Urban Witcher

Chapter 699 Breaking into the Basement

Everyone nodded, expressing their willingness to join, and asked Ye Shaoyang what to do.

Yang Siling asked everyone to calm down and listen to Ye Shaoyang.

Facing the crowd, Ye Shaoyang revealed his plan. In fact, it was to lure out the zombies hiding in the corpse lair by making noise, make them ignore the existence of the three of them, and rush into classroom 408 in the chaos. The blood washed away the relics left by the previous monk, allowing it to display its ability to break through the space, and the three of them went out.

At this time, due to the leakage of the air from the surface world, it will interfere with the harmony of yang and yang in this space. Jiang Feilong can use the magic weapon to break the boundary and lead everyone to escape and enter the big world outside...

After everyone listened to it, they immediately felt that it would not work, and raised their opinions one after another, and Ye Shaoyang answered them one by one.

"Zombies are bloodthirsty. Aren't there mice and bats in the garden? We can catch more and use blood to attract zombies to look for food. The IQ of zombies is very low, even white cats. They rely on If you act on instinct, you will definitely fall into the trap!"

Hearing this, Yang Siling asked: "In the future, even if you can kill a batch of zombies, there are hundreds of zombies in the anatomy building alone, and the rest will still notice us and will definitely hunt us down. There is no chance at all." rushed upstairs."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That's the problem. We can set up a formation and let those zombies come and die one by one. When the zombies in the building come out, we can use hook ropes to hook the railings on the aisle and climb up layer by layer. , so that you can avoid confronting the zombies pouring down the stairs, and climb all the way to the fourth floor. Are there enough ropes here?"

"There are ropes," Yang Siling said after thinking for a while, "but with your current strength, how can you form formations to kill zombies continuously, and you don't have magic charms, and those magic tools and medicines."

Ye Shaoyang said: "The magic weapon is jujube wood, we need more jujube wood swords, I will engrave Dao patterns to increase spiritual power. As for magic medicine... there are many things that zombies are afraid of, such as lime and fire, as long as With enough fuel, I'm sure I can handle them!"

Yang Siling thought about it again, and said, "This plan is indeed the best plan I can think of, but it's still a bit risky, and there are many uncertain factors..."

Ye Shaoyang said helplessly: "With our current strength, how can we arrange any perfect plan, this is an adventure."

"An adventure..."

"Yes, we can't wait until the corpses are decomposed," Ye Shaoyang said, "It's either alive or dead, just shivering."

Yang Siling looked at him, took a deep breath, and nodded.

So everyone began to discuss the specific plan, and decided that three men would go out to chop jujube trees, two women would cut down the wood, and two would dig the wall—the lime used to deal with zombies here was all from the lime wall. Fortunately, there are many buildings dug out, and the walls are all plastered with lime, which is almost inexhaustible.

"Alcohol, is there any alcohol?" Ye Shaoyang asked, seeing someone nod, and said, "Alcohol fire is also very harmful to zombies. We can make some torches and pour alcohol on them to deal with the zombies rushing in front of us."

A man said: "This is the School of Health, and there is a lot of alcohol reserves. We found a batch from the logistics warehouse before, and even used it to light up the lamps. It is not used much now."

Another said: "There should still be a general warehouse. In the basement of Building No. 2, we went to get some things, but they were taken over by a few zombies, so we didn't dare to go there. There are still a lot of things there."

Ye Shaoyang immediately decided to go to the general warehouse, so he asked those assigned to work first, and asked them for a carving knife—actually, a scalpel. He went to Yang Siling's room first, but Jiang Feilong also followed him, wanting to help them .

Ye Shaoyang picked three of the thickest jujube trees, sharpened them, and carved patterns on them with a carving knife.

"This can strengthen Zaomu G's spiritual power?" Jiang Feilong looked on and asked curiously, "What's the reason?"

"The dao pattern can allow the magic weapon to absorb and gather more aura of heaven and earth." Ye Shaoyang said, and handed one to Yang Siling and Wang Ping each.

Wang Ping frowned and said, "Are you going to use it to kill zombies? I haven't done it before..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't say anything, he gave Jiang Feilong the mug, and then picked one up himself, and under Jiang Feilong's leadership, he went downstairs towards the general warehouse.

The campus during the day is filled with fog, but the sun can be seen faintly, so there are no zombies.

The four walked to the bottom of an office building, Yang Siling reminded everyone to be careful, because some zombies are not in the anatomy building, but scattered everywhere, hiding in the darkest places in the building, if they disturb them, they will inevitably fight to the death .

The four walked into the corridor step by step, and Yang Siling walked in front holding a candle.

The most nervous one was Wang Ping, who kept holding Ye Shaoyang's arm tightly, which made Ye Shaoyang feel very awkward, but he didn't say anything.

As soon as he reached the stairs, he heard a wow, and a black figure rushed out from below and rushed towards Yang Siling.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Feilong stabbed Zaomu G out forcefully, and stabbed it into the neck of the zombie. Zaomu G's spiritual power made the zombie tremble all over, but it was still struggling. Ye Shaoyang and Yang Siling caught up together and used their hands to Zaomu G stabbed at the zombie's face continuously, causing the corpse to be bloody, and finally fell to the ground and died, motionless.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath, looked at the corpse on the ground, and sighed: "It took so much effort to kill a green..."

Jiang Feilong said: "Is it easy for you to kill zombies outside?"

"For such a little zombie, if you have enough energy, it's probably just a palm." Ye Shaoyang said, not to mention using artifacts such as the Mieling Nail and the Seven-Star Longquan Sword, even if you are in a crowd of corpses, you can't beat it. Don't mind it at all, it's really... Tiger Luo Pingyang being bullied by corpses.

The four of them held candles and went down to the first floor with extra care. There were only two basements, one of which had a closed door while the other was ajar.

Several people stood at the stairs and listened carefully for a long time, but there was no movement inside, then they slowly climbed up and came to the door.

"It's inside." Jiang Feilong said in the softest voice, "There must be zombies."

Forcibly breaking in is definitely not an option, Ye Shaoyang snatched the candle from Yang Siling's hand, and threw it out into the depths of the room.

"Hey, don't throw it away!" Yang Siling yelled in a low voice, "There are very few candles here, don't waste them."

"There is no need to save any more." Ye Shaoyang replied casually.

Yang Siling was stunned for a moment before he figured out what he meant. It was indeed the case. If the plan was successful, everyone would leave and they would no longer need it. He muttered: "It's all over."


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