Urban Witcher

Chapter 739 Battle Group 1

Ye Shaoyang was agitated, at this critical moment, why did he remember the opening chapter of "The Great Week"?

Could it be that this breathing method can restrain Gu poison?

Although I’m not sure if this is the real Da Zhou Tian Mind Method, but life and death are at stake, it doesn’t have to be death, if you use it, you might still have a chance, so you don’t have to worry about it now, reviewing the content of the first article in your mind, and start to follow it:

Tongue licks the lower palate, the air sinks to the dantian, sinks to the Y, divides into two strands, circulates the legs, inhales again, the dantian shrinks, draws the air with the mind, comes out from the center of the foot, passes through three passes along the governor channel, and goes up It reaches the top of the head, then follows the two ears, and closes to the tip of the tongue, and finally Baihui X, and it goes round and round, cyclically...

After one cycle, I felt that a lot of Gu worms had been killed, although the flow was still continuous, but the heart was kept, so I took a deep breath and began to breathe out according to the requirements of the second chapter...

The Frost Corpse Poison on his body slowly melted and flowed down his skin.

Rui Lengyu felt a little warmth in his palm, looked at his face again, and said happily, "He's getting better!"

Sibao also nodded, "Give him some time, I think he can recover."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a strange chattering sound in the yard. Sibao was taken aback, and hurried to the window, lifted the hanging straw mat and looked out. A snow-white hand was crawling out of the well outside. Coming up, followed by a rotten head, with rotten facial features, eyeballs dropped to one side, opened lips with stained teeth, giggled at him, and crawled along the ground.


Sibao was stunned.

Lin Xiaoxian also came over, and when he saw the image of the ghost corpse, he immediately let out a strange cry and backed away in fright.

A ghost corpse, no matter how terrifying it is, is never seen by Four Treasures. It wanted to go forward and kill it, but suddenly a skinless dog crawled out of the well, with its head split open and blood all over its body blurred. With intestines and stomach wrapped around her body, staring at one single eye, green and green corpse poison came out of her mouth, and rushed over in front of the female ghost.

"Tianwei Tianlong!" Sibao squeezed a formula, slapped the zombie dog on the head, and sent it flying, but his own hand was also sore from the corpse's aura, and the ghost also rushed up .

Sibao avoided the attack, took out a string of Buddhist beads from his pocket, put them around the ghost corpse's neck, and chanted the exorcism spell once.

When the Four Treasures killed the ghost corpse, some strange animals or insects crawled out of the well, their bodies were black and bleeding, and they looked like Gu insects from the southern Xinjiang witchcraft, rushing towards the window sill.

Sibao took out a handful of bodhi seeds and shot at these Gu worms. When Rui Lengyu heard the movement, she also rushed over, took out the soul-killing gun, and shot it down. The Gu worms exploded immediately and turned into blood, but the Gu worms There are too many, and they climb up the well continuously, and some climb up the wall to the door.

"Don't let them in the house!"

After Sibao finished speaking, he handed it over to Rui Lengyu, and came to the door by himself, hung the golden bowl upside down, recited the Great Compassion Mantra, and kept shooting at those Gu insects, everything that was illuminated immediately turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and there was a movement in the opposite bush.

Sibao raised his eyes and saw a dark green guy emerge from the grass, with a huge head, only a few red hairs on it, blood red eyes, a mouth divided into three parts like hare lips, and yellow saliva flowing from the interlaced canine teeth. But the body was like a caterpillar, divided into several segments, and crawled over shaking.

Nine Y people!

The evil star finally appeared.

Immediately behind Yiren, a tall man in a long robe stepped out. It was the Thai wizard——Liang Daosheng!

"The old bastard is here to die!" Although the situation was critical, Sibao didn't spare anyone.

Liang Daosheng smiled instead, "Finally, the Heavenly Master was recruited. He won't survive, and you have to be buried with him."

After speaking, a short voice came out of his mouth. Hearing the order, the nine-yth-faced figure immediately ran at a faster speed, but instead of attacking Rui Lengyu and Sibao, it climbed up the roof along the wall.

Although Sibao and Rui Lengyu knew it was wrong, they didn't dare to leave the position in order to prevent those Gu worms from entering the house.

"You are carrying Shaoyang on your back, be careful to avoid it!" Rui Lengyu turned around and shouted at Lin Xiaoxian.

Lin Xiaoxian is also a good man, forcibly restraining his fear, he stepped forward to lift Ye Shaoyang up, straightened his waist, and suddenly heard a crash on the top of his head, bricks and dirt fell, and when he raised his head, a blood-red long tongue pierced the roof and fell to the ground. down.

Lin Xiaoxian was so frightened that he fell down on the spot, the tongue pierced the air, and swept it on the spot, a stench blew up, Lin Xiaoxian couldn't get up, just when he was about to be caught by the tongue, Rui Lengyu rushed forward, pulled out the The Soul Breaking Rod, whipped on the tongue.


A gust of black air gushed out, her tongue shivered back tremblingly, Rui Lengyu was also shaken two steps away by the huge corpse aura, and when she looked back, some Gu insects like snakes and scorpions had already crawled in, with a gap between them. Holding a living corpse covered in corpse insects.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Seeing this scene, Sibao also said loudly, "You take Shaoyang to break through, and I will block it."

"No, we can't run away from these Gu worms!" Rui Lengyu smashed the celestial cap of the R corpse with the broken soul staff, and the corpse water mixed with corpse worms burst out, and some of them fell on the body, almost disgusting He spit it out, but bricks and soil fell from the sky above his head again, and the tongue of the slut fell down again.

Rui Lengyu pushed Li Xiaoxian away, and then used the soul-crushing staff to fight back, knocking back his tongue, his hands were numb, and he was out of breath.

Lin Xiaoxian ran around the house with Ye Shaoyang on his back, so as not to be targeted by the stalker, but the stalker was very clever, and his tongue first stabbed him from the front of his running, and then swept across. Dodge dangerously.

Rui Lengyu was too busy killing the Gu worms that entered the house with the soul destroying gun, so she had no time to take care of him.

The scene is already very dangerous, and with the influx of more Gu worms, everyone knows that sooner or later they will fall, but there is no way, even if they try their best to break out, in this wilderness, they can't run away from those Gu worms and people. At that time, without the support of the house, the death will be faster.

"You take Xiao Lin and go, I will die with Shaoyang, you don't have to stay!" Rui Lengyu shouted hoarsely to Sibao.

"Hey," Sibao responded with a dry laugh, but thought of dedication in his mind, death doesn't matter, the important thing is that death is worthwhile, how to sacrifice oneself to kill a bloody road, *Rui Lengyu took Ye Shaoyang and the two to escape?

At this time, Lin Xiaoxian, who was beaten into a panic by the people, suddenly said: "I remembered, there is a Guandi Temple at most one kilometer to the north, which is very spiritual. How about we escape there?"


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