Urban Witcher

Chapter 627 The Mysterious Cross

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, and there was a crooked cross on the palm of Liu Yinshui's right hand that Xie Yuqing had opened. He lowered his head to check, it was a wound formed after the skin was broken.

"He picked it out with his fingernails, we checked it out," Liu Yinshui said, "but no one knows what the cross means."

Just as Xie Yuqing was about to say something, she was taken aback for a moment, patted Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Didn't you say that the female ghost repeatedly made the sign of the cross on you, the two crosses... Could there be any connection?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled, and when he thought about it carefully, Li Xiaoqiang drew a cross on his palm with his fingers. He must have wanted to leave some clues, and be seen by others after his death. This is a way to preserve clues under desperate circumstances, but that The female ghost was clearly standing in front of him, why didn't she speak, and just gestured to her?

There must be some special reason why she couldn't speak!

So, what does this cross... represent?

"Shaoyang, why don't you summon Li Xiaoqiang's soul for a question instead of using spiritism?" Xie Yuqing suggested.

"That ghost would rather bite his tongue than let him reveal the secret. Of course he won't keep his soul. It is estimated that his soul will be extinct long ago. However, you can give it a try, even if it is just to confirm."

"Spiritualization?" Liu Yinshui said in a slightly amused and mocking tone. Ye Shaoyang's previous inferences made him a little bit able to listen to it. Now that even the spiritualization technique has come out, he suddenly felt a bit fantasy.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, looked left and right, there was no one else in the morgue, so he asked Xie Yuqing to watch out for anyone to come in, untied his backpack, took out an incense burner from inside, poured glutinous rice into it, and then covered it with cinnabar on the ground Draw three soul-inducing paths, connect them to a fixed soul circle, and quickly arrange a simple altar.

Then, he took out a bunch of three-color incense sticks from his bag, lit them and put them in the censer, tore off a piece of cloth from the corpse, smoked them on the three-color incense sticks for a while, threw them into the soul-fixing circle, and then sent them to Liu Yinshui. I asked Li Xiaoqiang's date of birth, wrote it on a piece of talisman paper with his name, and burned it on the three-color incense.

After finishing all this, Ye Shaoyang made a seal with his hands, looked straight ahead, and read aloud: "The sun is shining, the sky and the earth are turned upside down, the magic of the Xuanqing Mountain, the Yin and the Yang, the ghosts and gods of the four directions, according to my order, the imprisoned souls, let them go immediately." ! The Taishang Sanqing is as urgent as the law! Li Xiaoqiang, three souls and seven souls return to my altar, come and report!"

With a creak, the door of the morgue was opened, and a gust of cool wind blew in.

Ye Shaoyang waited for a while, but when there was no response, he stomped his feet again, and read aloud again: "Li Xiaoqiang, three souls and seven souls return to my altar, come and report!"

I repeated it several times, but there was still no response. Finally, C's three-color incense stick on the censer suddenly fell backwards and broke. Ye Shaoyang nodded, silently put away all the magical artifacts, poured the glutinous rice from the incense burner back into the paper bag, and put each piece back into the bag, while saying: "Li Xiaoqiang's soul is neither in the underworld nor in the world. The soul flew away."

This result was within his expectations, but after confirming this point, he didn't have any other thoughts, which was equivalent to narrowing down the direction of investigation.

"Master Ye, didn't you succeed?" Liu Yinshui's voice was full of sarcasm, "What supernatural powers do you have now, let me see them again."

Ye Shaoyang heard that he regarded himself as a god, so he didn't bother to refute.

Xie Yuqing secretly glared at Liu Yinshui very unhappy, because she had to rely on him for future cooperation, and it was not good to turn against him too much, and asked Ye Shaoyang: "What should we do next, how should we continue the investigation?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at Liu Yinshui, and said: "I don't care how you investigators investigate, but I need to check Li Xiaoqiang's information, as well as his recent whereabouts, I believe I will find something."

"We have already investigated these things," Liu Yinshui said slowly, "Li Xiaoqiang is a cadre of the student union. Since a month or two ago, his behavior has been abnormal. He goes to the school's file room every day and stays for a long time. The rest of the time, I wandered around the mountains behind Lifen Garden..."

"The archives...what kind of information are you looking at?" Ye Shaoyang wondered.

"I checked his review records, which are all the school history of each year, especially the early ones. We also read them all, and found nothing special about those materials."

"Is there anything marked on the information?"

"The materials are not marked, photographed or printed, and only notes are taken. We saw through surveillance that Li Xiaoqiang carried a notebook every time he entered the archives room, but we searched his dormitory and all his luggage, but found nothing. This notebook, I don’t know where he hid it, and I’m still looking for it now.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, he already had a preliminary investigation plan in mind, so he inquired about Li Xiaoqiang's situation some time before his death, Liu Yinshui replied: "Li Xiaoqiang is a senior student, most of his classmates have gone to work, his dormitory principal He was the only one living there, and we also interviewed many of his classmates and teachers, and learned that he began to change from about half a month before the accident;

He no longer goes to the archives room, and stays in his dormitory most of the time. We found through monitoring that he occasionally went downstairs, but he only went to one place, which was Building No. 3 in the northwest corner of the school. It was an old building. No monitoring probes were installed, so no one knew what Li Xiaoqiang did when he went to that building every day. "

"Wait," Ye Shaoyang couldn't bear it when he heard this, and asked, "How come no one knows, is there no one in the building?"

Liu Yinshui said: "You are really right. That building is very old and its location is remote. It has basically been abandoned. There are only a few specimen rooms on the first floor. The doors are locked during the day and at night, and the windows on the first floor are closed. They are all equipped with fences, and our investigation found that Li Xiaoqiang probably climbed to the second floor with bare hands, and then jumped in through the window, as for what he went in for...no one knows."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it based on the information he provided, and suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, where is the building you mentioned?"

"It's the one in front of Heishuigou, yes, it's a few hundred meters away from Lifen Garden, the old building directly opposite."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, and looked at Xie Yuqing at the same time, Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly, "How, I'm right, there must be something wrong with that building!" Turning around, he asked Liu Yinshui, "By the way, what did you just say? Say, how many specimen rooms are there in the building, what specimens are they?"

"Human specimens, that is, corpses."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, the morgue of the medical school, this kind of place is the easiest place to breed monsters.


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