Urban Witcher

Chapter 658

Ye Shaoyang heard Xie Yuqing's heavy breathing, grabbed her hand, and patted her lightly.

"Xuanqing Mountain Celestial Master, so what?" the female ghost repeated, and murmured: "No one can solve my grievances, no one can solve it!" , coming from all directions, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the trees on the left and right, and said, "What do you think?"

Suddenly there were bursts of miserable cries on those trees, and as the tree shadows shook, countless ghosts appeared, with a tree vine hanging around their necks, tied to a tree branch, and their limbs grasping feebly in the air, one by one. Tongue sticking out, pained expression.

"Shaoyang..." Xie Yuqing hid behind Ye Shaoyang, her trembling body clung to him tightly.

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved: She was already frightened by this matter, but she still didn't hold her arm with her hand or anything. Obviously she didn't want to hinder her actions, so she patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said in a firm tone: "Yes! I am here!"

In fact, the shocking scene in front of him made him feel uncertain: these ghost images are obviously the souls of those corpses whose bodies are wrapped in golden silk incense wood. People are dead, but the ghosts are still trapped and cannot get out. trees, and each tree has a ghost like this...

Even he himself had never encountered such a terrifying scene.

"Over the years, how many people have tried to save me, how many people have wanted to resolve my grievances, let me show you..." The female ghost grabbed the skin on her forehead, tore off another layer, and appeared The face of an old man was extremely distorted, and the female ghost's hair turned into a coiled cloud bun, wearing a certain hat.

Although I don't know this person, his hairstyle shows that he is a Taoist priest...

Then the female ghost tore off the face again and turned into a black and thin man with three incense sticks lit between his eyebrows. Ye Shaoyang recognized at a glance that this was a wizard among the Miao people in Xichuan. The three incense sticks indicated his identity Not too low...

Then, there was a monk, a Taoist nun, and two uncharacteristic ones, who should be folk cultivators...

The female ghost giggled, "See, these are mages who have tried to save me for many years..."

Those souls hung on the tree also turned around one by one, waving their arms towards Ye Shaoyang, with various painful expressions on their faces.

This double psychological pressure made cold sweat break out on Ye Shaoyang's forehead.

"Next, it's you." The female ghost tore off her face again, Ye Shaoyang looked up, the female ghost's face slowly turned into himself...

Although he knew it was an illusion, but this kind of psychological pressure made Ye Shaoyang feel chills all over his body, and he squeezed the hilt of the Seven Star Longquan Sword tightly, intending to attack. The reason why he has not moved is actually a kind of confrontation, because once he makes a shot, he will not stop halfway, so he must choose the best time.

At this moment, the female ghost suddenly grabbed herself—but it seemed to be Ye Shaoyang's eyes, a gust of blood spurted out, and then the female ghost tore off two fingers forcefully, from the eye sockets to the Pulled to the chin, the skin and clothing faded a little bit, and the body turned into a pile of shreds, surrounded by blood, rushing over like a flood.

Although it is an illusion, what is the source of this scene?

As soon as this idea came up, the storm of blood and resentment merged into one place, crazily crashing towards the barrier.

With a sound of "Boom", the barrier shattered, and seven five emperor coins and copper coins flew up together and flew out backwards.

Ye Shaoyang remained calm in the face of danger, he poured out a bottle of Dharma water with his left hand, grabbed the Taiyi Whisk with his right hand, caught the water droplets in the air, twisted the handle vigorously, and said quickly in his mouth: "The laws of heaven and earth, the waves of water are bright, as urgent as Law!"

Twist the whisk vigorously, and the water jets shoot out in all directions, and land on the pool of blood. There is a sizzling sound, and the attack momentum is suddenly stopped.

What Ye Shaoyang wanted was this opportunity to pause. He pulled out the Seven Star Longquan Sword, turned around, chanted a spell, and slashed at the front of his face.

Broken R was wrapped in blood and crazily assembled under the effect of resentment, forming a huge skeleton.

The divine light of the Seven-Star Dragon Spring Sword fell from the middle of the skeleton. Ye Shaoyang was shocked by the resentment and took three steps back. He almost spit out his blood, but the bloody skeleton was also shattered and collapsed. With the splash of blood, after falling, it's all over.

In front of the two of Ye Shaoyang, the original appearance was also restored: the stone road and the trees on both sides of the road were still the same.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath.

"Where's that... female ghost?" After Xie Yuqing recovered, she looked around nervously.

"It was just an illusion created by the female ghost with resentment, it's not real." Ye Shaoyang explained, escorting her back to the side of the road, Wu Haibing was still standing in the same place, staring at him dumbfounded.

Ye Shaoyang walked up to him and asked, "What did you see just now?"

Wu Haibing spread his hands, "There is nothing, I just saw the two of you talking to yourself, and then you acted strangely..."

Before Ye Shaoyang finished listening to him, he knew it clearly: just as he had guessed, the horrible experience just now was just an illusion arranged by the female ghost using her resentment, and only after walking on the ghost road, would she have the opportunity to see it. arrive.

Xie Yuqing asked: "What happened just now, which one of you won?"

"No one won. He knew that I was difficult to deal with, so he didn't come out to fight with me." Ye Shaoyang asked her to stay with Wu Haibing honestly, and once again stepped on the ghost road by himself, step by step, guarding against the sudden surprise of the female ghost Attack, but this time, the female ghost did not appear.

Walking along the winding path, we reached the first turning point, and walked a short distance. At the end of the path, it was blocked by a huge rock. Ye Shaoyang looked up, and he didn't know whether the section of the rock was formed naturally, or The traces left by the quarrying are as smooth as a knife and an axe. The surface of the ground is far beyond the path, and there is nowhere to go.

Ye Shaoyang took out the Y-Yang disk, pushed it twice, and then saw the pointer flying around, stopping from time to time, also pointing to the two ends of the ghost road.

Ye Shaoyang confessed in his heart that Yang Pan's performance was due to his grievances concentrated on the road, but there was no specific direction, which was troublesome.

Walking back and forth along the ghost road twice, Ye Shaoyang had a certain judgment in his heart, and walked towards the road. Before going out, he held the Seven Star Longquan sword in his hand, looked at the path, and said lightly: "I will come back again, but I won't be a What you changed into is you, no matter what kind of ghost you are, I will accept it!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his sword and slashed at the trunk of a golden sycamore tree next to him. The powder turned into powder fell from the tree, and there was an extra word on the trunk: kill.

Ye Shaoyang put his sword back into its sheath, put on a cool pose, turned around and walked towards Xie Yuqing without looking back.


Because today is someone's last train back to her mother's house, so the update is late, sorry, sorry, I will try my best to write more and bring the rhythm back.

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