Urban Witcher

Chapter 936: The Way of Heaven 2

Those masters and the first disciples of various sects are still practicing, accumulating the power of the formation, and blasting another gap in the thirteen evil star formation.

Those mages who couldn't catch food behind rushed up immediately.

"It's still up to me, Patriarch!"

The Taoist in yellow floated up and blocked the gap. After a few magic talismans came out, several mages couldn't resist and fell into the pool of blood. Two of them turned ashore immediately, but one failed to come up, amidst the screams It was eaten clean by skeletons.

"Go over!" Sun Yingjiao winked at Ye Shaoyang, and said like a mosquito, "No one else is an opponent."

Ye Shaoyang couldn't do it, so he had no choice but to withdraw, hand Sun Yingjiao over to Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, and push aside the crowd to fight the Taoist in yellow.

Seeing Ye Shaoyang coming, the Taoist in yellow didn't use any other magical tools, he drew out his peach wood sword and slashed.

Ye Shaoyang waved his sword to resist, and felt that the peach wood sword was extremely heavy, and there was a sense of evil spirit in the midst of a powerful spiritual force. He suddenly thought of what Daofeng said before: The Taoist priest in front of him is really a white bat spirit from the ancient chaotic period. ...

Goblins have practiced Taoism or Buddhism since ancient times. It is usually a coincidence.

Although there are many difficulties and the speed of cultivation is much slower than that of human beings, fortunately, goblins have a long lifespan. If they practice for hundreds or even thousands of years, those with high comprehension can compete with celestial masters. However, such goblins are influenced by Buddhism or Taoism. Usually they are righteous cultivators. This is the first time Ye Shaoyang saw a goblin cultivating Taoism, but he chose to practice evil.

"Boy, do you remember what I told you earlier about Dao Xin cultivation?" The Taoist in yellow said leisurely while fighting.

Ye Shaoyang snorted and said, "I'm really curious, how did you, an evil cultivator, acquire the Tao?"

The Taoist in yellow flicked his sleeves, and struck out eight pieces of five emperor coins, which hovered in mid-air, forming a "bagua money lesson", releasing pure spiritual power.

"Look at this trick, can evil cultivators do it?"

Ye Shaoyang smashed the money class with a sword, frowned, and raised his sword.

The Taoist man in yellow raised his left hand unhurriedly, curled it into an orchid finger, and flicked it lightly, shooting out a beam of Buddha's light, which hit Ye Shaoyang's Seven Star Longquan Sword, and burst out a solemn Buddha's voice.

"Look at this hand, how could it be possible for evil cultivators to do it?"

The Taoist in yellow smiled, "My ancestor, I am in the body of a demon. I am a Taoist and Buddha. I have a destiny with you, my ancestor. Let me teach you one more thing. Listen carefully: A person who cultivates the Tao only needs to be sincere in the Tao, and does not need to follow the Tao." Be sincere to people."

You only need to be honest with the Tao, not with others... Ye Shaoyang chewed on these two sentences, feeling paradoxical.

"What is kindness?" the Taoist in yellow asked.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

"What is evil?"

"Good is good, and evil is evil!" Ye Shaoyang replied solemnly.

The Taoist in yellow shook his head: "If there is no evil in the world, is good still good?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help thinking that if there was no evil, everyone would do good deeds, which would naturally be commonplace, and wouldn't be counted as good deeds... Just thinking about it, but forgetting to attack for a while.

The Taoist man in yellow didn't move his hands, and then said: "One thought, good and evil, a hundred emotions, no good and no evil, the Taoist heart will never fall. I kill thousands of people, save thousands of people, and there is no good or evil in my heart. If you think about it, what you do is naturally neither good nor evil, if everyone in the world is evil and regards evil as good, wouldn’t evil also become good?"

Ye Shaoyang savored these words word by word, knowing that they were wrong, but vaguely felt that there was some truth to them.

Thoughts were spinning in my mind, the lights flickered in front of my eyes, I couldn't help closing my eyes, some ideas in my heart were concentrated and collided with each other, my whole body trembled slightly, my brows were furrowed, and a layer of sweat appeared on my forehead, which looked very painful.

The Taoist in yellow clasped his hands together, chanted a spell, opened his hand suddenly, and a stream of pure stellar energy burst out, forming an enchantment, blocking the attacks of all mages, walking slowly in front of Ye Shaoyang, stretching out a finger, hanging It stopped on Ye Shaoyang's forehead, and clicked on it as soon as he was enlightened.

"You have the root of wisdom, I will point it to you today, cultivate my way of tranquility, to prove the Hunyuan..."

On the treetop over there, Yang Gongzi tugged at Daofeng and said, "You still don't make a move!"

"What are you doing?" Daofeng was a little surprised.

"If you don't make a move, Ye Shaoyang may be possessed. If you don't save him, I can't watch him be destroyed!" After saying that, he was about to float forward, but was grabbed by Daofeng.

"This is a test. Once he passes it, he may realize the Dao, and his Dao heart will be more stable." Daofeng's demeanor is still leisurely, "People always have to go through several trials before they can grow, and I was like that at the time."

Hearing what he said, Yang Gongzi felt relieved, and murmured: "The demon way is obviously wrong, but it makes sense to me. If it's wrong, how did he achieve the right result by relying on his Taoism?" ?”

"Is cabbage delicious, or R?"

"What!" Yang Gongzi was taken aback, completely confused, seeing Daofeng nodding at him, knowing that he would not ask casually. Although Daofeng also has a weird side, he is not as nonsensical as Ye Shaoyang, so he answered honestly: "R is delicious."

Daofeng smiled: "Then if I think cabbage is delicious, am I wrong?"

Yang Gongzi murmured: "Personal tastes are different, so there is no right or wrong."

"That's it, and the same is true for cultivating the Tao. There is no Hunyuan Dao in the world." Daofeng raised his voice, and said slowly in Ye Shaoyang's direction, "You have your way, I have my way, and the Taoist heart is firm. All dharmas are empty, and they exist in one mind. When you cultivate the Tao, you are actually cultivating yourself.”

His words floated into Ye Shaoyang's ears, and also into the ears of all mages. Although the language was simple, many people didn't understand it and couldn't comprehend it.

Several great masters, however, seemed to have realized something, and fell silent.

"Sin, sin, this thought is extremely terrifying!" Shi Xinwu clasped his hands together and shook his head.

A bright light flashed across Ye Shaoyang's forehead, he opened his eyes suddenly, and smiled at the Taoist in yellow, "Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment."

The Taoist in yellow smiled slightly, reached out and pointed at the center of his brow.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out two fingers, clamped his fingers, and shook his head slowly.

"You have made me firmer in my Dao heart, but your Dao is not my Dao. It is your belief that you prove the Dao with evil cultivation, and I still believe in my Dao. Dao is different and does not seek each other. What do you have?" Are you qualified to enlighten me?"

The Taoist in yellow was stunned.

"Even if there is no good in the world, evil is still evil, even if everyone in the world is evil, and evil is good, I still insist on myself. Where the Tao is, even if there are thousands of people, I will go there!"

After speaking, exert force with two fingers, and the strong energy penetrated, shaking the Taoist in yellow away.

A smile appeared on Daofeng's face.

"Ye Shaoyang has proved the Dao!" Yang Gongzi's tone showed a rare excitement.

Chen Lu was even more excited, and blurted out: "Young uncle is amazing!" Suddenly thinking that Daofeng was by her side, she covered her mouth with a blushing face.


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