Urban Witcher

880 Mysterious Long Hair 1

"Ah, ah"

A series of fighting sounds came from the direction of the top of the mountain, mixed with a terrifying roar.

Several people were moved and looked at each other.

"Cui Zhenren must have fought with that evil thing," said a mage.

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo exchanged glances, then walked towards the top of the mountain.

Two mages immediately stepped forward to stop them.

"Two fellow daoists, it's very dangerous up here and let Master Cui get rid of the evil thing. It's okay for you to go up and take a look."

Lao Guo didn't reveal Ye Shaoyang's identity, and the two mages only took him as an ordinary folk cultivator and didn't take him seriously.

"I'm afraid that what I'm visiting is Cui Zhenren's corpse"

Ye Shaoyang ignored their warnings and flew up to run.

The two mages froze for a moment, and chased after them.

Suddenly, a mournful howl came from the top of the mountain.

The voice is Cui Zhenzhen's

The two mages looked at each other in horror.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, what he was worried about happened, so he quickened his pace and started to run.

In the small village halfway up the mountain, the doors of every house were closed tightly. Ye Shaoyang was looking left and right, locking the position, when he saw a figure running out of a yard, covering his face with his hands while running, and let out a miserable cry.

Blood continued to flow down between his fingers.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed him and took out the hemostatic medicine with the other hand. Suddenly, a furry black shadow shot out from the courtyard door and rushed over.

"The Promise of Heaven and Earth" Ye Shaoyang casually made a formula and slapped it.

The moment Ye Shaoyang came into contact with that thing, his palms felt numb, and he climbed up his arm with a cold ghostly aura, and hurriedly forced it out, and then looked at the black shadow on the opposite side, who had already been blown to the ground and rolled in a circle, Back into the house.

a hairy man

He didn't see it clearly in a hurry, and Ye Shaoyang didn't think much about it. He strode forward, drew a blood essence talisman, picked it up with a spirit-killing nail, and nailed it to the lintel of the courtyard gate.

The aura of the Xuanqing Mountain Mieling Nail, poured into the blood essence talisman, will greatly increase the spiritual power of the talisman. As a town house, unless the thing has a ghost head-level cultivation, it will definitely not be able to rush out.

After the blood essence clothes were pasted, Ye Shaoyang rushed into the yard and searched quickly in the yard and several rooms, but he didn't find the long-haired evil thing just now. Didn't see anyone either.

After thinking about it, I'd better go back outside the yard to check on that guy's situation.

Lao Guo, and those two mages had already rushed up the mountainside, caught the man, and put him on the ground. Lao Guo was melting the talisman water, and those two guys were taking out the hemostatic medicine and pouring it on his face .

As soon as the hemostatic medicine was poured, the man immediately screamed, kicked his legs, and passed out.

"Cui Zhenren, Cui Zhenren" the two mages told him that he didn't respond, and he was a little flustered.

Ye Shaoyang walked up, looked at Cui Zhenren's face covered with blood, and suddenly trembled: At first, he thought that Cui Zhenren was only injured on the face, but after looking at it, he found that the whole face had been torn off, and some of the skin was still intact. Hang on the chin.

Without a face covering, a face immediately became more ferocious than a ghost: the gums protruded, revealing two bloody teeth, and the two eyeballs looked extraordinarily large, round and open, making people afraid to look at them more.

"His eyes are green, the bardo is poisonous, and he needs to pull it out." Lao Guo said, he melted the talisman water, asked two mages to help, poured it into his body, pasted a talisman on his forehead, and drew it with a cinnabar pen. stand up.

After a while, the talisman water took effect, and traces of black air emerged from the body and gathered on the talisman.

"What should we do now?" A sorcerer holding Cui Zhenren wiped the sweat from his face and asked in a crying voice.

The other was speechless.

The failure of the method is not terrible, but Cui Zhenren's face was torn off and he was severely disabled. It was shocking to see that the two of them didn't know what to do.

"Both of you, hurry up and call 20, and then carry him down the mountain to buy time for treatment. It's no joke that his face is torn off. Once infected, his life will be in danger."

Hearing Lao Guo's urging, the two nodded hurriedly, lifted the door of Zhenren Cui and ran down the mountain.

At the same time, several figures came from different directions.

Although all of them are dressed as ordinary people, they all hold magic tools such as Buddhist beads and mahogany swords in their hands.

Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that these were all mages who participated in the "Suzaku Association", defending the formation around them, and they probably ran over only after hearing the screams.

These guys didn't know Ye Shaoyang, but they also went to Lao Guo's store to buy things, so they knew him.

Lao Guo explained to them in a few words.

"This ghost is actually so powerful!" The few people were shocked when they heard this.

"Even Daoist Cui was injured. We can't deal with this ghost. I think we should ask Senior Brother Ling Yuxuan for help."

"I think so too. Only senior brother Ling can handle this situation."

Several mages agreed one after another, and someone took out his mobile phone and called Ling Yuxuan.

Ye Shaoyang ignored them, took out an ever-burning lamp from his backpack, lit it, and entered the courtyard.

"Hey, why did you break in?" A mage yelled dissatisfied, "It's dangerous, don't go in and die and wait for Brother Ling to come and deal with it."

Ye Shaoyang ignored them and walked across the yard with the long burning lamp. He saw that the candle flame was black, and the main ghost was haunting, and the flame kept moving towards the direction of the house.

Sure enough, still in the house

After rushing to the gate of the courtyard, Ye Shaoyang looked down at the candlelight and began to press down hard, as if attracted by something on the ground.

Looking closely, it was a mass of black blood, condensed on the ground not far away.

Ye Shaoyang quickened his pace, lowered his head and stepped across the threshold, running towards the ball of black blood.

However, just as he stepped in with his front feet and before he raised his back feet, he suddenly felt a chill on his forehead. He suddenly raised his head and saw a black figure hanging upside down above the porch, with his upper body hanging upside down, and he spread his hands and grabbed at himself.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang took a step back, swept out the hook, and swung the two ghost hands away. In the next second, the black shadow's long hair suddenly exploded, wrapping his upper body around him from behind.

Once the strands of hair touch the skin, they spread endlessly like tentacles.

In just a flash of thought, Ye Shaoyang's whole body was already wrapped tightly by hair, and he couldn't even move his fingers, so naturally he couldn't do anything.

What was even more frightening was that those hairs not only wrapped around his body, but also kept getting into his mouth, ears and nose.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly circulated the Gang Qi to seal the five aggregates and six senses, preventing the hair from entering the body.

The other party was also very smart, seeing that this method didn't work, he immediately changed his strategy, wrapped his whole body tightly with layers of hair, and pulled hard.

"Hehe, young man, my sister loves you."

A very seductive woman's voice sounded from the opposite side.

still a female ghost


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