral parlors, but in southern Anhui there is no such thing, but because Li Xiaoqiang is an orphan and has no relatives, so he can only arrange mourning halls in funeral parlors.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, indicating that he would stay and participate.

"By the way," Ye Shaoyang thought of a question, and said, "Li Xiaoqiang died violently. Is his body undergoing an autopsy by the detective? When can he be cremated?"

The female classmate replied: "The autopsy was completed a few days ago. Today is his first seven days. We just want to wait for a farewell ceremony for the body to be held today. After a night's wake, he will be cremated tomorrow morning."

Ye Shaoyang glanced down at the three offering trays in front of the mourning hall, and said, "These apples and bananas are unusable, whoever can help, go and buy three chicken eggs, three white flour steamed buns, and three ginkgo nuts."

The female classmate asked in puzzlement: "Why can't you use bananas and apples? I see these are the offerings from other people's homes."

"It's a natural death. The soul has no hostility. It doesn't matter what you pray for. Li Xiaoqiang died violently. The smell of jelly eggs, steamed buns, and ginkgo will make ghosts like it very much, and it is easy to attract his attention and bring him back to the soul night." No trouble."

After hearing what he said, all the students present looked at him in surprise.


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