Urban Witcher

Chapter 788

"There's another one!" Sibao reminded everyone to be vigilant. Not long after the words fell, another one rushed out from inside, and they followed the same pattern, and they also fell to the ground.

The three bronze-armored corpses twisted and twisted on the ground, and the copper armor on their bodies rattled and rattled, even Ye Shaoyang couldn't help being a little amused watching it.

"It's true that one thing subdues one thing. Such a vigorous bronze armor corpse can be laid down with a little salt crystal water." Ye Shaoyang thought that Qing Yunzi came up with this idea, and suddenly felt that Jiang was still old and hot, and he really caught ghosts and subdued demons. Still can't force it.

"Hey, come here, bite me." Sibao stretched out one foot in front of the bronze armor corpse, and when he opened his mouth, he immediately retracted it, enjoying himself.

Rui Lengyu stepped forward, unceremoniously drew his sword and stabbed into the face of a bronze armor corpse, stirred it vigorously, and after killing it, killed the other two one after another, glared at Ye Shaoyang, and said coldly: " Are you here to do business or to play monkeys?"

Ye Shaoyang was grinning, when he heard this, he closed his mouth embarrassingly, took out the map drawn by Lin Sansheng, and asked him where he is now.

Lin Sansheng pointed out the location for him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a while, and found that entering from here was a very long tomb passage, and then passed through a large space, which was winding and winding. In short, there was still a certain distance from the main tomb.

"There are a lot of secret rooms and the like, I will go in a little bit later, and I will explain in advance where I go."

"If we go in like this, will the Bronze Armored Corpse King be alarmed?"

"Not for the time being. His coffin is a corpse nest. If he wants to cultivate, he must lie in the coffin and sleep deeply. It is so far away that it can't detect it at all. When it is close, it must pay attention."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, looked around, and said: "The work is about to start officially, so don't make trouble after entering. Everyone must pay attention. Although we have water guns, the light inside is dark and narrow. You must pay attention. Bronze armor corpses are powerful. Infinity, once caught, basically hangs."

Everyone nodded, took out their headlamps and put them on their heads, letting Lin Sansheng lead the way, followed by Four Treasures, then Rui Lengyu, Guagua and Xiaoma, and Ye Shaoyang's back, went into the ancient tomb.

"I feel like I have become a little brother." Xiao Ma was very proud, but Sibao poured cold water over:

"Pull it down! With your body shape, you look like a fat man!"

Xiao Ma couldn't find words to refute, so he froze on the spot.

With the help of the light from the headlights, one can see that there is a gentle tomb passage in front of you. Turning at a few tens of meters away, everyone is not in a hurry. D, it is empty inside.

Lin Sansheng explained that these places were originally used for garrison troops, but were later cleaned up by General Guo, and they were of no use.

With an attitude of treasure hunting, Sibao checked each one at first, but later found that there was nothing, lost interest, quickened his pace, walked tens of meters away, turned a corner ahead, and entered a dome-shaped tomb.

There are many reliefs carved on the surrounding walls, all of which are wars without exception.

"This was inscribed by Emperor Taizu back then." Lin Sansheng explained, and walked to the opposite side, where there was a stone gate blocking the way.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over and saw that there were two compass-shaped stone plates inlaid in the middle of the stone gate, and some gossip symbols were engraved on them.

"This is the first mechanism. The two stone plates can be rotated. The stone gate can only be opened when it reaches a specific position. This was arranged by General Guo at the invitation of the national teacher to prevent the garrison from breaking into the ancient tomb. , how to crack it... I don’t know, Tianshi Ye is looking at you.”

"Is your national teacher a Taoist priest?"

"Taoist in Taiyi Mountain, the reputation is not obvious, but the Taoism is extremely high, especially good at the secret art of the Book of Changes."

Ye Shaoyang smiled, stepped forward to observe for a while, and said: "This is a diagram of the mechanism of the universe. It is indeed formed according to the eight trigrams and the five elements. The law of mutual generation remains unchanged.”

Lin Sansheng frowned and said, "It's not that easy, Tianshi Ye, you have to look carefully. If the operation is wrong, the mechanism in the tomb is hidden. Once activated, the consequences will be disastrous."

"If you use the acquired gossip to deduce, there are three possibilities, but sorry, for the innate gossip, this is a piece of cake."

After speaking, he stepped forward, held a stone plate with one hand, and turned it in the opposite direction at the same time, and there was a sound of "cackling" from the inside immediately.

Ye Shaoyang stopped with his left hand first, then turned two spaces with his right hand, took a step back, and looked up. After a few seconds, he heard a "click" sound from inside the stone door, and the stone door slowly opened outwards.

Everyone raised their water guns immediately.

A cold breath emanated from it.

The little horse was about to go in when Ye Shaoyang grabbed him, sniffled and said, "This smell is wrong. How could there be a bloody smell in the ancient tomb? And... is there a ghost smell in it? Could it be that there is nothing but zombies here?" Are there ghosts?"

Lin Sansheng said: "Ghosts do exist. The main hall of the owner of the tomb is guarded by four spirit guard boys, all of which are ghost corpses that have been around for hundreds of years."

Ye Shaoyang still shook his head, "No, this smell...isn't a ghost corpse, I don't even know what it is, it's so strange."

Sibao and Rui Lengyu also sensed the aura Ye Shaoyang mentioned, but their perception ability was still low, and even Ye Shaoyang couldn't tell what it was, let alone them.

Originally, Lin Sansheng wanted to go in to explore the way first, but Ye Shaoyang did not agree. He is a ghost after all. He has a ghostly aura that can be detected by zombies, not to mention the mysterious guy with that strange aura. It is better to take a step to explore. , so as not to wake up all the bronze armor corpses, it would be too scary to swarm over.

Everyone walked into the stone gate in a file, and the headlights illuminated it. It was a long corridor with a cold and flat wall and smooth walls. It was made of huge stone slabs. There were no walls on both sides. Depressed feeling.

"This is the way of returning to the soul. It is the place where the dead return to heaven after being buried," Sibao said, looking around.

After walking a few steps, Ye Shaoyang suddenly whispered: "Stop! There are people here!""

Everyone stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"Human?" Xiao Ma was startled.

"Ghost, maybe there is something else, anyway, there is something, you don't have to look around, even I can't see it, you can just feel it..." Ye Shaoyang said, and was about to open his eyes, when there was a strange sound in front of him.

It sounded like some kind of animal cry, but Y Sen was so indescribable that everyone immediately turned their heads and looked forward:

A black cat walked over silently, stepping on the stone slab.

It is not surprising that there are ghosts and zombies in the ancient tomb, but there is a cat in the ancient tomb buried hundreds of meters underground? This feeling is indescribably weird.


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