Urban Witcher

Chapter 661 Fly 2

Ye Shaoyang couldn't stand it anymore, picked up two tissues from the table, wiped them for her, and said mockingly: "Eating a bun can make you like this, saying you are a girl is just flattering you, are you five years old or eight years old?" age."

I thought that with Xie Yuqing's temper, she would definitely scold her back after hearing this, but to her surprise, not only did she not raise her eyebrows, she grinned innocently, obediently letting Ye Shaoyang wipe off the oil on her chin.

"Are you stupid?" Seeing her virtue, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help saying.

"Well, silly." Xie Yuqing smiled and nodded, and after a while, she ate the buns again, her mouth was full of oil, and she purposely waved in front of Ye Shaoyang, "Hurry up, wipe it off for me."

"Do it yourself!" Ye Shaoyang threw the tissue to her and said angrily, "You really treat me like a second child!"

"I treat you as a mistress!" After saying that, he was happy, and with a puff, the stuffed bun sprayed Ye Shaoyang's face.

The two ate while arguing, and when they were about to finish eating, Xie Yuqing's phone rang, she picked it up to look, quickly swallowed the buns in her mouth, connected the phone, said a few words, hung up the phone, and looked at Ye Shaoyang in good spirits Said: "I can't eat the buns anymore, I have to go to work, the old man found it."

Twenty minutes later, the two drove to a nursing home on the outskirts of Shicheng. As soon as they parked the car, a guy in detective uniform came up to pick them up.

"Brother Ye." Seeing Ye Shaoyang, the boy immediately greeted him affectionately.

Ye Shaoyang remembered seeing him, and after thinking for a long time, he remembered that his name was Qi Chen, and he was Xie Yuqing's assistant.

"Are you sure it's the person we're looking for?" Xie Yuqing asked on the way to the gate of the nursing home.

"That's right, the nurse recognized him at a glance. The person you mentioned, Li Xiaoqiang, has been here several times, always looking for that old man named Du Hu, fifty-eight years old."

Ye Shaoyang calculated in his mind, the suicide happened about thirty-five years ago, fifty-eight years old minus thirty-five years, twenty-three years old, indeed the age to go to college, just a little strange, asked: "This Land Rover, why Living in a nursing home at the age of fifty-eight?"

Qi Chen said: "It's Du Hu. I just asked. Du Hu is divorced and has two sons. The eldest son is out of town, and the youngest son just got married. He is a courier and is busy with work and has no time to take care of the elderly. Severe dementia, someone must take care of him around the clock, so he was sent here as a last resort, his son often comes here, and he happened to be here today."

"Severe Alzheimer's disease at the age of fifty-eight, it shouldn't be." Xie Yuqing muttered.

Under Qi Chen's leadership, Ye Shaoyang and Ye Shaoyang walked into the nursing home, Qi Chen went to go through the visiting procedures, and then a staff member took them to the living room, sat down and waited, after a while, a man who looked old The young man walked in with the support, and Ye Shaoyang and the two immediately stepped forward and helped the old man to sit down on the sofa.

"My name is Du Yi," the young man looked at the three of them and introduced himself, "You guys, what do you want from my father?"

Ye Shaoyang asked Xie Yuqing to negotiate, and looked at this Du Hu himself. After a closer look, he found that he was not very old, but a little bloated, with all white hair, and a stooped body.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that Du Hu's eyes were tightly closed, his expression was numb, and his hands were constantly shaking.

"What's the matter with his eyes?" After they finished their negotiation, Ye Shaoyang asked the first question.

"I've been blind for many years." Du Yi took a look at Ye Shaoyang and said coldly: "If you want to inquire about the School of Health, then don't ask, even when he is sober, he doesn't want to mention that place. "

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "Why?"

"His eyes went back to school one year to pay homage to his dead classmates, and then suddenly went blind, and then he became demented." Du Yi sighed, "It is said that he is dementia, but he is not. He had dementia earlier. There are periods of sobriety, but it's only gotten worse in recent years as I've gotten older."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, just now he was thinking, he is blind and has dementia, it is supposed to be difficult to find a wife, and he has two sons... Although it is not good to speculate on other people's private life like this, it is the truth . Only now did I know that it turned out that he did not become demented immediately after the incident, got married and had children halfway, and then the incident happened.

Immediately stood up, came to Du Hu's side, checked up and down, saw a black rope around Du Hu's neck, picked it up, and saw that it was a jade lock in the shape of a pixiu, exuding a glow that only he could see. The spiritual power he got, he thought this must be the magic weapon Li Xiaoqiang mentioned in his notes.

Du Yi snatched the jade lock away, and said, "Don't move around, my dad is counting on this thing to live!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why do you say that?"

Du Yidao: "I don't know. My dad said that when he was sober, he said that this thing was given to him by a friend to save his life."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, parted Du Hu's eyelids with his hands, looked at it, and was shocked: Du Hu only had white eyes.

Du Yi once again interrupted Ye Shaoyang's behavior in disgust.

Ye Shaoyang didn't insist, he took two steps back, put his chin on his hand, and fell silent.

Xie Yuqing came over and asked in a low voice: "How is it? Is it the same as the one before, the soul was disrupted or something?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, and said: "If it's soul removal, if the person is still alive, it will show madness, like mental illness, it shouldn't be dementia, his soul is obviously sealed..."

"Can it be cured?"

"In principle, opening the soul seal can restore sanity, but... the strange thing is that I can't find where the seal is..."

Xie Yuqing's last question was louder, and when Xiao Du heard it, she snorted coldly and said, "Don't fool me, Alzheimer's disease can't be cured. My dad has been to many hospitals, and the result is like this. If someone Way, how could I send him here." Speaking of this, I don't know what to think of, my eyes are a little wet, and I sigh.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, "You are a dutiful son."

Du Yi sighed, "So what about a filial son? Will my father be healthy in exchange?"

"You can give me money, five thousand." Ye Shaoyang said, "I'll help you cure your father."

"I'll give you five slaps!" Du Yi said coldly, "If you want to lie to someone, you are looking for the wrong person. Although I want him to recover, I will never go to the doctor in a hurry, and I won't feed him. My dad took medicine indiscriminately."

"No injections, no medicines. After I cure him, you can consider whether to give me money."

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he drew a soul-manifesting talisman and pasted it on Du Hu's face. Du Yi wanted to stop him, but Ye Shaoyang insisted that he could cure him, so he thought about it and there was no loss, so let him do it.

After Ye Shaoyang finished chanting the incantation, after waiting for a while, some white shadows gradually appeared on the talisman.


Thanks to Gao Laozhuang Gao Laoer for the reward~

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