Urban Witcher

Chapter 636 Special Advisor

Ye Shaoyang nodded and let him lead the way.

Liu Yinshui walked ahead, looked back at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Is what you said on the phone that happened last night true?"

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was suspicious, and said lightly: "You can send someone to tune down the surveillance to take a look."

Liu Yinshui smiled, and said indifferently, "Can the monitoring capture ghosts?"

"Normally you can't capture it, but it's not a ghost, it's a corpse. Of course it can be captured by surveillance."

Xie Yuqing patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder, and said, "Little God G, this is for you, congratulations." After speaking, he handed over a letter of engagement with a red cover.

Ye Shaoyang took it suspiciously, opened it and looked it over, and was dumbfounded: the letter of employment was issued by the Public Security Bureau, and it was written in black and white, accepting my application, passing the assessment, and specially hiring myself as a professional consultant...

"Application... When did I apply?" Ye Shaoyang frowned and looked at Xie Yuqing.

Xie Yuqing blinked her eyes and said, "I applied for it for you. You don't have to thank me. At worst, you can treat me to big R buns for a month."

Ye Shaoyang said speechlessly: "Who wants to thank you? I beat you up. Our Taoists have rules. If you are not born into a public family, what do you mean by giving me this identity?"

Xie Yuqing looked at him angrily, "They want you to have an official identity, so that you can have more initiative in investigating the case, so that others don't cooperate." After speaking, he glanced at Liu Yinshui at the side, grabbed the letter of appointment, Knocked on Ye Shaoyang's head, "You think this thing is easy to come by, there are only a few places every year, I got it because of special care, don't be ignorant!"

Ye Shaoyang understood her intentions, but still waved his hands, and said righteously: "I know you have good intentions, but this is really not good. The consultant of the investigation office sounds very cool, but if fellow Taoists find out, You thought I joined the public family and drowned me with spitting stars, no way."

Xie Yuqing said angrily: "What era is this? Your old traditions can be changed."

"Traditional things can be changed as soon as they can be said." Ye Shaoyang looked righteous and unmoved by false fame.

On the contrary, Xie Yuqing calmed down, looked at him coldly, and said, "Don't let me down, the monthly subsidy is only 3,000 yuan, just give it to others."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, "Is there any subsidy?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Nonsense, can I let you work for nothing, or how can I say that outsiders are fighting for this spot, and this is a fixed subsidy. Every time a case is solved, there will be a special reward."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, thought for a moment, as if he had made a lot of determination, and said: "Let's talk about this tradition. Although you must abide by it, as a consultant for you, it is a matter of solving cases and saving lives and healing the wounded...In this case, I I don't care about being slandered by others, the clearer clears himself, so what... are you sure you will give it every month?"

When Ye Shaoyang received Xie Yuqing's promise and received the letter of appointment from her, Ye Shaoyang knew that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, three thousand a month! It is equivalent to a good job, three thousand a month, thirty thousand a year, no, there are December, um, thirty-six thousand, and I can spend up to six thousand, and try to work for one year to earn thirty thousand. Plus my savings... Is it 198,000 or 196,000?

"Mr. Ye would rather sacrifice his reputation for doing good deeds. He is worthy of being a monk. He is really compassionate." Liu Yinshui witnessed what happened, and even more contemptuous of Ye Shaoyang, patted him on the shoulder, deliberately sarcastic.

"Of course," Ye Shaoyang said without hesitation, "My Buddha is kind... bah bah bah!" He clapped his hands quickly, and silently recited the "Taiyi Heart Sutra" three times in his heart, begging for forgiveness from the patriarch.

Liu Yinshui sighed secretly, in his heart he was even more convinced that Ye Shaoyang was a god, and he was sure that he had an affair with Xie Yuqing, so Xie Yuqing helped him in various ways, but there was no way, since he was arranged by the provincial department to investigate supernatural events, I could only cooperate, so I led the two of them to the school office building.

If you want to know something about the school, you naturally have to ask the school leaders first.

When Liu Yinshui handled the case, he had already dealt with the school leaders, so after calling to confirm, he took them directly to the vice principal's office.

"Welcome, welcome," the headmaster stepped forward to shake hands with a smile on his face, looked at Xie Yuqing and Ye Shaoyang, and his smile froze suddenly, "Why, it's you?"

When he asked this question, Ye Shaoyang remembered that this guy was the principal who had ridiculed him and Xie Yuqing at Lifen Garden before. I can even remember my name, Wu Haibing, when he arrogantly declared his family history.

"Principal Wu, we meet again." Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly.

"You... are the investigators sent by the provincial department?" Wu Haibing looked at the two separately, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Xie Yuqing smiled and said, "Principal Wu, you asked us to come to you. We quickly finished the materials and came to find you. Would you like to have a look at it, Principal Wu?"

"Where is it? It was a misunderstanding that day. Inspector Liu introduced it. There can be no problem. Both of you...is this considered to be officially taking over the case?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Inspector Liu leads, I accompany, Mr. Ye is our consultant."

Liu Yinshui smiled wryly, "It's fine for you to take the lead, and I will cooperate."

Wu Haibing courteously invited the three of them to sit down and was going to make tea again. Ye Shaoyang told him not to be polite, but to talk about business, so Wu Haibing sat down and accepted the questioning.

Ye Shaoyang's first question was about the history of No. 3 Anatomy Building.

"That building was built in the 1970s. Of course, it was built in this way for the sake of beauty. I have heard those rumors, and they are all nonsense." Wu Haibing spread his hands and said, "This building started It was indeed a classroom, but after a long time, it was abandoned, only a few rooms on the first floor, and some corpse specimens."

Ye Shaoyang smiled secretly, and said tit for tat: "Why abandon this building, if it is in disrepair for a long time, why not demolish it? There is no need for a building that has existed for decades, right?"

Wu Haibing said with a smile: "The abandonment of this building is not because it has been in disrepair for a long time. On the contrary, people in that era were very polite and did not cut corners. I heard that the materials used in this building were of the highest standard. It is still very strong until now, and it was abandoned only because the old-fashioned building cannot lay some modern teaching equipment."

"Then why is it used for mortuary? I heard that those corpses are also very old, and now the anatomy class is not there, so what's the use of these corpses?" Ye Shaoyang inquired through An Xiaoqian and others The situation came out all at once.


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