Urban Witcher

Chapter 772: Crane Lamp

"I'm losing weight, Pingping won't let me eat that stuff."

"Eat with me at noon, and have two drinks."

"Okay, risk your life to be with the gentleman." The pony shrugged.

The two punched at the same time with a tacit understanding, hitting each other's chest, and the embarrassing atmosphere was swept away.

Brother, there is no need to apologize, no need to say more, one word, one action, you can get back the feeling of the past.

Several people sat down and chatted. Sibao originally wanted to talk about the situation of the ancient tomb that he had investigated. Ye Shaoyang pulled Lin Sansheng out and introduced him. Sibao didn't need to talk about it. After all, no one knew more about the ancient tomb than Lin Sansheng. action.

"When will we do it?" Sibao asked.

"When the oranges arrive, I have to think about how to deal with Ziyue."

"I've already thought of a solution." Sibao took out a gleaming golden lampstand from the sleeve of his cassock, and as soon as he took it out, a beam of Buddha's light immediately radiated out.

Ye Shaoyang knew that this must be a good thing, so he couldn't help but look at it seriously. The lampstand looked like it was plated with gold, and its image was a crane standing on the back of a turtle with one foot.

The crane's mouth is half open, holding a ball in its mouth, with a twist in the middle.

"What is this, Aladdin's magic lamp?" The pony had just been revived with full blood, and immediately returned to his true nature.

Sibao ignored him, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "The crane is an auspicious thing in your Taoism, and it is the same in our Buddhist school. This lamp is called the Crane Spirit Lamp. It is a magic weapon as famous as the golden bowl bowl in Wuzhou Mountain. You go away that day." Afterwards, I went back to Mount Wuzhou and asked my master to borrow this treasure."

As he said that, he glanced at Rui Lengyu and said, "This is still inspired by your Five Treasures Golden Lotus. This Crane Spirit Lamp is not much like your Five Treasures Golden Lotus. They are both magic weapons of the fire system. There are three kinds of fire in Buddhism: Golden Lotus Karma Fire, Nanming Lihuo, real fire of Bodhi. Your five-treasure golden lotus can emit golden lotus karmic fire, but what my Crane Spirit Lamp emits is real fire of Bodhi."

Xiao Ma said: "Aren't they all fire? What's the difference? Are fires also divided into different classes?"

The Four Treasures said: "There are no grades of fire, but the causes are different, and the effects are also different. The difference is... the poor monk is too lazy to explain to you."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. Although he didn't understand the various sources of fire in Buddhism, he thought it was similar to Taoism. There are also three kinds of fire in Taoism: Ziwei sky fire, hell fire, and Samadhi real fire. The places are different.

"The real fire of Bodhi released by my Crane Spirit Lamp is said to be after Sakyamuni enlightened under the Bodhi tree, he used a fire to burn his own karma and became a Buddha. This fire is the real fire of Bodhi, which is used to burn A ghost can burn out the hostility in the body..."

Ye Shaoyang understood after hearing this, and said, "You also want to save her?"

Sibao sighed: "She sacrificed her life to set up the formation, and endured the pain of thousands of cuts. I really can't bear to destroy her, but she has cultivated countless souls and accumulated so much resentment. The usual methods are basically useless." There is no way to save, only with Bodhi True Fire..."

Rui Lengyu said: "She won't let you be saved."

"So, we have to beat her so that she can't take care of herself and loses the power to resist, and then she can be overthrown."

Sibao glanced at Ye Shaoyang, "This time I will let you see the Buddhist formation. I have thought about it. Ziyue is so strong that she is invincible with the help of the ghost road's resentment. It is said that she took advantage of Sijiu's vitality." Becoming sorcerer.

Then we can do the opposite, and find forty-nine people, line up in a formation, and form a "** crossing tribulation formation" to stimulate the yang energy in the forty-nine people to suppress the forty-nine people. The aura of nine ghosts.

Once successful, Sijiu's vitality transformation formation will be broken immediately, and the ghost road will be abolished. Ziyue can't rely on her strength. With the few of us, it shouldn't be difficult to catch her, right? "

Ye Shaoyang held his chin, thought for a while and said: "The method is not bad, but you have to ensure that this formation is successful. Once it falls, these forty-nine people will be in danger."

"It's up to you," Sibao smiled at him, "Let me take the lead this time and you be the vanguard. When I set up the formation, you have to lock Ziyue no matter what. Wei Li, you join forces with Leng Yu to defeat and capture her, and then I will burn her with Bodhi True Fire to get rid of her grievances, and it will be a salvation."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It sounds good, but I am under too much pressure. Before your formation was formed, Ziyue was in its heyday. Whether I can stand it or not is one thing."

Sibao said: "You must stand up, otherwise, who do you expect from us to stand up, who is her opponent?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Then leave it to me."

Four Treasures said: "This formation of mine is going all over the world. Forty-nine people—actually, forty-eight people are needed. Because I am the main formation in the middle, the forty-eight people are divided into four groups. Each group needs one person to lead the formation. You will be under tremendous pressure, you must be a mage, or a ghost, to put it bluntly, it is to fight against resentment."

Looking around, he said: "Leng Yu counts as one, Gua Gua counts as one, and this brother Lin...should also count as one. Who else will take the other position? Lao Guo definitely can't."

Xiao Ma raised his hand, "I sign up!"

"You can't." Sibao said without thinking.

"You can't say that men can't do it!" Xiao Ma glared at him, "Don't forget that I am Ma Tianshi, I don't know what happened to me in the past few days, my stomach is swollen, it seems that there is gas formation, Xiao Yezi you said What kind of spiritual medium am I, I can absorb stellar energy by myself, look at me now, have I transformed?"

At first, Ye Shaoyang thought he was joking, grabbed a wrist he stretched out, released Gang Qi into his body, sensed it, and then froze: There are two kinds of Qi and Gang Qi in Xiaoma's body. Rolling and rolling regularly, it suddenly occurred to me that the last time I took him away from Y, my body had absorbed a lot of Y Qi, could it be that it is only taking effect now?

Is it really the dual cultivation of yang and qi? Is there such a magical physique in the world?

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly probed the meridians in his body with Gang Qi, only to find that half of the eight extraordinary meridians have been opened up, allowing the breath to run smoothly, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Si Bao was waiting to see him taunt Xiao Ma, but when he saw that his expression was not right, he hurriedly used his energy to investigate, but he was also stupid on the spot.

"Have you encountered any strange things recently?" Ye Shaoyang asked while holding his hand.

"Strange thing? What the hell?" Pony frowned.

"Everything counts, think about it!"

The pony scratched the back of his head, and muttered: "There is nothing else strange, I have been having the same dream in the past few days, dreaming that I was swimming in a big lake, and when I was thirsty, I drank the lake water, drank a lot, and then My stomach hurts, and then I vomit...is this weird?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, not denying it, but not being sure at all, whether or not Xiao Ma has opened the sky.

(There is another update tonight)——

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