Urban Witcher

Chapter 741: Transforming Mirror

Due to too many wronged souls, the two gradually lost to each other, and fought and retreated, and these wronged souls were all people who died in the battle, they were refined by Liang Daosheng, and they only obeyed him. Kamui, gradually approaching.

But at this time, Yanren also climbed up the mountain, walked up to Liang Daosheng, opened his mouth wide and spit out a long strip shaped like a silkworm cocoon, which was caught by Liang Daosheng in his hand, and he removed the cocoon a few times, and suddenly black light flowed out, but it was a Zen staff , Nine rings are connected, and each ring is covered with a huge skull.

Liang Daosheng held his Zen stick in his hand like an evil god, and with a smile on his face, he said in a low voice: "Today, I will let you experience the magic of Nanyang witchcraft..."

After finishing speaking, he stretched his left hand into his sleeve, and when he took it out, there was a red liquid on his hand. He didn't know if it was blood or some witchcraft secret medicine, so he wiped the Zen stick and quickly wrote "Witch" Mantra, muttering words in his mouth, a pathetic red light gradually lit up on the Zen stick.

"You deal with the scumbag, I'll go meet this guy!"

After Rui Lengyu finished speaking, she chopped up the last few ghosts in front of her, took out the broken soul stick again, and rushed towards Liang Daosheng. Four Treasures held the golden bowl and bowl, and ran towards the man.

"You are also a Nanyang wizard!" Liang Daosheng said, staring at the broken soul stick in Rui Lengyu's hand.

Rui Lengyu ignored him, flew up to him, and smashed the soul-crushing stick towards his face.

As a miscellaneous cultivator, she knows some talismans and spells, and she also has a little knowledge of spells from several sects. Although she is a girl, she prefers a more violent fighting style.

Especially fighting with mages, practicing physical skills and equipped with new magic weapons, even Ye Shaoyang can't catch her without using Xuanqing Mountain's great skills, so naturally he doesn't care about the black-faced Thai guy in front of him. in the eyes.

Liang Daosheng took a step back, chanted a mantra, shook his right Zen stick, and the nine rings rang, and a huge grimace appeared in the middle, opened its big mouth, and let out a soul-stirring cry from hell.

Rui Lengyu trembled all over, and in the sound of crying ghosts, she felt that her soul was about to leave her body. She hurriedly circulated her qi to resist, took a step back, took out a vanity mirror, squeezed out cinnabar lipstick with her right hand, and quickly smeared it on the mirror. After drawing a few strokes, she pointed it at the ghost's face, several rays of divine light shot out, landed on the ghost's face, and green smoke burst out immediately.

Grimace bared its teeth and made a particularly painful expression.

Liang Daosheng was not in a hurry, and smiled lightly, "Y Linghua Mirror, the spell of the Hong Kong Longhua Association."

Being told the source of the spell, Rui Lengyu was secretly surprised, but without thinking too much, she took out a golden fragrant leaf from the shoulder bag with her right hand and put it in front of the mirror, her five fingers fluctuated regularly, and the five auras concentrated on In one place, point to the location of the ghost gate where the grimace is.

Liang Daosheng's expression turned cold, he hummed softly, his right hand kept pinching the formula, and his left hand shook vigorously, the grimace was controlled by witchcraft, filled with resentment, he shook his head to shatter the clear light, broke free from the shackles of the Zen staff, and climbed out of the nine chains. As soon as he came out, the empty figure rushed towards Rui Lengyu, before the ghost figure arrived, he exuded a cold air.

Rui Lengyu's heart trembled. As a sorcerer, she instantly sensed that the cold air came from the ghost domain. She thought this evil spirit was an illusion of witchcraft, but she didn't expect it to be a real evil spirit from hell. What kind of witchcraft did Daosheng use to arrest the soul of Huangquan for him to drive.

Immediately retreated a few steps, clasped his hands in front of his chest, left up and right down, formed a strange imprint, and kept flicking his ten fingers, forming a mana barrier in front of him to block the evil spirits, and then counterattacked with all his strength...

Over there, Four Treasures had already fought with the scorpion, he was not stupid, he knew that the scorpion was not only full of corpse aura, but also full of poison, so he didn't dare to get too close, so he threw seven bodhi seeds on the ground and arranged a The Buddhist pocket array is used to lure people in, hoping to use the power of the array to strangle it.

Yiren didn't have any special means of attack, he just kept spitting corpse poison at Bodhizi, corroding the magic weapon, and the Four Treasures could only form seals to obstruct it. I can only try my best to hold on for a while longer, hoping to survive until Ye Shaoyang wakes up...

Seeing that the formation was about to run out, Sibao turned around and shouted at Guandi Temple: "Ye Shaoyang, your uncle, wake up quickly, labor and capital don't want to sacrifice their lives anymore!"

Ye Shaoyang's weekly cycle was just coming to an end, he woke up with such a roar, let out a long breath, the Gu poison in his body had been expelled for a few weeks, and it was almost eliminated, although his body was still a little Frail, but okay.

Ever since he started Zhou Tian Tuna, he was in a state of concentration and didn't know what was happening outside. He turned his head and saw the statue of Guan Gong. He was shocked. This is... Guan Di Temple?

"Little uncle, you're awake!" Lin Xiaoxian couldn't help him at the end of his spells, so he stayed by his side all the time, and when he saw him wake up, he immediately yelled and asked him to go out to help.

Ye Shaoyang got up all at once, rushed to the door, and was stunned on the spot when he saw several couples chasing and fighting each other. This is a fight?

Taking a closer look, although the Four Treasures were at a disadvantage, after all, he used magic to fight against evil things. He had natural restraint, and with the powerful magic weapon of the golden scripture bowl in his hand, he could persist for a while.

On Rui Lengyu's side, Liang Daosheng and a green ghost were attacking Rui Lengyu, which could be said to be dangerous.

"Damn it, two hit one, bully!" Seeing Rui Lengyu being bullied, Ye Shaoyang became angry from his heart, rushed forward with a stride, pinched a formula, and pointed a fist at the back of the evil spirit's head. palm.

The evil spirit unleashed all its ghost power to encircle Rui Lengyu. Although it sensed that there was magic power coming, it didn't take it seriously. Spits out green ghost mist.

"Yang Yang gives birth to a phase, and when you meet a ghost, you will receive it!" Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Y Yang mirror from his belt, and took a picture of the ghost face.

At the same time, hold the right hand empty, grasp the mirror surface with the three fingers of the thumb in the middle of the food, and pull it back.

Li Gui wailed, and the face at the back of his head immediately lifted out of his body, and was sucked in by the Yang Yang mirror.

"Heaven and Earth Promise, fuck you!" Ye Shaoyang squeezed his right hand into a seal, and patted one on Li Gui Tianling X, which made Li Gui's body short, and his whole body was atomized, almost bursting on the spot.

Rui Lengyu also paid attention to the movement here, pulled out the soul destroying gun and shot S, piercing the ghost's energy, and hitting the ghost.

This ghost was beaten by Ye Shaoyang, its soul was unstable, it was the weakest moment, after being shot, it didn't even have a chance of dying, it was atomized on the spot, and disappeared...

Rui Lengyu raised her head and glanced at Ye Shaoyang, she didn't say anything, just a glance, Ye Shaoyang understood that she was asking about her own situation, and immediately nodded her head simply.

Rui Lengyu took a deep breath, stepped back, and said, "Come on, I'll help Sibao, be careful with his Zen stick."


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