Urban Witcher

Chapter 887 Alliance 1

Ye Shaoyang took the lead and rescued the young boy, then Ling Yuxuan stepped forward to fight and captured him, who turned out to be a monster-level white-haired mouse spirit.

Then there was another round of torture. The mouse spirit's confession was exactly the same as that of Maonu, but she was just a low-level pawn and didn't know more details.

Ye Shaoyang and Ling Yuxuan didn't care about fighting skills anymore, they searched separately within the range of the five-element flag formation, each found two white guns, and killed them in a fighting skill.

Then Ling Yuxuan, as the leader, led a group of people to set up a large formation along several villages, leaving two guards to protect the villagers, and the rest went to the orphanage.

Ye Shaoyang didn't follow, and returned to Shicheng in Lao Guo's broken car...

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes, which were full of shock and fear.

"What's going on?" Lao Guo asked.

Ye Shaoyang slowed down for a while, and told him what Xueqi told him through the soul seal. After hearing this, Lao Guo was so scared that he almost drove the car down the ravine.

"So, the entire orphanage is a huge demon formation, serving for the birth of the demon king? Obedient, it's amazing!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and said: "I see, that Sun Yingyue must be the fox mother. The purpose of opening an orphanage is to deceive people, adopt orphans blatantly, and then draw blood... probably to sacrifice for the demon king. Guess, it is not so easy for the demon king to be born, there must be a sacrificial ceremony to absorb enough blood."

"And it must be a dragon and a rabbit."

"Yes, those water corpses that Xueqi mentioned are also part of the formation, including those Yin trees and grimacing grasses. We don't know much about the demon formation, but we can imagine that these are all for the service of the demon king.

The demon king was born, and there was too much movement, which would definitely alarm the magic world.

This fox mother is very smart, knowing that the fox clan alone cannot fight against the magic world, so she recruited a group of ghosts, demons and corpses to act as thugs. These guys imagined that after the birth of the demon king, they could reap benefits, so they were willing to help. "

Lao Guo pondered: "The question now is when will the Demon King be born."

"It must be coming soon. There are dozens of children in the orphanage who can draw blood. Mother Fox still feels that it is not enough, so she has to send someone to look for it nearby. It must be for some reason. She wants to complete the sacrifice ahead of time and welcome the Demon King born."

"Maybe it's because too many policemen have arrived to investigate this matter, especially you and Ling Yuxuan, they are afraid that there will be trouble."

Lao Guo suddenly slapped his forehead, "It's bad, those children in the orphanage have been raised and not killed, just to get blood for a long time, and now the demon king is about to be born, it's useless to keep them, and they are all ischemic to everywhere Go find them, I'm afraid they will kill all the children and take all the blood in their bodies!"

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled, he thought for a while and said: "You're right, although Xueqi didn't say it, which means that this incident hasn't happened yet, but it must be not far away, it seems that we are going to force our way into the orphanage! "

Old Guo said: "Then you should have gone with Ling Yuxuan and the others just now. Although I hate this kid, the lives of so many children are at stake, so you shouldn't be arrogant."

Ye Shaoyang snorted coldly, "Am I that kind of person? As long as I can safely save someone, I can call him uncle. In the worst case, I will call him a grandson. I didn't go because I thought it was just us. It doesn't help at all."

Lao Guo frowned and said, "The two of you, and that girl Ling Yuxuan, is also at the ** level, plus a few ** with good mana, won't it work?"

"Of course it doesn't work! You think those fox spirits are idiots. They know that we are searching around, and they must have armed the orphanage. It's just us, it's no good at all.

What's more, they still have hostages in their hands. Fortunately, Xueqi was inside, so I found all the helpers when I turned around, and when I attacked, I expected Xueqi to protect those children inside. That's the only way, saving people comes first! "

No matter what, those children must be saved. This is Ye Shaoyang's firm belief at this time. If these children die, it will be meaningless to kill the demon king.

"Then...Ling Yuxuan and the others, if they pass by at this time, will they startle the snake?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, then shook his head, "Although Ling Yuxuan is narcissistic and arrogant, he wouldn't be so stupid as to take so many people to storm the orphanage, probably just to investigate the situation. Mother Fox knew our existence a long time ago, so she wouldn't startle the snake. , anyway, everyone is rushing for time, so drive faster!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called Xie Yuqing, asking her to arrange some people to cooperate in the operation to rescue those children at that time. Although I can't do much in terms of fighting skills, I must cooperate in this matter.

After all, the orphanage is legal in name, and Sun Yingyue's sisters also have legal identities. When the time comes to fight and be killed, I don't want to be charged with murder.

"No matter what, we must prevent the demon king from being born!" Lao Guo said, "I have read the information, the demon king's strength is similar to that of ghost bandits, and one demon king can beat dozens of demon immortals. Once he is born, the magic world will join forces , and can’t be subdued, if they can’t be beaten, they can escape, and no one can stop them.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, "The most frightening thing is that we are going to break into the orphanage, and the other party has the support of the demon formation, so we can't set up the formation, and we are restricted by the demon formation, so we can only do it hard."

Lao Guo sighed, and said: "If Daofeng appears at that time and stands by our side, there is still hope."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That bastard is not invincible."

"No," Lao Guo said in a firm tone, "I was a boy for him, and I have consecrated him many times with him. Every time, no matter who the opponent is or how strong his cultivation is, he always looks calm and relaxed. That kind of confidence makes you believe that he will never fail."

Ye Shaoyang said unhappily: "What do you mean, I'm not confident enough?"

"You don't have any self-confidence, you are desperate almost every time, you are dying."

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

"However, you also have your strengths. You are an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, you will not admit defeat, and you can always stimulate your potential in adversity. Every time you see you in a desperate situation, it seems that there is no way out, but you come back alive every time."

Lao Guo smiled at him, "I hope it will be the same this time."

On the way down the mountain, Ye Shaoyang called Sibao. Originally, he would not come back for a while, but Ye Shaoyang said that the matter was serious, and he said he would be there tomorrow morning.

"You, Leng Yu, Four Treasures, Xue Qi, Xiao Ma counts as half, and Gua Gua... By the way, where is Gua Gua?"

"It's still near the orphanage. I used the power of the soul seal to notify him before. Keep an eye on Ling Yuxuan and tell me what happened later. Otherwise, why would I just leave like this without worrying?"

"And Chen Lu, where is Chen Lu?"

(End of this chapter)——

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