Urban Witcher

Chapter 763 Occupy 2

Standing in front of the altar, Qing Yunzi was talking to a man dressed as a mountain man below, interpreting his dream. A few others stood behind and waited.

"Hey, the celestial master consecrated the light, idlers stand back, do you hear me?"

When Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu squeezed through the crowd and wanted to go in, a little Taoist priest in plain clothes yelled at Ye Shaoyang quite harshly.

Before Ye Shaoyang could speak, Su Qinzhang ran over from nowhere, and slapped the little Taoist on the head, "Who are you talking to? recognize you."

As soon as the little Taoist heard that it was Ye Shaoyang, his eyes froze, and then he showed a respectful and nervous expression, and immediately bowed to salute, even the voice of apologizing was trembling with excitement.

"Second senior brother, I only thought of going up to the mountains to learn art after hearing about your reputation for subduing demons and demons. I finally saw a living one today!"

As soon as he heard Ye Shaoyang's name, some familiar mountain people nearby cheered and surrounded him, and greeted Ye Shaoyang affectionately.

In the Xuanqing Mountain area, Ye Shaoyang's popularity is no less than that of Qing Yunzi, and he is more friendly, so when the group of seven aunts and eight aunts saw Rui Lengyu who was with him, they immediately gathered around and made fun of Ye Shaoyang .

Ye Shaoyang couldn't get angry with them yet, and in the midst of embarrassment, Qing Yunzi stopped what he was doing, and shouted to this side with a sword: "Stop making noise! ​​Shaoyang, come up!"

Ye Shaoyang led Rui Lengyu to escape from the crowd, walked to the back side of the altar, and stood near the foyer. This position was very close to the altar, but there were pillars on the left and right to block it, so most people couldn't see it.

Ye Shaoyang chose this position to avoid embarrassing Rui Lengyu.

The two looked towards the altar together.

"Daoist Qingyun, I dreamed that there were three cows eating grass under a pagoda. As a result, a fire broke out under the pagoda. The fire was very fierce. A monster like a bat jumped out of the pagoda with a big mouth. The cows were all eaten, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw it, and when I woke up, I felt that it was not a good dream, so I came to ask the Taoist priest to take a share."

The man bowed and bowed again, very sincerely.

Qing Yunzi opened an incense burner on the altar, lit a magic talisman, walked around in front of the man, muttering something, then put the magic talisman into the incense burner, and closed the lid.

"What kind of spell is this? Fushi?" Rui Lengyu asked.

Ye Shaoyang leaned close to her ear and whispered, "It's nothing like magic, it's just pretending to be mysterious, and dream interpretation doesn't depend on it at all."

Qing Yunzi held the mahogany sword in his hand, waved it around a few times in a pretentious manner, lifted the lid of the incense burner, and took out a complete talisman from inside, with several incomprehensible patterns written on it.

Qing Yunzi held it in his hand, looked at it for a while, and asked the man, "Are you a farmer?"

"That's right. I have owned dozens of acres of orchards. This summer, I had this dream just after they bloomed and were about to bear fruit. It's taboo. Could it be that the orchards are about to catch fire?"

Qingyunzi smiled and said: "The fire under the pagoda is a word for 'disaster', the big-mouthed bat that eats the cow is called 'glutton', and the cow is the root of the field, so it is a symbol of a good harvest.

The cow was eaten, which means passing the famine year, and the pagoda lit a fire, which is even more confirmed. I am afraid that this dream is reminded by your hometown fairy. "

The man was shocked after hearing this, and hurriedly asked: "How long will the famine last? When will the luck change?"

"Three cows, of course, symbolize three years." Seeing the man's anxious appearance, Qing Yunzi said calmly: "Your fruit tree has been planted, and even if you pull it out now, you will still encounter disaster. Meng Zhao and Divination is the same as fortune-telling, it can only be supplemented, not avoided.

You have to make precautionary preparations related to the orchard, so that when things happen, the loss can be slightly reduced, which is already good, but even so, you still occupy the light of dream interpretation, which will increase karma, so go to the mountain gate to add some incense Bar. "

After finishing speaking, he winked at an outer disciple next to him, and that disciple immediately walked up to lead the way, and the man left with gratitude.

"Next, Zhang Dazhu."

A man in his fifties came up, wearing a suit, he didn't look like a farmer, bowed to Qing Yunzi, and couldn't wait to talk about his dream:

"Master Daoist, I came all the way from Liushan County to interpret dreams. In the past three days, I always had a dream. Every time I went to buy lottery tickets by myself, and I bought the same set of numbers every time, 6382—— Hey, I won't talk about it later.

I thought it was a revelation from God, so I went to buy this set of numbers every day, but I didn’t even win the small prize of 5 yuan. What’s going on? Is there something special about it? Please tell the Taoist priest. , if I win five million, I will split up one hundred thousand, and I will never break my promise. "

Qing Yunzi was furious, "You're stingy enough, I'll tell you to win the lottery, if you win five million, I'll give you one hundred thousand?"

"Hey, five million is not much this year." Zhang Dazhu counted with his fingers, "I want to buy a Land Rover, it will cost 800,000, and I will buy a small western-style house, a million, and furnishing... um, Buy two more shops, and change another wife, hehe, it’s almost the same.”

The onlookers who had said something in one sentence couldn't help laughing, and Ye Shaoyang was also speechless. "Where did this funny thing come from, before I won the lottery, I started to calculate how to spend it, and even changed my wife, bah!"

Qing Yunzi grinned at Zhang Dazhu, and stretched his head to look at him, "Why don't I win 10 million for you, please share more with me."

When Zhang Dazhu heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded his head, "Okay, tell me how to win the lottery, if you can win 10 million, I will definitely split up 150,000, no, two One hundred thousand!"

"What a P!" Qing Yunzi's face tensed, "If I have a way to win a lottery, I will teach you instead of buying it myself? Let me tell you, before you had this dream for the first time, did you often buy lottery tickets? "

"Buy, ten bets a day, sometimes twenty bets. As the saying goes, if you want to make money quickly, buy lottery tickets. How can you get rich without buying lottery tickets? I won the lottery, but unfortunately I have never won the jackpot..."

Qing Yunzi sneered: "That's right. You buy lottery tickets during the day, think about lottery tickets, and dream about buying lottery tickets at night. This is a day-to-day dream and a night-time dream. , your dream can’t take it, so hurry up and go.”

When Rui Lengyu heard this, she smelled it curiously: "What do you mean if you don't have five dreams?"

Ye Shaoyang explained: "Although dream divination is a small skill, it also has a lot of specialties. Some dreams cannot be interpreted. The first is this 'day false dream'. Such dreams are the result of thinking too much during the day. There is no foreshadowing and no appreciable value.

The second type is called 'dreams of unresolved shock', which are frightened or strongly stimulated before going to bed, which affects the dream, and such dreams cannot be accounted for.


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