Urban Witcher

Chapter 816

"Do you know that you look very much like the only girl I have ever liked, but unfortunately she died of illness within a month after I married her, and I have been thinking about her all the time... Seeing you today is a blessing from God .”

Rui Lengyu thought about it a few times, and said coldly: "If you don't want to kill me, then let me go. I'm not your concubine, you already have a queen, why pester me."

"The emperor has three palaces and six courtyards. I only have you and her, which is not a lot. What's more, my marriage with her was arranged by General Guo. I share weal and woe with her, and our love is as deep as the sea, but there is not much affection between men and women. "

Rui Lengyu couldn't break free, turned her head away, and snorted coldly: "You are a ghost, I am a human, we will never do it."

"In this map of mountains and rivers, it is possible. As long as you want, you can do whatever you need."

Emperor Jianwen let go of her hand, clapped his hands, and waved his sleeves. From behind the screens on both sides of the palace, several court ladies immediately turned out, lined up in front of Rui Lengyu, bowed and said blessings, "See Your Majesty .”

Rui Lengyu took two steps back, slowly shook her head, and said, "What's the mess, I'm not a concubine, I'm a modern person, I don't want these!"

"Whatever my concubine wants, I can satisfy you."

"I don't want anything!" Rui Lengyu tried to bite the tip of her tongue, but she only felt pain, and there was no other response, making sure that this is not a dream.

A trace of despair welled up in my heart.

Ye Shaoyang, where are you, come and save me!

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Jianwen told the maids to leave, walked across to Rui Lengyu, put his hands on her shoulders, and leaned over to look at her.

Rui Lengyu tried to struggle, but found that her whole body was not in control.

"Look at me."

A breath penetrated her body, grabbed her control over her body, and forced her to raise her head to look at the handsome face of Emperor Jianwen.

"Actually, you like me. I can see your heart. I can see that you have a dream of being a queen."

Rui Lengyu snorted, but fortunately she was still able to speak, which may be the function Emperor Jianwen reserved for her.

"I've watched too many court dramas, which girl has never had such fantasies, Zhu Yunwen, don't be so sentimental! You will kill me!"

Emperor Jianwen smiled, took her hand, and walked towards the Jinluan Hall. Rui Lengyu's body was completely out of control, and she followed him to the dragon chair and sat down with him.

"In this space, I have a powerful country with millions of soldiers and civilians. As long as you are my concubine, you will share all of this with me. How about it?"

Emperor Jianwen held her shoulders with both hands, made her face him, and looked at each other, and said in the most gentle tone.

"Kill me." Rui Lengyu's tone was very cold and calm, since she couldn't resist, she had nothing to say.

"You don't like me?"

"Zhu Yunwen, let me tell you the truth, you are very handsome and charming. If I met you a few years ago, I might be confused by you, but now, there is no such possibility.

Give up, stop doing unnecessary things, I won't beg for mercy, and I won't force myself, either let me go or kill me! "

Emperor Jianwen looked at him and shook his head slowly.

"You like that person."

Rui Lengyu remained silent.

"Your beauty, why bother to defile yourself. Only I am worthy of a beauty like you!"

Emperor Jianwen smiled evilly, raised her chin with one hand, and slightly moved her face closer.

Two lines of tears rolled down Rui Lengyu's cheeks...

Shaoyang, I'm sorry.


Ye Shaoyang was knocked on the chest by Yu Ruyi, and the screams of countless ghosts seemed to be remembered in his ears. His whole body was numb, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, but he still tried his best to ride on Guo Shaoyi's body. her neck.

The Hooking Rope finally blocked the ghost hole around her neck, cutting off the flow of ghost energy.

Guo Shaoyi grabbed Yu Ruyi's hand and slowly lowered it.

Ye Shaoyang gasped on her body, turned her over, and sat on her waist. This posture was really ambiguous.

"Ye Shaoyang, what are you going to do to me!" Guo Shaoyi roared.

Ye Shaoyang ignored her, tied her hands tightly behind her back with a seductive rope, stood up, and stumbled towards Rui Lengyu and Emperor Jianwen.

The two faced each other, Emperor Jianwen put his arms around Rui Lengyu's waist, and remained motionless.

This posture was a great stimulus to Ye Shaoyang. He took out the Mieling Nail and was about to nail it to Emperor Jianwen's head, but he found that he didn't respond. Perceived, suddenly shocked:

Both of them have only R bodies, but they don't know where their souls are.

It is easy to kill Emperor Jianwen now, but if Emperor Jianwen's body is destroyed and his soul cannot come back, Rui Lengyu's soul will definitely not come back either.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the two in a daze, a little at a loss.

Suddenly, he found that the pupils of Emperor Jianwen's eyes were flickering, spinning like beads, and he suddenly understood:

The double pupils dominate the phantom, could it be that the souls of both of them were pulled into his phantom by the soul of Emperor Jianwen?

Ye Shaoyang immediately opened Tiantong Eye, looked into Emperor Jianwen's eyes, and poured his consciousness into it...

A few seconds later, the consciousness sank and came to a palace.

Ye Shaoyang was only stunned for a while, before he could look around, he raised his eyes and saw Emperor Jianwen, sitting side by side on the dragon chair with a woman dressed as a concubine, their eyes met.

Emperor Jianwen was holding the woman's face with one hand, and his mouth was slowly moving towards it.

"The emperor is so interested." Ye Shaoyang coughed twice and rushed forward, "Where did you get Leng Yu?"

Emperor Jianwen was interrupted by him and couldn't continue the kiss. He straightened up and looked down with a smile on his face.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the face of the woman next to him, his whole body trembled, and he almost fell down the steps.


With tears streaming down her face, Rui Lengyu murmured, "I can't move at all."

Fortunately, he came in time, and he has not been defiled...

Ye Shaoyang instantly understood what was going on, his gaze turned cold little by little, and then he caught fire.

Under the extreme anger, he kept calm instead, instead of yelling, he looked at Emperor Jianwen fixedly, the hand holding the sword was trembling.

His eyes turned to Rui Lengyu, and he gave her a comforting look.

"I'm here to save you, it's okay."

Rui Lengyu smiled sweetly.

Emperor Jianwen looked at Ye Shaoyang and said with a smile: "Your sweetheart is the first person who can resist my emperor's mind. I admire you very much."

Ye Shaoyang raised his head slightly, and said word by word: "Zhu Yunwen, you are my first enemy, even if King Ksitigarbha comes today, I can't save you!"

There was a strong murderous intent in the voice.

Emperor Jianwen shook his head lightly, then turned his head to look at Rui Lengyu, and said, "Speaking of which, I really have a crush on her. After you die, I will definitely accept her as my concubine."

Ye Shaoyang raised his sword and ran.

Emperor Jianwen gently raised his hand, a golden light flew out from each of his five fingers, and fell on the ground, turning into five monsters with a human body, but with a long tail, white hair all over, hideous facial features, and a big grin .

There are a pair of mouse-like fangs in the mouth, and it feels cold.

"Even though you broke in by yourself and I can't control your consciousness, you will definitely lose in the illusion I built with the emperor's mind."

With a flick of his finger, he snapped his fingers crisply.

The five monsters roared together and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.


Thanks to the good girl of Sui Yue Jing for the reward.

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