Urban Witcher

Chapter 647: Art

Light the magic talisman, and when it burns to the vicinity of the five emperors' money, pull it out, then take out a handful of yellow mounting paper, throw it into a rough porcelain bowl and burn it.

Xie Yuqing was stunned and murmured, "Why is the procedure so complicated?"

"No name, no date of birth, just relying on a little blood to restrain the soul, you think it's easy!" Ye Shaoyang looked at the burning yellow mounting paper, and said, "Blood return is one of the six great magical arts of Xuanqing Mountain, and it will be performed in the current world." No more than three people."

Xie Yuqing looked at the compass and porcelain plates on the ground, and said, "What kind of magic is this? It looks a bit like a dish fairy."

"It's Die Xian, it's just oriented and upgraded." Seeing that the yellow mounting paper was about to burn out, Ye Shaoyang told Xie Yuqing not to interrupt him, untied the soul calling bell from his belt, shook it rhythmically, and shouted in his mouth: "God!" If you shake it once, it will startle the ghosts and gods, if you shake it twice, you will respect Sanqing, and if you shake it three times, it will change the Yin and Yang, and the Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law!"

He opened a porcelain bottle with his left hand, poured a sip of magic water into his mouth, and spit it into the rough porcelain bowl. When the burning yellow mounting paper encountered the magic water, sparks erupted immediately, paper ashes flew into the sky, forming a cloud of smoke, and a black figure emerged from the He stood up in the middle, wearing a gauze hat and a long robe, with a face as black as iron, and a single horn growing on his forehead.

Because it was just a phantom, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

Xie Yuqing seemed to want to go up to see what he looked like, but the ghost messenger immediately gave her a sideways glance. Xie Yuqing suddenly felt pain in her eyes, staggered back, covered her eyes and rubbed them twice, and the pain stopped, but there was After learning the lesson, he didn't dare to look closely at that ghost messenger again.

Ye Shaoyang put down the summoning bell, took out his Celestial Master Card from his belt, dipped some saliva in his mouth with the Taiyi Whisk, wrote the word "Ling" on the Celestial Master Card, and pressed his thumb on it to activate the rune. Looking at the ghost messenger, he said sharply: "Cai Gong, the Secretary of Life and Death, listened to my order, and went to Yixue to get the soul of life, and came here to entrust it!"

The ghost slightly clenched its fists, and its figure turned into a puff of black air, and floated out of the window.

Ye Shaoyang sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at the porcelain plate on the compass, and waited quietly.

Seeing that he was not busy, Xie Yuqing asked boldly, "Hey, Shaoyang, that guy with the black face just now, is he black and white or something?"

Ye Shaoyang gave her a blank look, "Black and white impermanence is so easy to move, this is the meritorious officer in charge of the life and death division, and I was invited by me." He sighed helplessly, using blood to arrest the soul, among the mages in the world A kind of taboo, ordinary mages have enough arithmetic power, but they don't have enough tablets, and they can't invite the meritorious service of the Department of Life and Death.

As a celestial master himself, although he can overcome taboos, he still has to lose a lot of virtue, but in order to get back the notebook, he can't take care of that much.

After waiting for a while, the porcelain plate buckled on the compass suddenly shook, Ye Shaoyang's expression sank, his right middle finger firmly pressed the bottom of the plate, and he shouted: "Be honest!"

The shaking of the plate was getting bigger and bigger, as if it wanted to escape Ye Shaoyang's control.

Ye Shaoyang raised the porcelain plate, chanted a mantra silently, made a magic formula with his left hand, and slapped the bottom of the porcelain plate, a figure flew out of the plate and landed on the ground, stood up immediately, and tried to turn around and run out the door.

Ye Shaoyang picked up the ever-burning lamp and baked it under the porcelain plate. The ghost immediately showed a look of extreme pain, lying on the ground and rolling around, looking at Ye Shaoyang for help.

A few seconds later, Ye Shaoyang put down the ever-burning lamp, and shouted to the ghost: "Don't think that I can't do anything to you because I use blood to arrest your soul. I will ask you what to answer, and if there is a lie, I will immediately blow your soul away. You If you don’t believe me, you can try it!”

After experiencing the pain of roasting the soul just now, how dare Ghosting do anything wrong, lying on the ground trembling, kowtowing.

Ye Shaoyang ordered him to raise his head and look at the past carefully. Since this guy appears in the form of a soul, there is naturally nothing hidden about his appearance.

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing saw that this was a man in his thirties, with a hooked nose and triangular eyes, and a dull appearance. If you judge people by their appearance, this kind of person belongs to the kind of guy who is not a good person at first sight.

Under Ye Shaoyang's questioning, he talked about his background without any concealment: his name is Wang Zhandong, he is a southerner, he was imprisoned for robbery in his early years, and he served his sentence in Steel City. Staying in Steel City, watching the construction site, grabbing land, demolishing, and fighting, is a social bastard.

Just a day ago, the kidnapper found him and asked him if he would like to take a "job", and gave him 50,000 yuan to let him watch a person, report at any time, and then wait for orders...

Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he heard the words, and asked, "Is it me who they asked you to watch?"

Seeing Wang Zhandong nodding, he asked again, "Who is the kidnapper?"

"It's the one with me. We hang out together. He also found me this job. He also drives the car. I'm just an accomplice among accomplices..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me how you dealt with me!" Ye Shaoyang stretched out his middle finger and flicked it on the bottom of the plate, and Wang Zhandong immediately screamed.

"Tell me, let me say, yesterday, we went to the crematorium with you, but it rained heavily, someone called us not to approach you, and waited in the car outside the crematorium, and then you came out, we followed all the way You, go back to school. Until just now, you entered that building... We waited for orders and stood guard outside. When you came out, the other party asked us to continue to follow here, find a notebook from your clothes, and send it out ..."

"Who arranged for you to come? Who provided the guns, mobile phones, and cars?" Xie Yuqing asked ahead of Ye Shaoyang. He had more experience in interrogating prisoners than Ye Shaoyang, and the questions he asked were more conclusive. .

Under his repeated inquiries, Xie Yuqing got the clue he wanted: all the things were provided by a man, who was wearing a mask and peaked cap, was short in stature, and sounded like he should be in his fifties or sixties, but The connection between the two is a one-way line, and he can't give more information.

"Where is the notebook now?" Ye Shaoyang asked the most important question.

"There's an alley just west of the intersection just ahead, and I threw my laptop in a green trash can."

When Xie Yuqing heard this, she quickly called Liu Yinshui, reported the location, and asked him to go there immediately.

Ye Shaoyang inquired and learned that his naked body was also lying near the trash can. After stuffing his notebook into the trash can, he was arrested before he could escape. , also remember many things.

Xie Yuqing wanted to continue the interrogation, but Ye Shaoyang stopped him, saying: "Interrogation of ghosts cannot be used as evidence, wait for Liu Yinshui to bring him naked, then slowly interrogate living people, and then investigate according to what he said."


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