Urban Witcher

Chapter 867 Conflict 2

In the evening, he changed into a black suit and looked very handsome, but in Ye Shaoyang's eyes, it was just two words: Pretend to compare.

"Senior Brother Ye is here too."

Ling Yuxuan smiled slightly at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang ignored it, wondering in his heart, what purpose did this little boy come to find Rui Lengyu at night?

Suddenly, it occurred to Rui Lengyu that he had chased her before...

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, why didn't you answer the call?" Ling Yuxuan stared at Rui Lengyu, with a kind of intimate reproach in his voice.

"You know, I'm worried about you."

The small flame in Ye Shaoyang's heart burned into a skyrocketing fire.

"What are you worried about me for? I don't need you to worry about it." Rui Lengyu's tone was cold, which made Ye Shaoyang feel a little relieved.

"Where is Ruxu?"

"She went to the south to get a batch of legal medicine, which she ordered herself."

Rui Lengyu squinted at him, thinking that Liu Ruxu was really not there, that's why she came to harass her.

"Are you looking for me?"

"We have determined the scope of the demon king's birth. I came to you specially and searched with me." Lin Yuxuan said.

Rui Lengyu's tone remained unchanged, and said: "You are so kind, aren't you afraid that I will steal your inner alchemy?"

Ling Yuxuan smiled, "I know you have put in a lot of effort to hunt down the demon king, so of course I want to share the benefits with you, after all, we are our own people. Let's go, those guys have been waiting for a while."

Rui Lengyu hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Shaoyang, "Are you going?"

"Go, why not go."

Ling Yuxuan smiled and said, "Does Senior Brother Ye also want a piece of the pie?"

"The demon king belongs to your family?"

Ye Shaoyang asked back, actually he was not interested in the big demon, he just wanted to protect Rui Lengyu, and he was very reluctant to let Rui Lengyu be alone with this guy who was making up her mind.

"The demon king does not belong to my family, but whoever can win the inner alchemy at that time depends entirely on one's own ability." Ling Yuxuan said.

"You find it first and then talk about it." Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to argue with each other.

The Bentley that Ling Yuxuan drove during the day was parked outside the door. He first opened the co-pilot's door for Rui Lengyu, and then said to Ye Shaoyang: "Sit in the back."

Ye Shaoyang got into the car depressed.

Along the way, Ling Yuxuan kept talking to Rui Lengyu about how he joined forces with mages from various sects to form a disciplined whole, and his words revealed the meaning of controlling everything.

"These people cooperated with each other and finally determined the range within a radius of five kilometers. Tonight, I will do a trick and use the five ghosts to find out the exact location."

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled, the five ghosts concentric array is a very advanced magic of Taoism, using spells to enslave ghosts, stimulate their keen perception ability, and look for nearby places where Y energy gathers.

However, the use of the Five Ghosts Concentric Formation consumes a lot of mana, and it can only be cast with the tablets above the Celestial Master.

Since Ling Yuxuan can use the five ghosts to move mountains, it means that he is at least a celestial master.

At his age, breaking through the celestial master tablet is extremely rare even in the long history of Taoism, no wonder he has won the nickname of "Golden Boy".

Ling Yuxuan smiled at Ye Shaoyang through the rearview mirror: "With Ye Tianshi's magic power, it shouldn't be a problem to cast the five ghosts concentric formation."

Ye Shaoyang pretended he didn't hear, and didn't want to answer such a naive question.

After a pause, Lin Yuxuan asked, "Senior Brother Ye, where did Senior Brother Daofeng go, do you know?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him through the rearview mirror and said, "What are you asking him for?"

"When he was the most beautiful back then, it's a pity that I was still young and couldn't catch up. When I returned from my studies, he had disappeared. I really wanted to meet him and talk about scriptures..."

"Daofeng never discusses Taoism with others."

That lunatic doesn't even know what to say. Ye Shaoyang even doubted whether he could memorize a complete Taoist scripture.

"Then fight." Ling Yuxuan said, "I really want to see how strong the so-called 'Taoism in the World' is."

Ye Shaoyang burst out laughing.

Ling Yuxuan said, "Is it funny?"

"It's really funny, I'm sorry I couldn't help it." Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "I really don't know where you got the courage from."

"Do you think I will lose miserably?" Ling Yuxuan disagreed, "Everyone who disappears is usually said to be miraculous, but it may not be so powerful in reality."

"Well, I really hope you have a chance to fight him," Ye Shaoyang said, "but the premise is that he is willing to fight with you."

Ling Yuxuan smiled faintly, a little disdainful.

The car drove out of the urban area, came to a mountain field, went around the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain, and parked in an open space.

After getting off the car, seven or eight figures greeted him immediately, and dealt with Lin Yuxuan smilingly.

"Why did Senior Brother Lin come? We have been waiting for a while." A young man said, but there was no trace of blame in his tone.

"I'm going to pick up a friend," Lin Yuxuan stood behind Rui Lengyu, and introduced, "This is Master Yigu's direct disciple, Rui Lengyu, I had the honor to study with Master Yigu for a period of time, so she can be regarded as I'm a junior sister."

Ask them in turn to introduce them one by one.

Ye Shaoyang listened by the side, Taoism and Buddhism have both, Bagua Sect, Tiandao Sect, Lingyin Temple... They are all young disciples of some small sects, the oldest is not more than thirty years old.

Behind this group of young mages, there are two people standing, both in their forties, one Buddha and one Buddha.

He is a disciple of Longhushan and Jiuchongshan, and his aura has leaked out, which shows that his mana is not weak.

"Almost forgot, I also invited Senior Brother Ye Shaoyang from Xuanqing Mountain to help."

Lin Yuxuan turned around and introduced to Ye Shaoyang, "Senior Brother Ye has gained a great reputation in the magic world during my years of studying abroad. You may have heard that Senior Brother Ye came to help us this time, which is also a great help."

Several people greeted Ye Shaoyang briefly, with a very cold attitude.

Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that these guys were all Ling Yuxuan's younger brothers, and they seemed to know the grievances between them. One guy flattered Ling Yuxuan and said, "With Senior Brother Ling here, I can completely control the situation, and I don't need anyone's help at all." , but to bear the human feelings."

The other said: "Yes, Senior Brother Ling, this time you lead us to kill the demon king, it will definitely shake the magic world, and you must be the number one disciple of the Taoist sect."

Ye Shaoyang sneered in his heart, not wanting to argue with Shabi.

"Master Nephew Ye." The forty-something Taoist priest stepped forward and gave him a smack, "We said goodbye back then, but today we meet here."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, looked at it for a while, saw that there were some kind faces, but he didn't recognize him, so he returned the gift and said, "Uncle Master knows me?"

"That **** broke into my Dragon and Tiger Mountain to fight with my uncle Daoyuan, a real person. I was there that day, but my status was slightly lower, and Nephew Ye didn't recognize me. The poor Taoist name is Longyang, and the real person's tablet."


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