Urban Witcher

Chapter 910: The Mysterious Fox Spirit 2

"It is estimated that almost all fox spirits will participate in the battle. Even some fox fairies who are reclusive and cultivating will not be able to stand the temptation and join in. Once the war starts, it will be a battle between the demon clan and the magic world. At that time, the flames of war will spread to the whole world. Let me ask the Yaozu, can the Yaozu defeat the magic world? Even if they win, will the Yin Division just sit back and watch?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "You have no confidence in the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox"

"I have no confidence, because there are you in the world, there are many powerful mages, and there are three thousand Yin gods and monsters in the Yin Division. It is impossible to win. Even if the nine-tailed sky fox is as good as the sky, the best result is to be thrown into the ghost domain , hide.

The magic world will sweep away the human world and remove the remnants of the Yaozu. That is the real disaster for the Yaozu. At that time, our fox tribe will also have to live in the ghost realm.

As it is now, I think it is very good. Humans and demons are balanced. Even if there are evil spirits, they will be killed by mages. There will be no big storms, and those spirits who are cultivating will not be affected. "

Speaking of this, Sun Yingjiao sighed, "Not to mention that in the event of a war between humans and monsters, we fox spirits will bear the brunt. I dare not think about how many casualties will be suffered. Therefore, the birth of the nine-tailed sky fox is actually a big deal for our monster clan. A curse, not a gospel."

These words shocked Ye Shaoyang's heart, and he was speechless for a while.

Rui Lengyu murmured: "Indeed, whether it is the human world or the ghost domain, what is actually needed is balance. Humans, demons, ghosts, and evil spirits all need balance and restrain each other. Once a certain type of creature dominates, it will cause a lot of trouble." culprit"

Sun Yingjiao nodded, "I'm already enlightened, so I think more. Unfortunately, most goblins don't think so."

Sibao interjected: "There are some fairies who are intelligent, why don't most of them think so?"

"After all, the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is too strong, and most goblins can't stand this temptation, and most of them don't know the strength of human mages, and they think that the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox can sweep the world, but I know

Of course, there are also quite a few demon immortals who have attained the Tao, who have seen through the advantages and disadvantages, and have gone into hiding, fearing that they will cause trouble to their upper body. Those who are tempted by the fox mother are mostly evil cultivators, who are already restless. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, fully understood, and looked at Sun Yingjiao, "Then why do you want to help mother fox, to be a spy?"

"My master sent me there. I served Mother Fox for three years. First, I am a seven-tailed demon fox with relatively deep cultivation. Second, I am also a fox spirit, so it is easy to gain trust. After three years, I have already Became the fox mother's confidant."

"Oh, then why didn't you tell me the truth earlier?" Ye Shaoyang wondered.

"Although I am Mother Fox's confidant, she is suspicious by nature, and I don't dare to be rash. I don't dare to come out at all. Today, I took advantage of Mother Fox's blood sacrifice and couldn't get distracted, so I found an opportunity to come out and tell you this."

Sun Yingjiao took out a map from her shirt and said:

"I don't have time to say too much. Everything is on the top. You can understand after reading it. There is a valve in the demon formation in the orphanage. I marked it. If you want to save those children, you have to rush out of the valve. Blood sacrifice 10% , the demon king was born, at the moment when day and night alternate, everything depends on you, uncle."

After Sun Yingjiao finished speaking, she bowed to Ye Shaoyang and walked towards the window.

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai didn't stop her, and let her fly away from the window.

"I didn't expect this to happen," Sibao sighed, looking at the direction Sun Yingjiao was leaving, "With her as the internal support, we have a little more confidence in our actions. Shaoyang, please look at the map."

Ye Shaoyang didn't look at the map in a hurry, looked around, and said: "Do you think her words are somewhat credible?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Could she be a liar?" Xiao Ma exclaimed, "It doesn't look like it."

"It's not a liar. It was indeed her who guided Xueqi to find the layout of the demon formation. Since she knows that Xueqi was sent by me, even if she is trying to cheat my trust, there is no need to tell the truth."

Rui Lengyu continued the conversation and said:

"That's one, and second, if she's in the same group as Mother Fox, there's absolutely no need to do this. On the contrary, we don't know that Xue Qi's identity has been leaked. She can use this to create more conspiracies, but Look now, she didn't lie to us, she just told us the terrain, which is not logical"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "So, she shouldn't have lied about this. But there is a fatal loophole in her words, have you noticed?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Rui Lengyu pondered for a while, and said: "Since she was ordered by her master to sneak to Mother Fox, even if her master can't defeat Mother Fox alone, she can still publish the post and invite all the mages in the world to conquer it together. There is no need to wait until three Years ago, before the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox was about to be born, he came to tell us the truth."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "That's right, and she said that she has no chance to tell me the truth, which is unrealistic. After all, it is not a day or two for us to investigate this matter. Even if there is no chance recently, we can tell other mages that he happened to be at the last moment. Come and tell us the truth, don’t you think it’s a coincidence?”

Hearing this, Sibao finally understood, thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that this Sun Yingjiao and her master must have their own goals."

He slapped his forehead suddenly, "I thought of their purpose, which is to let the demon king be born."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "How is this possible? If the Demon King was born, why would you tell us these things?"

"No, no, listen to me, no matter how strong her master is, she is definitely no match for the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox. Let's not talk about how this Taoist knew that the Demon King was going to be born. Think about it from his point of view:

If the magic world had been notified in advance, the time for the demon king to be born hadn't come yet, and the fox mother hadn't become popular, and she had no power. As long as she was messed with, sealing the demon king would be a piece of cake, but this Taoist priest wouldn't be able to reap any benefits. , now that the fox mother has full wings, if we fight hard, even if we can win the fight, we will suffer heavy losses, and both sides will suffer."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up: "Then this Taoist fishes in troubled waters to reap benefits."

"Nei Dan, his goal must be Nei Dan"

Sibao took a deep breath and said, "The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is too strong. He is afraid that we are no match, so he will tell you at the last moment. When we rush over, the demon king will almost be born. In a big battle, this Taoist priest must have a lot of mana." , he watched from the back with cold eyes, shot at the critical moment, and it is very likely to grab Neidan."

Xiao Ma scolded, "Damn, we were used as guns by this master and apprentice."

Sibao said: "That's right, if it's too early, the demon king will be sealed and he won't have a chance to snatch the inner alchemy; if it's too late, the demon king will be born, and we are not opponents, so it must be at this time to tell us the truth, which will cause a fight , this Taoist priest is so scheming."


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