Urban Witcher

Chapter 760: Senior Brother’s Life Experience 1

Ye Shaoyang lay down for a while, got up again, put on his clothes, picked up the hook, and went to the backyard. First, he recalled the mental mantras that Bai Wuchang chanted in his mind, cooperated with the formula, and became familiar with it before waving the hook , Practiced it from beginning to end.

No matter what magic weapon is used, it looks like a martial arts routine in the world, but it is essentially activated by spells. The traces of the magic weapon dancing are also in accordance with the rules of the magic, just like the drawing talisman and the mahogany sword dance. The strength is determined by The strength of one's own qi and the ability to execute spells are fundamentally different from martial arts.

After the first pass, Ye Shaoyang became familiar with this spell, and the second time it became more natural and faster.

The stellar energy condenses on the soul-hunting rope, shaped like a flame, and looks very majestic and domineering.

The more Ye Shaoyang practiced, the more excited he became. He practiced ten times at a stretch until the energy in his body was exhausted. He stopped and sat under the old locust tree in the yard to rest.

A figure came slowly from the side door, Ye Shaoyang knew it was Qing Yunzi without looking, and said casually: "Master still not sleeping?"

Qing Yunzi came to him and sat down against the tree trunk, with a dry cigarette in his mouth, looking like an old farmer working in the mountains.

After taking two puffs of dry tobacco, Qing Yunzi said, "How is it?"

Ye Shaoyang knew that what he was asking was about practicing kung fu, and said excitedly: "Every time you practice more, you can experience some changes. The Y curse spell is really amazing, and only this spell can exert the true power of the hook. Now I know Bai Wuchang put his heart into it."


"The Soul-Evoking Rope is a standard equipment for God Y. It's almost impossible for mages in the world to get it. I only get it occasionally. This Tushi Bagua Whip must be combined with the Soul-Evoking Rope to exert its power. It can't be used on any magic weapon in the world.

So even if I leaked this Y curse, it would be useless for others to know, otherwise, I don't think he would dare to take the risk to teach it to me. After all, I don’t know him either. What do you think, Master? "

Qing Yunzi nodded and remained silent.

"Master, I have many things to ask you when I come back this time, which one should I start with..." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, and said everything about the bronze armored corpse first.

After Qing Yunzi heard this, he was also a little surprised.

"Bronze-armored corpses are indeed difficult to deal with... Invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, but there is a saying in Taoism: ghosts, ghosts, and corpses must have a gate of life. As long as the copper-armored corpses are removed, they are ordinary zombies. fear."

Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, "Aren't you talking nonsense, if I have a way to make it remove the armor, that would be great."

Qingyunzi said: "What is Tong afraid of the most?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "Salt?"

"Hey, whether it's copper armor or iron armor, it will rust when exposed to salt, and its strength will be weakened several times immediately. Over time, it will inevitably peel off. The best way to deal with copper armor corpses is salt."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up, and he suddenly frowned and said: "It will take a long time to corrode the copper armor with salt. Even if I can afford to wait, the copper armor corpse can obediently wait with me. If it runs away, it will still be a disaster."

"Ordinary table salt is of course not good, it has to be of high concentration. There are some rocky islands in the sea, soaked by water all year round, and the outer layer forms salt crystals with the strongest concentration. Using it to dissolve water is absolutely no problem against copper armored corpses. It's a corpse king, and the armor can fade off after just soaking for a few minutes."

Speaking of this, Qing Yunzi shook his head again, "But such a salt reef is hard to find, and we have never been out to sea, so we rushed to find it, where can we find it?"

"Does it have to be... in the sea?"

"Nonsense, the salt crystals have to have at least hundreds of years of seawater evaporation to form and have that concentration."

Ye Shaoyang tentatively asked: "Is the concentrated hydrochloric acid used in industry okay?"

Qing Yunzi scratched his head: "I don't know, or you...try?"

"Forget it. Human life is at stake with this thing. If you don't try it, you will die. It's better to be safe. But where can I find the salt crystal?"

Qing Yunzi sneered and said: "Don't you have a demon servant who is a mermaid, just ask her to help. Merman live in the deep sea, it is not difficult for them to find salt reefs."

Ye Shaoyang slapped his forehead, "That's right, I forgot about this, I'll ask her later!" After thinking about it, "No, master, how do you know I have a demon servant?"

Qing Yunzi rolled his eyelids, "What I don't know? You also have a pair of snake spirit servants, and two girls who like you, but today this girl is not among them..."

Ye Shaoyang almost knelt down, "Old Guo told you?"

"Don't worry about it."

Ye Shaoyang guessed it was right, and he didn't want to get entangled in this topic, so as not to expose more secrets. The first problem is solved, and then the second problem will be carried out.

Ye Shaoyang asked him to wait for a while, and went back to his room to get his backpack and belt, took out the sun glasses, opened the seal and showed him, while explaining Xueqi's situation.

Qingyunzi frowned and said: "The original soul has been destroyed, only the original spirit remains. I have no choice but to take it away."

"Seize the house... I thought about this, but it's impossible. She doesn't have the original soul, so she can't seize the house."

Qing Yunzi nodded, "The only way I can think of is to use the soul-drawing technique to pull out a person's soul from the soul body and smash it into pieces, leaving only the soul body and body, and using some kind of secret method to stabilize it for a long time." , so that she can enter with the primordial spirit, merge with the soul body, and control the corpse, becoming a ghost corpse."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hands as soon as he heard it, "This is absolutely impossible, what will I do if I kill one person and save another."

Qing Yunzi slapped him on the back of the head as if scolding a child, "Will Master teach you to harm people? I mean looking for ghost corpses in this form. The harm is done by others. If you really do it , can also be regarded as accumulating virtue.”

Ye Shaoyang rubbed his head aggrievedly, in front of the master, he really has no image of a celestial master.

Thinking about it carefully, there are corpses in this form: R body is not rotten, the soul is complete, but the soul is missing, and it happens to be one with Xueqi...

The boy who guarded the spirit that he had killed before was like this, but the boy who guarded the spirit was filled with mercury, so he couldn't use it.

Qingyunzi knew what he was thinking, and said: "Corpse like this only exists in the tomb. The ancients had all kinds of secret methods for burial. You need to find a body that is clean and can't have any corpse odor. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles, and it cannot appear during the day. This is something that cannot be expected.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded, thinking that he was about to dig the tomb of the bronze armored corpse, so he had to pay attention when the time came.

Suddenly, a wretched joke came to mind: release Xueqi on the body of the bronze armored corpse, and transform it into a super ghost corpse... Huo Huo, it's so cool.


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