Urban Witcher

Chapter 8 The Invisible Wall

Ye Shaoyang, who was highly praised by Principal Zhu as an expert, pushed open the door of 408 dormitory at this moment, and a gust of wind blew in with a strong air. Ye Shaoyang stopped with one foot when he stepped into the door, and frowned, this dormitory...?

The two people in the room looked up at him together, and a fat man sitting on the bed and cutting his toenails looked up and smiled, "Just now the supervisor called, buddy is new here, hehe, there are too many stinky socks and dirty clothes, the smell in the room It's a bit heavy, but you get used to it."

Next to him, a shirtless man with glasses who was playing computer games turned around and smiled, "Dude, why are you dressed like this? You just finished working as an extra?"

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head to take a look at his own attire, a long shirt, homemade trousers, and old cloth shoes, which he usually wears on the mountain, and he doesn't feel much about it, but in the city, this attire is indeed a bit weird.

"Hehe, I was in a hurry to go down the mountain, and I forgot to change it." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

After entering the door, Ye Shaoyang looked at the dormitory. The conditions were not bad. There were four beds in total, one of which was empty with bundled bedding on it.

"This is just sent by the dormitory manager. I'll help you make the bed." The fat man enthusiastically helped Ye Shaoyang make the bed. Xiao Xianrou introduced: "His name is Chen Yu, and there is another Li Duo. He has already found a job and won't come back very often."

Ye Shaoyang looked Xiao Ma up and down, this person's face was dark, and there was a layer of anger covering his body, but they just met each other, Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and it was a bit abrupt to ask directly, so he sat on the bed, chatted with Xiao Ma, and deepened the relationship.

Xiao Ma's family lives in Steel City, 100 kilometers away. He is also a senior this year, and his family conditions are not bad, so he didn't work very hard to find a job. He just stayed in the dormitory and played games when he had nothing to do. His bed was covered with posters of beauties, and Ye Shaoyang pointed to one of the most beautiful and innocent looking girls and asked, "Who is this beauty?"

"Mr. C, you don't know him?" Xiao Ma was very surprised. How could he know that although Ye Shaoyang went to school in the county under Xuanqing Mountain, his knowledge level is similar to that of ordinary people, but the small county is lagging behind, especially in this aspect of knowledge.

"It looks so pure. She is a teacher? What do you teach?"

The pony snickered.

Xiao Ma is very forthright, in order to welcome Ye Shaoyang to join, he specially ordered a pot of spicy crab, a few side dishes, and a case of beer. The three new friends sat down and drank together. At the wine table, Ye Shaoyang felt quite familiar, so he tentatively asked Xiao Ma: "Have you encountered any incidents recently?"

Xiao Ma stared at him with wide eyes, "How do you know?"

"Yes, what's going on?"

Xiao Ma scratched his head, "Say it, don't be afraid."

Ye Shaoyang has black lines all over his head, he should eat and drink, afraid? Ever since he became a teacher of Xuanqing Mountain, he no longer has this attribute.

"I... have been having nightmares recently, and it started from that day." Xiao Ma took a big sip of beer and began to tell the story:

"You may not believe it. I attended a school girl's birthday party that day. I was at a restaurant in Nantah University. The party ended after nine o'clock. I waited for half a day without a taxi, so I wanted to walk back. I just sobered up. I copied Walking along the small road, there is a cemetery from Nantah University. Many people used to say that it was so noisy, and that fires could be seen in the dormitory at night. I didn’t believe it. When I walked to a depression, I suddenly heard Someone laughed, it was a woman, and she laughed very... oh, I can’t describe the feeling, it’s weird anyway.” Xiao Ma rubbed his temples, recalling.

"I looked back and saw that there was no one there. I was so frightened that I ran away, but I turned around and it was still the same place. How can I describe it..."

Ye Shaoyang said, "Go ahead."

"Yeah, I can't describe the feeling. I was obviously scared at the time and wanted to leave quickly, but my mind was a little confused. I don't know if it was because of drinking too much. I just walked up the slope and felt dizzy. In the depression, there was a grave next to it, and then I bit my finger cruelly, and after a shock, I realized that I was much more awake, and I even forgot to nod my head with blood, and ran back in one breath."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ma was full of emotions: "People say that it is a lack of vitamins or something, I don't believe it, because before the accident, I heard a woman laughing, and I have been having nightmares these days. ghost……"

Chen Yu chuckled, "Have you lost your mind like this?"

"Miss your sister! Hey, little leaf, what I said is true, don't believe it." Just a few hours after they met, he gave him such a feminine nickname regardless of Ye Shaoyang's objection.

Of course, you can't miss the matter of earning Yinde. Ye Shaoyang said to Xiaoma immediately: "Well, how about you take me to your place tonight?"

"That place, you are going to die!"

"I'm not looking for death." At this time, I must confess, otherwise it will be difficult to persuade him to lead me.

The pony's eyes widened, looking at him like an alien. "You thought you were...?"

Ye Shaoyang ate a mouthful of pork head meat, wiped his mouth, nodded and said, "I am."

Chen Yu spouted out the beer with a smile. "Student, have you watched too many Lin Zhengying movies?"

The pony also laughed. "I said Xiao Yezi, it's still okay for you to brag in front of girls, so don't fool around with us brothers. Huh?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "No fooling around, just take me there, I guarantee you will be fine."

"Don't, I managed to save my life and come back, and I won't go to that place even if I'm killed."

If you really don’t cry when you see the coffin, Ye Shaoyang thinks about it, then he might as well wait until midnight, catch them, and see what else they have to say.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Ma lay down on the bed and yawned a long time, "Oh no, I've been feeling soft for the past few days, and I want to sleep when it gets dark. I'll go to sleep first."

This guy is obviously weak because of the gas entering his body. It is also because he is strong and his temperament is too strong. He has been sucked for so many days and nothing happens. But if this continues, he will lose his life sooner or later.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, thinking darkly, when it really comes, let's see if you can still be so shy.

The pony was weak and fell asleep after lying down for a while. Ye Shaoyang didn't sleep, he concluded that that one would definitely come tonight, so he lay quietly on the bed, waited for less than an hour, a gust of cold wind came in from the window, mixed with strong air.

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes, and saw a slender man crawling in from the window sill. He was dressed in a contemporary style, which meant that the time of death was not too long.

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