Urban Witcher

Chapter 632 Mole Crickets

Ye Shaoyang took a big step in the direction of the brazier in the dark, took out a talisman paper, and recited an earth fire spell, and the talisman immediately lit up.

The ground fire is a Y fire, and when encountering the Y wind blowing from outside the door, instead of being extinguished, it became brighter and brighter.

With a flick of his finger, Ye Shaoyang flicked the Earth Fire Talisman onto the piles of straw paper on the ground not far away, and it ignited instantly, lighting up the room.

Ye Shaoyang took a big step in the direction of the brazier in the dark, took out a talisman paper, and recited an earth fire spell, and the talisman immediately lit up.

The ground fire is a Y fire, and when encountering the Y wind blowing from outside the door, instead of being extinguished, it became brighter and brighter.

With a flick of his finger, Ye Shaoyang flicked the Earth Fire Talisman onto the piles of straw paper on the ground not far away, and it ignited instantly, lighting up the room.

Ye Shaoyang looked back, "Lin Yi" opened his arms, and was walking slowly from not far away, his face was hit with countless small D's by the copper beans, and black smoke was sizzling, and it looked like a face from a distance. Pockmarked, but much more disgusting.

"Didn't take the opportunity to escape just now, you," Ye Shaoyang smiled faintly, "If you didn't run away, you couldn't run away."

"Mind your own business!" Lin Yi snorted angrily, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang slipped, passed by, pulled out the Taiyi Whisk from his belt, and swept it across Lin Yi's face lightly, but like a branding iron, amidst Lin Yi's screams like killing a pig, he tore off a piece of skin down.

"Woooo..." Lin Yi twitched all over, moaned in pain, and rolled aside.

Ye Shaoyang did not pursue, but loudly ordered those students to stand in the corner behind him in case of accidents.

Lin Yi finally struggled to stand up, covered his face with his hands, and tore hard.

"Lin Yi!" There was another boy who didn't know what happened, and tried to check what was going on with him, but was stopped by Ye Shaoyang.

"The real Lin Yi is not here at all, this is a spirit monster, just changed into his appearance."

"You deceive the public with your demonic words!" The boy cursed loudly, trying to come forward to reason with him, but was held back by Lin Yongchang and others, and refused to accept it. He wanted to scold Ye Shaoyang, but he opened his mouth, but he refused to scold, and his eyes were fixed. Staring at the opposite of Ye Shaoyang-as if to refute him on the spot, Lin Yi grabbed his own face with both hands, and kept pulling the skin down, tearing Haoduan's face until it was bloody.

Everyone present was stunned by this tragic scene. Some girls were so frightened that they huddled in the corner and kept screaming. Like melting, it melted away in an instant, the skull cracked open, and a stream of blood sprayed out, and then, a monster's head came out of the cranial cavity.

It was dripping with blood, as if the spine had been removed from the skin. There were a pair of shovel-like tentacles in the front, and a pair of round eyes, staring at Ye Shaoyang hatefully.

This is... a mole cricket?

Ye Shaoyang frowned, observed for a while, and confirmed that the monster in front of him was a dirty flying insect that usually lived underground: mole cricket.

It is not surprising that all living beings can become spirits, and mole crickets are naturally fond of eating carrion and devouring corpse gas. After becoming spirits, they are probably more greedy. Ye Shaoyang suspected that this mole cricket spirit was probably attracted by Li Xiaoqiang's corpse aura, but knowing that there was such a mage as himself, he didn't dare to go straight, so he followed Lin Yi down the mountain, took a breath of his yang energy, and changed into his appearance, Touched in the middle of the night...

This mole cricket spirit can transform into a human being, and it has some cultivation. If it doesn't have its natural enemy - angry eyes and blood, ordinary mages will never dare to fight it head-on. As far as it is concerned, it has no threat.

He didn't say much at the moment, he flew forward and once again sacrificed the Taiyi Whisk, sweeping towards the mole cricket spirit.

The mole cricket spread out its tentacles, trying to block it, but Taiyi Fuchen immediately followed the trend and wrapped its head around it.

"Ah..." The mole cricket spirit was unwilling to be restrained, its two tentacles tore at the tail of the dust, temporarily resisting the spiritual power, opened its mouth, and spit out a green Y body, Ye Shaoyang avoided it sideways, landed on the ground, and immediately emerged A puff of corrosive white smoke.

"It's quite capable, but if you dare to come here to pretend, you've got the wrong idea." Ye Shaoyang put his hands together, changing the shape of his hands, and saw the dust tail of Taiyi's whisk suddenly parting, wrapping more and more at the mole cricket's head. Tight, drill into its eyes and mouth.

"Crackling..." As the dust tail continued to penetrate, the twisted skin of the mole cricket's head was ripped open, and green water flowed horizontally.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Xuanqing Mountain Mieling Nail, walked in front of it, and planned to stab it at the sky cap, but before he could make a move, the mole cricket gave up any resistance, lay down on the ground, kowtowed in front of Ye Shaoyang, expressing the meaning of surrender, And stretched out a tentacle, and tapped on the ground three times.

Ye Shaoyang knew that it meant that he wanted to recognize the master, temporarily put away the spirit extermination nail, took out a talisman to test injustice, and stuck it on the mole cricket's forehead, the green blood permeated the talisman little by little, but condensed into a thick black air.

"Not only did you kill someone, but more than one, who gave you the courage to ask me to forgive you?" After speaking, Ye Shaoyang nailed Mie Ling into the mole cricket spirit's cap, a stream of green blood spurted out, and its body quickly melted and shrank, flying into the air. Countless spirits came out and went through the door.

Ye Shaoyang drew an earth fire talisman, threw it on the body of the mole cricket spirit, burned it to ashes with Y fire, and disappeared completely.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Shaoyang turned around and looked, those students were huddled in the corner, regardless of gender, they were all close together, looking at him with an unbelievable gaze.

One girl was still crying softly.

The staff member who came to change the lamp also stayed with the students, and everyone remained in such a dull state, without any response for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang took out a bunch of mind-scenting incense from his backpack, lit it and put it in the incense burner. This mind-scenting incense was refined together with several kinds of calming medicines. After being burned, people inhaled it, and it has the effect of calming the mind and calming the soul.

It was the first time this group of guys saw spirits, and Ye Shaoyang was also worried about scaring them out.

After a while, everyone's emotions gradually stabilized. On behalf of everyone, An Xiaoqian timidly asked Ye Shaoyang: "Now, are you all right?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Under An Xiaoqian's persuasion, everyone came out from the corner.

"Just now, what was that?" An Xiaoqian came to Ye Shaoyang's side and asked.

"Don't ask so many questions. This is not what you should know. Anyway, it's fine." Ye Shaoyang came to the brazier, thinking of some paper, and using the fire to get rid of the evil spirit emanating from the mole cricket's body after death, An Xiaoqian And Lin Yongchang also ran to him to burn paper.

"Oh my god!" An Xiaoqian suddenly screamed.

Ye Shaoyang followed her gaze and immediately tensed up:——

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