Urban Witcher

Chapter 724 Mirror Image 3

"Don't worry, I don't want to watch you sleep." Xue Qi's face receded, and suddenly she stuck her face up again, and said, "Master Ye, among those girls, which one do you like?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, "Have you seen it all? I said, did you stick it on the mirror all day long and watch it? Are you spying on me? What about me...you saw it too?"

Xueqi snorted, "Who has the time to spy on you, I'm just bored inside sometimes, take a fresh look, good night."

Xueqi's face moved away from the mirror a little bit, and she said: "I think these girls are pretty good, so hurry up and decide."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, so many people cared about his love life, but his mind was a mess.

Ye Shaoyang took off his clothes and went to bed for the third time. In order to avoid being seen by Xue Qi, he stuffed the Yang Yang mirror under the pillow. He was half asleep and half awake thinking, wouldn’t this be closer to her? On second thought, he couldn’t care less Well, anyway, after taking Yang Gongzi in, I no longer have sex at all, I'm used to it, it's nothing more than changing someone, and she's a beautiful woman, so I can only reluctantly accept it.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Shaoyang received a call from Xie Yuqing, asking him to go down to have breakfast quickly, and then go to the School of Health together.

When we met in the cafeteria, Xie Yuqing told him that he had contacted Wu Haibing and agreed to meet at school later.

"You still dare to ask him for help?" Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised, "He and his uncle are in the same gang, so it would be nice not to trip us up."

"He still doesn't know what I want to investigate. I asked him to cooperate with the investigation as an agent, and he couldn't refuse."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to say something else, but Xie Yuqing stuffed a steamed stuffed bun into his mouth, "Eat it quickly, and get down to business after eating."

After eating, everyone hadn't woken up yet, Ye Shaoyang wanted to go up and knock on the door to talk to Zhou Jingru, but he was afraid of disturbing her sleep, so he had to send her a text message.

When they came to the School of Health, they found Wu Haibing and asked to see the files. Naturally, Wu Haibing couldn't refuse. He wanted to accompany them, but Xie Yuqing refused. The two went by themselves. On the way, they recounted the content of their conversation with Xueqi last night. After hearing this, Xie Yuqing looked at him strangely.

"Yeah, it was shocking. None of us thought of that at the time."

Xie Yuqing rolled her eyes, "Are you chatting alone with the girl in the middle of the night?"

Ye Shaoyang almost fainted, "Who told you to pay attention to this?"

"That's true." Xie Yuqing thought for a while and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Go to the archives first, and then go to the anatomy building."

Wu Haibing had already greeted the administrator of the archives room. After the meeting, the two directly asked to see the old photos: Since Du Hu has a group photo for admission, it shows that the school has this tradition.

The administrator found a large pile of files and asked himself to sort them out.

The two recalled the dress of the female ghost. If it was really a school uniform, it was probably from the 1980s to the 1990s. So they started looking for it from 1985, and it turned out to be very fruitful:

From 1993 to 1995, in the school photo, the school uniform worn by the girls was the same style as that female ghost, but it changed in 1996, and it started to have a modern style.

The two asked the administrator, and learned that there were only two or three departments in the school at that time, and there were not many classes, so they looked at the group photos of all the classes together, and found at least twenty suspicious ones due to limited pixels. object.

The school naturally has the files of these people. Since there are no names on the photos, we can only go through the files according to the class these people are in. There are recent photos on the files. I originally found a few suspected people. At the end of the comparison, they saw a person named "Chen Lu", and both of them immediately confirmed that this was the person they were looking for, who looked exactly like the female ghost they saw last night!

Chen Lu, born on April 10, 1973, was born in central Anhui, majoring in high-level nursing.

There is a lot of information in the file, but looking at it from the beginning, it is not much useful. However, the last sentence moved the two of them: on May 1, 1994, they committed suicide by jumping off the building No. 3, and the detectives intervened in the investigation. unknown……

"The one who jumped to her death was still in Building No. 3!" Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, "Then her soul must have been dissected upstairs! Let's go!"

On the way downstairs, Xie Yuqing called her subordinates and reported Chen Lu's information, asking them to investigate her life and background in detail.

Hanging up the phone, he said to Ye Shaoyang, "Haven't you seen all the anatomy buildings? Where are there any ghosts? If there are, why didn't Lin You tell you?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said nothing, he also thought of these things.

Entering the anatomy building, Ye Shaoyang took out the Y-yang disk, and checked from the first floor to the fourth floor. Except for classroom 408, no trace of ghost aura was found.

"Is it really not here?"

"It doesn't make sense. There are only two Y nests here and Ghost Road in this area. She jumped to her death from here. Ordinarily her soul should be here..." As he talked, he walked to the stairs, and when he looked up, he saw a door covered by a door. The skylight was sealed, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, took out a desk and chair from the classroom next to him, stood on it, didn't care if the skylight was locked or not, smashed the glass with the chair, and then climbed up.

Xie Yuqing also climbed up and said, "What are you doing?"

"On the rooftop, it's only possible here. After all, Lin You has been sealed on the fourth floor, and she won't know what happened on the rooftop."

"But the sun is shining brightly here, if there are ghosts..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes locked on a small room built on the roof.

Ye Shaoyang has already walked over quickly.

There was only one dilapidated wooden door in the room. Ye Shaoyang pushed it, and the door was locked. Xie Yuqing stepped forward and kicked it open, raising eyebrows at Ye Shaoyang, "I learned from you."

Ye Shaoyang stretched his head in, and saw the sling and water pipe in the middle, leading to the bottom.

"This should be a water room. Old-fashioned buildings have such a thing." Xie Yuqing said, looking around for a week, "There is no ghost."

When Ye Shaoyang walked in, he didn't feel Y or ghost aura, but he felt a strange smell emanating from the ground.

Because the space is too small, it is impossible to determine the source of the smell based on perception alone. Ye Shaoyang took out the Y-Yang plate, measured it with the method of dividing gold to fix X, and reached out to touch a piece of ground under the small window.

The ground is made of bricks and stones, without cement. Ye Shaoyang took out the exterminator nail, pried a brick open with great effort, and was immediately attracted by a small thing. Beneath” sound, as if something was moving.

"Is there a living thing inside?" Xie Yuqing suddenly became nervous.

Ye Shaoyang didn't make a sound, picked up the coffin, and the thing inside became more active.


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