Urban Witcher

Chapter 745

Since all the ghosts fit together and entered his body, even though the formation barrier was still there, his sight was not obstructed. He saw Liang Daosheng sitting cross-legged on the ground, with the Soul Devouring Staff C on the ground in front of him, his hands forming a strange shape. Yinfa looked at himself coldly.

On the other side, the Four Treasures are fighting against each other alone, not falling behind. Rui Lengyu held the soul-crushing staff in both hands, and kept hitting the barrier. Faced with this terrifying formation, she had no other choice. She originally wanted to force Liang Daosheng, but found that his people were also sitting in the formation barrier. In desperation, he could only use the simplest and crudest, but the only method.

She couldn't watch Ye Shaoyang die and do nothing.

"Wow!" The powerful spiritual power of the broken soul staff finally opened a gap in the barrier, and Rui Lengyu rushed in immediately, helped Ye Shaoyang, and hugged him in his arms.

"Shaoyang, how are you, hold on!"

"Knife, give me a knife!" Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said, the pain of ghosts and souls made him tremble all over, and the pain was unbearable.

knife? Rui Lengyu was stunned, what do you want a knife for at this time, and touched his pocket, there was no knife, only the double rings of bat wings, and he quickly handed it to him.

Ye Shaoyang held it with his right hand, raised his head and glanced at Liang Daosheng who was opposite him, with the corner of his mouth twitching, revealing a very forced smile.

Liang Daosheng trembled immediately. His smile and eyes clearly showed a stubborn and unyielding spirit, and he was very surprised. At this point, even if he is a celestial master, he will surely die. Does he have any regrets? The technique fails?

I saw Ye Shaoyang grabbing the double rings of bat wings and gesturing towards the top of his head.

Liang Daosheng's heart skipped a beat, thinking that he couldn't bear the pain of soul-eating, and wanted to commit suicide?

Of course Ye Shaoyang would not commit suicide. He used the blade of the bat-wing double ring to draw a cross on his Tianling X and both shoulders. Rui Lengyu watched him self-mutilate and wanted to stop him, but he didn't. He believed in Ye Shaoyang and believed in what he said. Everything you do is meaningless.

"Pfft!" Ye Shaoyang spit out blood from the tip of his tongue into his left palm, and said in a trembling voice, "It's up to you..."

After finishing speaking, use the index finger of your right hand to dip the blood from the heart of your left hand to draw a Tai Chi picture on your palm, first press it on the top of your head, and consciously recite the "Tianyan Stripping Soul Curse", then slowly raise your arm, Attracted by the palm, the vague figure was pulled out from the sky spirit X above his head.

"Ah..." This kind of pain far surpassed the pain of devouring souls, but Ye Shaoyang did not hesitate, he swung his palm vigorously, threw the figure out, and fell to the ground, but it was another "Ye Shaoyang"!

Ye Shaoyang's Heavenly Soul!

I saw a fierce ghost lying on it, wrapped in the soul of the sky, sucking his sky spirit cap with its huge mouth, as if wanting to suck it into the body.

Rui Lengyu suddenly understood, and exclaimed: "How is this possible!"

Even Liang Daosheng showed extremely surprised eyes, stripped his soul, and it was his own! How can there be such a spell in the world? If you want to hold the soul of life, you can easily do it with Ye Shaoyang's mana, and then put it back into the body without any problem, but if you strip the soul of the sky from the soul, and then pull it out of the body, can it be combined afterwards?

After Ye Shaoyang pulled out his heavenly soul, he used the same method to quickly strip out the earth soul and human soul. The earth soul is in charge of the spiritual consciousness.

Seeing a fierce ghost lying on each of the three strands of souls, biting the body of the soul, Rui Lengyu suddenly understood what Ye Shaoyang meant by "it's up to you", and immediately pulled out the broken soul staff and pointed at one of them The ghost's head lashed out.

This fierce ghost is lawless in Ye Shaoyang's body, and he can't use any spells, but it's different after it's drawn out, any magic weapon can deal with it.

Rui Lengyu finally understood the true meaning of Ye Shaoyang's soul-stripping: put to death and live later.

But... stripped of the three souls, can they still be "offspring"?

Rui Lengyu wiped her eyes, gritted her teeth and didn't think about anything else, and vented all her hatred on Li Gui, beating him continuously with the Soul Breaking Staff.

"Aw..." Amidst the screams, Li Gui was forced to leave Ye Shaoyang's Heavenly Soul, put his head in his hands, and fled far away.

Rui Lengyu didn't give chase either, and continued to hit the ghost lying on the ground soul with the Soul Breaker Staff...

Soon the two ghosts had to stop biting and left in embarrassment.

Rui Lengyu ignored them, stared blankly at Ye Shaoyang's three souls of Heaven, Earth and Fate, stood up leisurely from the ground, walked towards Ye Shaoyang's limp body step by step, and spun around his body.

Go in, go in... Rui Lengyu clenched his fists and waited nervously, but as he wished, the Heavenly Soul turned into light smoke and slipped into Ye Shaoyang's Tianling X's wound.

Then came Earth Soul, the last one of Fate Soul, before turning into light smoke, he turned his head and blew a kiss to her.

"Ah!" No matter how hard Rui Lengyu persisted, she covered her mouth with one hand, hot tears streaming down the back of her hand. He rushed over hurriedly, helped Ye Shaoyang up, clasped his big butt on the back of his neck with one hand, and poured Gang Qi into it.

She didn't know what to do, but this was the simplest mutual rescue method in the magic world.

As the stellar energy entered his body, Rui Lengyu immediately felt the three souls turning in the meridians, and was led to the position where he should go by a wonderful force. He was overjoyed and pushed gently with the gangster energy.

"Phew..." After the soul returned to its place, Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

"Are... all right? So fast?" Rui Lengyu looked at him in a daze, a little in disbelief.

Ye Shaoyang smiled weakly, "Since I can peel off souls, of course I have a way to get them back, but it's all thanks to you, hey, why are your eyes a little red?"

Rui Lengyu just wanted to find an excuse, but a gust of Y wind blew. The two looked up and saw a huge ghost rushing towards them from the opposite side.

"Be careful!" Rui Lengyu strode in front of him, and hit the ghost with his soul-crushing stick, knocking the ghost into the air. Then he turned his head and saw the three ghosts, so he realized that there were only three ghosts opposite him the fit.

Being pumped like that by me before, he didn't die?

Rui Lengyu was very surprised, but when she looked behind Li Gui, she understood: Liang Daosheng had pulled out the Soul Devouring Staff, and while shaking it, he fiddled with the nine chains on it, which seemed to be through some kind of witchcraft. Control the ghost in C.

Ye Shaoyang also saw this scene, and thought to himself that hundreds of ghosts could be controlled by C to such a degree, and he had already controlled the formation for so long, and he still had enough energy. Mana and the use of witchcraft have reached the pinnacle!

Under Liang Daosheng's C control, Li Gui counterattacked again.

"I come!"

Just as Rui Lengyu was about to fight back, Ye Shaoyang suddenly pushed her away, picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Knife from the ground, circulated his energy, and with the momentum of the ax to split the mountain, he slashed at the ghost's head and heart.


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