Urban Witcher

Chapter 875 Xue Qi's Fall

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"I want to send an orphan in through normal channels, investigate the situation inside, and then take action, there will be more confidence."

Xie Yuqing looked at him, and said in a daze, "Are you looking for an orphan? Are you crazy?"

"Of course it's not an ordinary orphan. I have a ready-made candidate. Don't you say that Sun Yingyue only needs those who belong to the dragon and the rabbit. The children of these two zodiac signs are eleven or twelve years old this year. Xueqi looks like she is only ten years old now." One or two years old..."

Xie Yuqing was completely stunned, after thinking about it carefully, she finally understood what he meant, and murmured: "This method is not bad, but... can Xueqi get in?"

"It's up to you. Give her a false identity. If she has the opportunity, she can get in. If not, I'll let her sneak in over the wall. She's about the same age, so it's easy to get mixed up among orphans."

"Well, let's go back first, I want to investigate." Xie Yuqing thought for a while and agreed to Ye Shaoyang's proposal.

Ye Shaoyang asked Guagua to stay and lurk nearby. Once Sun Yingyue came out, he immediately followed and notified himself through the soul seal.

After this series of events, Ye Shaoyang now believes that even if Sun Yingyue is not the leader of the fox spirits, he must be the most critical one in the fox spirit population.

While driving, Xie Yuqing called colleagues in the investigation department to tell the situation. Before the two returned to Shicheng, the other party called and told the results of the investigation.

"This orphanage is very closed and does not accept adoptions, nor does it accept orphans from other channels. All orphans in it are from relief centers in the provincial capital."

Xie Yuqing said while driving.

"In the past three years, they have taken over forty children from the relief center. The most recent one was two weeks ago. The relief center will go to the orphanage every two months. It is said that all the children are there and are doing well."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang felt relieved.

Xie Yuqing drove the car directly downstairs to her house.

"Your parents...are you at home? Do you want to buy some gifts or something? It's the first time you visit." Ye Shaoyang looked at the three-story building in front of him and said timidly.

"Didn't I tell you that I live alone." Xie Yuqing took him upstairs and said in a low voice, "This is just one of my houses. I work as an agent, so it is inevitable that I will be retaliated against, so I I have always lived by myself."

"Be careful yourself."

"I'm not even afraid of ghosts now, am I still afraid of people?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Sometimes people are scarier than ghosts. You can easily distinguish a ghost, but you can't tell whether a person has a ghost in his heart."

Xie Yuqing repeated it in her heart, and said in surprise: "I really can't believe that such philosophical words came out of your mouth."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and stroked his hair. "Actually, I am very deep, but you are all blinded by appearances..."

Xie Yuqing's home is decorated in a classical style, very stylish, but it doesn't look old-fashioned, but the things are too messy, it looks like it hasn't been cleaned for a long time, and there are a pile of dirty clothes on the sofa: skirts, underwear and stockings.

Xie Yuqing packed up her things with a blushing face, and muttered, "I wanted to save them up for washing, but I haven't saved enough..."

Ye Shaoyang was a little thirsty, so he went to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water, squatted on the ground and just took a sip, when he heard the footsteps of slippers, he turned his head to look.

A little girl came out of the bedroom. She looked about ten years old from her height. She had a student head with full bangs and was wearing a set of red pajamas. On her chest was a picture of Big Big Wolf being beaten by his wife with a frying pan.

Wearing a pair of beautiful sheep slippers on the feet.

"Hello little sister." Ye Shaoyang waved to her lovingly, and his first reaction was that this little girl was probably Xie Yuqing's cousin or niece.

The little girl looked at him, blinking.

Seeing her cuteness, Ye Shaoyang instinctively wanted to stretch out his hands to pinch her face, but suddenly thought of something, looked at the little girl, petrified for two seconds, and then sprayed water on the little girl's face with a puff.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Xueqi..."

This little girl is Xueqi! Xie Yuqing really didn't have good intentions, Xue Qi had been here for a few days, she was really dressed up into a cute look, at first glance she looked no different from ordinary children.

"Ye Shaoyang, do you want to die!" Xue Qi cursed angrily, reaching out to wipe the water off her face.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and down again, the hairstyle, clothes, including the angry look and the action of wiping water, are so cute to the bone.

He shook his head vigorously at the moment, filled with emotion in his heart.

Xueqi jumped on the sofa and sat down, said lightly: "I'm just trying to adapt to my current body."

Ye Shaoyang chatted with her for a while, and learned that she had already refined Tianluo Yasha's remnant thoughts, and became more and more proficient in controlling the C of this body, and her strength increased greatly.

Ye Shaoyang was very happy to hear that, and asked, "Then are you used to living here?"

"If she didn't always treat me like a child, I'd be quite used to it." Xueqi said, "I can't stand her hugging me to sleep every night."

Ye Shaoyang almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Judging from the age difference on the outside, there is nothing wrong with the two of them doing this, but in fact... Xue Qi is older than Xie Yuqing, and she was hugged to sleep by her. How much does it feel like this? A little messy.

"But... why don't you resist?"

Ye Shaoyang was very puzzled. With Xue Qi's cultivation base, if she wanted to deal with Xie Yuqing, she just had to move her fingers.

Xueqi had a troubled look on her face.

At this time, Xie Yuqing came out of the bathroom, glanced at Xueqi, and said, "Why didn't you watch TV?"

"After reading it, I don't know how to do it." Xueqi replied a little reluctantly.

Xie Yuqing went into the room, took out an ipad, opened the refrigerator, took out an ice cream, lay down on the sofa, and waved to Xueqi.

Xueqi hesitated for a moment, walked over and sat beside her.

Xie Yuqing handed her the ice cream, wrapped her arms around her shoulders, flicked the ipad with the other hand, and patiently explained the steps of playing the TV series.

Xueqi silently ate ice cream and watched from the side.

Accidentally got the cream on her nose, Xie Yuqing reached out to wipe it off for her, Xue Qi did not resist.

Xie Yuqing secretly blinked at Ye Shaoyang triumphantly.

Ye Shaoyang stared at this scene dumbfounded, and finally understood why Xue Qi didn't resist, covered Sun X with one hand, and laughed miserably.

"My God, Xueqi, you are so depraved..."

Xie Yuqing left them at home, went out by herself, and personally applied for Xueqi's "fake" identity.

Xueqi told Ye Shaoyang a little shyly that the reason why she was like this was not only the result of Xie Yuqing's seduction with delicious food and other things, but also that in this child's body, apart from the divine sense of Tianluo Yasha, there was actually Some consciousness of that little girl back then.

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